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Bob was really happy!He ... an important contract.

10-11 класс

1) was signing 2) has been signing 3) had signed 4) signed

ловкаяя 25 сент. 2014 г., 15:44:49 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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25 сент. 2014 г., 18:03:27 (9 лет назад)

had signed.........................


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста!
1. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

1. There … a lot of students in this room yesterday
a) are
b) were
c) was
2. We ….3-4 lessons at the university every day.
a) has
b) had
c) have
3. It …sunny and warm tomorrow.
a) was
b) will be
c) is
4. My friends … at the university now.
a) are
b) were
c) will be
5. There are a lot new computers … this room /
a) at
b) on
c) in
6. They… an English article now.
a) are reading
b) will be reading
c) read
7. The workers … the new machinery when the head engineer came in.
a) were installing
b) was installing
c) installed
8. His brother…. the Technological University last year.
a) does enter
b) entered
c) did not enter
9. …. speaks English in your group well?
a) which
b) who
c) whose
10. My brother and his wife rent (сдают)…. old flat.
a) us
b) their
c) they
11. I and my friend are translating a new text now. … is very long.
a) this
b) that
c) it
12. The mathematics is … subject for me.
a) difficult
b) the most difficult
c) difficulter
13. Our group ….already …. to the university.
a) came
b) was coming
c) has come
14. By this time yesterday our chief … all the documents.
a) looked through
b) has looked through
c) had looked through
15. He went …..the room.
a) into
b) in
c) at
16. The new books … by the students in the library yesterday.
a) took
b) are taken
c) were taken
17. We … never … to England.
a) had been
b) have been
c) were
18. My dad …….the new car by the end of the month.
a) will buy
b) will have bought
c) buy
19. The new programs …..just ….by our engineers.
a) have downloaded
b) have been downloaded
c) download
20. This building is… than that one.
a) old
b) the oldest
c) older

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

1. I don’t have neighbours behind the walls because I live in a … house.
a. terraced
b. detached
c. semi-detached
2. Students studying for a Master’s degree are called … .
a. post-graduates
b. undergraduates
c. graduates
3. Teachers guiding students in British Universities are … .
a. supervisors
b. advisors
c. tutors
4. I’m studying part-time and I’m an/a … student.
a. full-time
b. external
c. internal
5. One has to study 3 years to … a Ph.D. degree.
a. award
b. achieve
c. receive
6. Right now I’m… a course in Applied Mathematics.
a. taking
b. getting
c. visiting
7. Human-factors engineering deals with….
a. efficiency
b. safety
c. quantity of workers
8. “to bring about” means …
a. to receive
b. to introduce
c. to carry
9. It’s a … building with tiled roof.
a. two-stairs
b. two-storied
c. two-floor
10. Electronic con¬trols enable AC motors … at variable speeds
a. to run
b. to go
c. to move

перевести предложения на англ. язык. Это тема глагол"to be"

1.моя мама учитель. Ее сейчас нет дома. Она на работе. 2.Вы врач? -Нет. Я студент. 3.Мое хобби-плавание. 4.Мы не ученики, мы студенты. 5.Моя сестра сейчас в магазине. 6. Иванов присутствует? -Нет. Он болен. 7.Они не женаты. 8. Моей дочери 6 лет. 9. Эти цветы очень красивые. 10. Вы интересуетесь музыкой? -Да.

Читайте также

образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную формы предложений.

1) tommy has a check-book.
2) he saw that gentleman in one of those banks.
3) he was opening his checking account at that moment.
4) bob was glad to have an income of 15000 dollars.
5) i have a friend.

Сделайте 10 вопросов по тексту на английском,пожайлуста))

Saint Nicholas (Sviatyi Mykolai) is one of the most popular saints of the church. Little is known about him except that he was bishop of Myra (in Turkey) in the 4th century and that he was probably born in Patara (near Kalamaki, Turkey). Legends of his charity, especially toward children, and of miracles associated with him, soon spread throughout Europe. In Ukraine the cult of St. Nicholas was probably introduced by Metropolitan Iefrem, to whom a popular manuscript on the miracles of St. Nicholas is attributed. According to chronicles a church in St. Nicholas's honor had already been built in Kyiv during the reign of Prince Ihor.

