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Пожалуйста помогите написать сочинение на английском языке по теме интернет источник информации

10-11 класс

2sulek2 25 сент. 2014 г., 4:43:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 сент. 2014 г., 5:50:47 (9 лет назад)

               Internet as a source of information
 When I was asked to write an article about the Internet as a source for the study of the problems associated with finding it necessary students, academics, researchers and anyone interested in a certain topic human information, reliable information, it seemed to me, "and what did write here? "Yes, I believe that everyone at least once faced with the problem of finding information on the Internet, has worked with some search engines to isolate as much as possible, necessary and accurate information from the huge list of everything that is usually issued by search engines. At a closer look the same problem, thinking about the future and the search for any comments, information, comments (again, for the most part in the "International Web") on the subject, interviewing friends, colleagues and acquaintances and analyzing their own experience, I have come to concluded that, it turns out, there is indeed a number of features of the so-called «internet search» (search for information on the Internet). As a result of integration of information and their own experience allow me to introduce you to the next article. The development of modern science is not possible without cooperation of researchers and exchange of scientific information. For these purposes, hosts various conferences, organized forums and thematic roundtables held numerous discussions and meetings. Many speeches, theses, research, analytical articles are published, but not all of them are published in scientific journals, even if the article is well crafted, reliable and can provide other researchers food for thought or point to some reference materials and other scientists who in turn, may also be of interest. The bulk of scientific papers published in the local media, which often are not available the wider scientific community, or simply remain in the archives of the researchers. Internet also provides a way as easily and quickly publish the results of research on the web and find them there, to analyze, to make any assessment of its use necessary data in their work (not forgetting, of course, refer to the source of information). Thus, the Internet serves as a digital library not only, but also electronic publishing [1]. Of course, the Internet and interaction via the global computer network can not replace the "live" communication scholars, but can increase its efficiency as well as the quality of the educational process in high school.And who among us does not come across as a navigable in different libraries, with their system catalogs, archives orders, waiting periods, renewals and returns? According to some estimates sourcing takes up to 30% of the time working with this source [2].Another problem that arises in the way of the researcher, is that, unfortunately, with all the modern achievements, still have not invented a way to prevent aging of the paper. She turns yellow, crumbly, sometimes doge not read that it says. Some very rare and old editions pretty hard to get to review, and sometimes they simply refuse to issue, referring to its dilapidated state of emergency, and (this situation is very typical for researchers on issues of national history, especially in its earlier period).At the same time there are a number of issues, the sources for the study of which can be found only in foreign publications and libraries (this probably encountered many researchers in the field of world history, international relations, culture and other humanities).He does not recommend use of the Internet as a panacea for a long search in libraries and work with print media, but offers to supplement their studies with electronic versions of sources, which sometimes can not be found in libraries. In addition, today many libraries, especially with the status of national importance, have their own official websites where you can get access to the electronic catalog of publications, their codes in the vaults of the library, which in the future may greatly facilitate search and reduce the time to work with the catalog minimum. For example, many graduate students in the preparation of the master's thesis are faced with the need to get acquainted with the candidate and doctoral theses on the same topic or intersecting branches of science. Many are familiar with search engine theses in catalogs of the Russian State Library (or simply "Lenin Library"). But this job can greatly simplify and reduce the search time if you first work with the electronic catalog theses, freely available on the official website of the library: www.rsl.ru. From a technical point of view, the Internet - is an association of computer networks, working on a variety of protocols, connecting various types of computers that are physically transmit data over telephone wires, optical fibers, through satellites and radios. 

+ 0 -
25 сент. 2014 г., 6:39:29 (9 лет назад)

Первый курс программа за 10 11 класс

+ 0 -
25 сент. 2014 г., 9:23:08 (9 лет назад)

а изучение углубленное?

+ 0 -
25 сент. 2014 г., 9:59:18 (9 лет назад)

Нет так как я училась в школе изучала немецкий язык поэтому сказали написать сочинение как можешь но для меня это трудно так каанглийского я вообще не знаю

+ 0 -
25 сент. 2014 г., 12:35:16 (9 лет назад)

аааааааааа лан

+ 0 -
25 сент. 2014 г., 15:23:43 (9 лет назад)

я попробую


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Переведите предложения, подчеркните Participle I и II и определите их функции.

1. When crossing the street, first look to the left.
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Переведите , обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.
1. They promised to supply us with the necessary equipment.
2. The purpose of this book is to describe certain properties of vegetarian food.
3. The experiment to be carried out is of great importance for our research.
4. That funny scene made me to laugh.

переведите обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one.
1. The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good; it depends jn who makes it.
2. One in five people say that all they have breakfast is a cup of coffee.
3. One should take part in scientific work.
4. It' clear that he's made a mistake.

пожалуйста составьте предложения на английском языке со словами

1)a strange habit
3)to bi proud of
4)a bility
5)to boast
6)one day
7)to bi afraid (of)
8)to tell the truth
должно получится 9 предложений желательно с переводом
спасибо заранее!

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Написать сочинение на английском языке на тему: "Я счастлив в школе". Вот начало: Что есть счастье?У каждого человека свое понимание счастья. Если одним

достаточно увидеть солнце, то другим и половины мира недостаточно. Можно перечислить множество вещей, которые сделают меня счастливее в данный момент, но когда начинаешь об этом задумываться глубже, то понимаешь, что все познается в сравнении, и тому есть масса примеров. Моя бабушка любила повторять, что если не познаешь горя, то и счастье не оценишь. Она была права.
Я учусь в 11 классе 29 школы. В школе мне больше всего нравится проводить время со своими друзьями и ходить на математику и русский язык.
Дополните, пожалуйста, сочинение и переведите этот отрывок, который я написала на английский язык. Спасибо большое тем, кто хоть как-то поможет!!! :))))

очень нужно написать сочинение на английском языке по всем нормам)

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в заранее большое спасибо!

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