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10-11 класс

Mother: Good morning, Billy!
Billy: Good morning, Mum! I am hungry [карт....]

КапКап999 19 февр. 2014 г., 23:49:48 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 февр. 2014 г., 2:23:58 (10 лет назад)

мама: Доброе утро, Билли!
Билли: доброе утро, мама! Я голоден.
мама: ты хотел бы немного каши?
Билли: Извини, я не люблю кашу. Я хотел бы немного чая и бутерброд.
мама: хорошо. Возьми свой бутерброд.
Билли: спасибо


Другие вопросы из категории

Put the following questions into the Indirtct Speech: 1. "Why does the price go up so often?" she wondered. 2. "Are you working as well

as you are studying?" asked Peter.

3. "Where were you last night, Mr.Jones?" he enquired.

4. "Will you have time to sign the documents?" asked the secretary.

5. "How long have you been here?" asked Mary.

6. George…to a new flat a month ago.

A) moved B) has moved C) had moved D) was moving

7. When we met our friends they…already…the news.
A) knew B) have known C) had known D) has known

8. Look! It……Let’s go out!
A) is snowing B) snowed C) has been snowing D) snows

9. This is the first time I…the caviar.
A) ate B) had eaten C) am eating D) have eaten

10. I think Jane … a job. She has a lot of experience.
A) will get B) will have got C) gets D) get

11. She …all the flowers by five o’ clock in the afternoon.
A) watered B) has watered C) had watered D) will water

12. There…plenty of time to watch a football match on television yesterday.
A) was B)were C)has been D) is

13. The builders say that they…the roof by Tuesday.
A) finish B) will finish C) will have finished D) finished

14. He … a book all day yesterday.
A) read B) was reading C) has read D) had been reading

15. When my mother cooked supper we …TV.
A) watch B) watched C) was watchingD) is watching

Помогите, пожалуйста, вставить этим предложениям слово: People know him...be a great surgeon. She thought him...be a thief but he wasn't. Jane made

me...tell her all the truth. When I was young, my parents didn`t let me...have much ice-cream. This girl would like you...invite her to dance. We heard the car...stop in front of our house.We expected them...come in two days. I am always made...my bed in the morning. You`d better...go home.

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A 14-year-old boy grimaces as he struggles to haul a giant fishing net from the angry waves that crash below him. For nine months, Bounali Simamora (Boo-nah-lee See-mamoor-ah) has toiled seven days a week, 10 hours a day, on a rickety fishing pier stranded in the middle of the ocean, 10 miles off the coast of Indonesia. As he sorts his catch, Bounali is careful to avoid the painful sting of jellyfish and sea snakes tangled in the net.
"I work from 8 in the morning until 6 at night", says Bounali, wiping sweat off his forehead as the sun beats down on him. "Every morning, I wake up, sort the fish, dry them. boil them, and put them into storage. Then, I wait for the tide to go down and do it again”
Bounali is of 120 million children worldwide, between the ages of 5 and 14, who are working instead of attending school.
Desperately poor, nearly 80 million of these children sacrifice their health and safety for just pennies a day- or nothing at all.
Many cultures throughout history have forced children to work. Before Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, countless American children also toiled under brutal conditions.
“Child labor is cheap labor”, says Darlene Adkins of the Child Labor Coalition, an organization that works to end child labor abuses around the world. “Employers can pay children less than adults for the same work. Children are also more easily intimidated and controlled”.
For the thousands of children working on Indonesia's floating fisheries, for example, endless hours of grueling labor often earn them little more than $7 a month.
One-third of these children never receive a penny for labor that often leaves them battered and bruised.
With nothing but aspirin and bandages available to them, those who suffer serious injuries- often as a result of beatings from foremen-have no other choice than to stomach their pain.
Some try to escape the misery by swimming for shore, only to be swallowed by the fierce tides that rip through the ocean. Many kids, like 15-year-old Yuliagi(Yoo-yagee), feel that escape is futile.
“I m sad because all day and all night, we just work”, says Yuliagi. “But the boss said I couldn't go home-they would catch me and bring me to another fishing pier

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Базаров — новый человек, представитель тех молодых деятелей, которые “драться хотят”, нигилистов. Он — за новую жизнь и до конца остается верен своим убеждениям. Он является основным и единственным выразителем демократической идеологии. А вот Аркадий по своим взглядам на жизнь безусловно относится к “отцам”, хотя искренне увлекается необычными взглядами своего “учителя”, стремится подражать ему и выдает себя за такого же нигилиста.

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