In Ukrainian folk tradition there are two figures known as St. Nicholas. One, ’warm Nicholas’, was celebrated in the spring, on 22 May , and the other ’old Nicholas’ was commemorated in the winter, on 19 December. The warm Nicholas was considered to be the patron saint of agriculture. He was said to walk the land, examining the sown fields, ’drying places over-damp, and dampening those over-dry’ after the winter. On the festival, householders would lead their horses into the fields for the first night’s grazing, shear sheep, and sow buckwheat. St. Nicholas was called upon to protect livestock from wolves, and his name frequently appeared in shepherds' prayers. He was also a patron of youth, particularly of orphans and poor girls. The latter he was said to assist in preserving their chastity and in seeking a husband.

According to folk tradition the old Nicholas brought the first snow by shaking his beard. He was considered the patron of spinning, and yarns and thread were often brought to church on his festival 'to add to his beard'. In Western Ukraine gifts were given to children on the eve of his feast day.

St. Nicholas often appears in carols and legends. In Ukraine icons with his image were greatly cherished and found in virtually every home. His icon was also placed in an important position in iconostases, usually flanking Jesus, the Mother of God, or the patron saint of the church.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. 1) Yuri ..... (work) on his computer for two

hours before it .... (break down).

2) I ..... (mop) the floor while my brother was cutting the grass.

3) ..... (you/sleep) when the earthquake ..... (start)?

4) This time last week, I ..... (fly) to Paris.

5) Sam was really happy because he ..... (pass) all his exams.

6) Sarah ..... (clean) the house by the time her barents ..... (come) back.

7) James ..... (wait) for a while and then ..... (open) the door to see who ..... (make) that strange noise.

8) Marion ..... (not/go) shopping because she ..... (spend) the morning with her little brother that day.

Нужен перевод плииз) "Brat Camp" What do you do with a teenager that swears at you, steals, lies, fights, drinks, takes drugs, and is completely out of

control? Desperate parents from all over the world are sending their difficult teenagers to behaviour camps in the Utah mountains, hoping that they will come back as the children they once knew and loved. Meet these three troubled teenagers. Will the tough therapy camp help them or will they return home the same rebellious brats? Ned, aged 16. Ned has always argued with his mother and no longer lives at home. 'I lie, steal, and cheat. I've got a drug problem he says. 'I hate everything. ' His dad died when he was nine. His mother says, 'He's going to end up in prison, and it'll be my fault'. Emily, aged 15 Emily was a happy girl who did well at school. Now she plays truant all the time. Her behaviour changed at 13, when her mother remarried. She drinks a lot, stays out all night, and bullies her mother. 'It's my life and I can do what I want,' she says. Jamie, aged 17 Jamie is a very intelligent boy, but five schools asked him to leave in just three years. His parents are divorced. I fight a lot, he says. 'I'm going to end up in prison or seriously hurt if I don't go to this camp. I hope it helps. Far away from the outside world, the teenagers have to give up all the things from their old lives, including body piercings, cigarettes, music, mobile phones, and their fashionable clothes. There are a lot of rules to follow and physical activity is very important. They go on long hikes through the mountains, and sleep in tents at night. They learn to look after themselves and each other and be responsible. They discuss their problems with the camp psychologist, who decides when they are ready to go home. The average time is ten weeks. Ned felt very ill at first, as he couldn't take drugs any more. 'It was tough, but I feel better now. I don't feel depressed any more. I'm really looking forward to seeing my family. I'd love to live at home again,' he says. Emily had to take out all of her 18 body piercings. She was shocked by camp life and cried all the time. 'I hated camp, but I've learnt that everything I do affects other people. I'm sorry I was so horrible to my mum. I hope I can go back to school. I want to be a nurse. ' At first Jamie had terrible problems following orders from the camp staff. But then he began to enjoy the outdoor life. He says, 'It was an incredible experience. I've got more self-control now. I'm going to pin the army. '

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