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he lives on the second floor my parents every morning she usually gets good marcks Составьте по 5 вопросов к каждому

10-11 класс


!. общий,

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3. специальный

4. разделительный

5. вопрос к подлежащему

Gertronfgj 11 дек. 2014 г., 20:18:20 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 дек. 2014 г., 22:11:44 (9 лет назад)

1)Does he live on the second floor?

Does he live on the second floor or not?

Which floor does he live?

He lives on the second floor, doesn't he?

Who  lives on the second floor?

2)не полное предложение,без глагола вопросы не составить

3)Does she usually  get good marks?


Другие вопросы из категории

Определите время действия в придаточном предложении по отношению к главному: They said that the surgeon had already operated

the patient.
It was noticed that those drugs reduced the risk of reinfection
The doctor said she had already made an order for the X-ray examination.
There was no evidence that the disease would spread.
She said that she wanted to be a dentist.
We did not know whether the seed had been brought to the fields.
It was clear that they knew all the facts and were acting accordingly.
We thought about the mistake that he had made.
He said that he had been ill.
She said that her Father was ill.
The professor said that nobody had come to the lecture.
He prescribed me the drug that would relieve an acute pain.
I knew that researchers had found a new virus.
I knew that researchers had found a new virus.
He told me that he would not smoke so much.
He stuck to the belief which had been found wrong.
learned twenty words which I had found in the text.
I saw that the girl was very beautiful.

Помогите перевести(II)5,6,7,9,10

Читайте также

Составьте к следующим предложениям вопросы: общие, специальные, разделительные:

1. On Monday we have History, Psychology and English.
2. Most of the students in our group speak two foreign languages.
3. Children do not like to go to bed early.
4. My parents are planning a trip to Greece.
5.The shop will be closed until next month.
6.John cannot meet Mike because lie is ill.
7. The Simpsons live on the second floor.
8. Our English teacher is always on time.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в формe Past Simple. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.

1) He (to write) a letter at two o'clock yesterday.
2) She (to do) her lessons yesterday.
3) She (to listen) the music yesterday.
4) My mother (to cook) yesterday.
5) Susan (to pass) her exam two days ago.
6) Pete (to work) in the garden yesterday.
7) I (to see) him two days ago.
8)He (to want) to know his surname.
9) We (to live) in Moscow last year.
10) They (to live) on the second floor.

Use the Correct Tense: 1. You usually (to speak) too quickly. 2. She always (to understand) new themes. 3. My brother (to sing) in Italian opera. 4.

When Mike (to come) at home, he (to call) her. 5. The largest map (to be buy) (by/with) him 2 weeks ago. The largest map was bought by him 2 weeks ago. 6. You (to visit) his friend 2 weeks ago? 7. Next week we (to meet) with our cousins. 8. The train (to arrive) at 8 PM tomorrow. 9. They (to leave) this town in 1996. 10. My father (to teach) me how to drive when I (to be) 17. 11. We (to begin) this experiment in 1999. 12. He (to be) the 3d in the list. 13. Yesterday I (to meet) my best friend in the street. 14. When the weather (to get) warmer, I (to start) practicing again. 15. When you (to buy) this flower-pot? 16. Helen (to live) on the 9th floor in 1874 flat. 17. Next year my father (to be) 45. 18. This article (to be write) (by/with) a journalist last week. 19. Mushrooms (to be gather) in fall. 20. These articles (to be publish) next week. 21. The card (to be make) (by/with) a creative boy 2 weeks ago. 22. The match (to be translate) on TV tomorrow. 23. The new flat (to be present) a young couple on their wedding. 24. Give him this message if you (to see) him. 25. She (to be) at 6?

помогите пожалуйста поставить глаголы в правильные времена.............: After a lovely walk in Christchurch Park, we were on our way home when

suddenly my boys (remember) :" What about going to Santa's Grotto, Mum? ". I (hope) they would forget, I (be) so tired. " But you promised, " they (insist) . I was surprised at their enthusiasm. They seemed quite big boys to me. Nick (be) eight, Fyodor (be) seven. As for baby Ivan, his opinion (remain) unknown, as he (be) only eleven months old. A promise is a promise , so I (go) to the shopping mall. Santa's Grotto was on the second floor, on the left. A few days carlier, I (ask) a sales assistant what was requited no get into Santa's Grotto. It turned out, nothing. We just (come) and (join) the queve. Finally, it was our tam to see Santa . Suddenly I heard Nick (read) loodly and distinnly: " Please do not forget to purсhase a ticket ." What ticket? I couldn't believe it. I (start) pirsthing our there (be) not time , and we just (go) in. We (look) around. In the halflight,we (see) owaete. They (nod) their heads and their reindeer (get) ready for a ride. All was covered with glittering snow. In the middle of the Grotto I saw Santa who was narrounded by becomes with presents . But, oh no! The tickets : We have none! Santa (talk) to a small girl, asking her gently about bet interests , and then (give) her a present. It (be) our turn to talk with Santa. I (feel) so ashamed, I (want) to disappear. Why I (come) have without the tickets? Why I (waste) Santa's time? I (whisper) to the boys : " You (get) your presents on Russian Christmas, on the seventh of January." They (look) miserable. Santa was about to start a conversation with them when I (whisper) his ear: " I (be) awfully sorry, but we (have) no tickets. They (get) their presents on Russian christmas, the seventh of January. " Santa (be) surprised. (Be) the boys in front of him Russian? Yes, they be. ( Be ) all of them mine? Of course, they (be) mine. He (ask) them a few simple questions with such genuine interest that they. (melt ) and ( tell) Santa about everything. Them their eyes (sparkle) their cheeks (glow) in delight. What an amazing person Santa was: Santa (ask) me about Russian Christmas. I (explain) that we (celebrate) by the Julian calendar. Santa (nod) understandingly. Them to me astonishment. Santa (give) each of the boys a present, wrapped in beautiful colourful paper. The baby (grad) his present quickly and ( hold) it tight. I ( be) speechless. I ( can not) say a word. Such kind eyes (look) at me through the spectacles, and such a gentle voice (say) :" After all, it's Christmas." We ( leave) the Grotto and (btink) in the bright clghr of cotside. Snddenly it (occur) to me that I (can) say them. The cashier (receive) the payment indifferently, but it (not matter). We (see) just Santa and that was all that mastered. " If anyoce ever (say) that Santa ( not exist) . I said My boys (look) at me so happfly that I (not finish) the sentence.

Найдите глаголы и определите их времена Canty's family lived in one room on the third floor of one of these houses. The mother and the father

had a bed, but Tom, his grandmother and his two sister Bet and Nan slept on the floor and coverd themselves with rags.Bet and Nan were fifteen years old. They were twins. They were always dirty and in rags, but they were kind-hearted girls. The mother was like them. But the father and the grandmother were very bad people. They often got drunk and then they fought each other and beat the children

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