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Составьте 10 предложений во времени Present Perfect, пожалуйста.

10-11 класс

Dianasmail75 07 янв. 2015 г., 18:19:40 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 янв. 2015 г., 21:08:20 (9 лет назад)

1.I have never been to London
2.He has just gone out
3.I have seen it
4.I have told him
5.We have already done it
6.I have not bought it yet
7.Mary has been to Liverpool
8.Ann has gone to Spain
9.She has not come yet
10.I have already read that book

+ 0 -
07 янв. 2015 г., 23:26:13 (9 лет назад)

He has just come back.
They already have divided the work.
I've become so strong.
She has gone away.
I have graduated from the university.
We have left the cake in the hall.
They have just finished their homework.
Have you ever been to New York?
My mother has already cooked the supper.
He has seen this film.

+ 0 -
08 янв. 2015 г., 2:00:03 (9 лет назад)

Перевод не надо?

+ 0 -
08 янв. 2015 г., 4:11:51 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
24 апр. 2019 г., 20:25:42 (5 лет назад)

Спасибо большое


Другие вопросы из категории

Кто сможет сделать?

Put the verb into the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
1. John is busy at the moment, he _________________ (write) his homework.
2. What time _________________ (you/have/usually) dinner?
3. I never _________________ (read) newspapers.
4. ‘Where are Michael and Jane?’’They _________________ (play) in the living room.’
5. ‘Would you like some coffee?’’No, thank you. I _________________ (not /drink) coffee.’

Составьте ситуации, используя данные слова и словосочетания.

In the Evening

to be going, to get an English book, to be at home, to do one’s homework, to revise, to translate, with one’s friends, to speak about
My Son

to learn English, already, to do one’s homework, to like, to be doing well

Читайте также

Task 1 Вставьте слова из таблицы по смыслу в предложения. Все слова должны быть использованы. at been bought

late left like me met much next opened sister tell to were

who worse would you you

I bought a new car yesterday.

If you don't hurry up now, you will be for lessons.

Can you me where the library is?

Do you know the teacher is talking to your father?

I haven't on holiday since 2000.

I don't have money.

I spend my holidays in theUKif I had enough money.

We do not water sports.

The weather today is even than yesterday.

How many students can see outside?

They swimming in the pool.

Let's meet again Friday.

We ate breakfast and then we the hotel.

I haven't beenLondonfor three years.

I am writing a grammar test the moment.

He his friends at the club last night.

Would like a cup of tea?

My has three children.

Give the book.

He the door carefully.

Task 2

Напишите ‘ing’- форму следующих глаголов.













Task 3

Используя данные слова, составьте утвердительные предложения во времени Present Perfect Continuous (при необходимости вы также можете добавлять слова в предложения).

the dog / the cat / chase →

you / the letter / write →

they / a new iPhone / invent →

you / in a forum / chat / not →

I / on the task / concentrate / not →

Task 4

В обычном словаре нельзя найти глагол grammarize. Однако, это слово существует, его можно найти на Интернет-ресурсах и в специальных словарях. Объясните значение этого слова.

II. Составьте утвердительные или вопросительные предложения во времени Present Perfect, употребив данные слова и выражения.

1. you / ever / fly / by plane?

2. she / come back / just / from her trip

3. we / them for a long time / not visit

4. I / yet / not see / the Taj Mahal

5. you / be / to Australia/ ?

6. Tom / make / already / a reservation

7. Tina / not check-in / yet.

. Закончите предложения, использовав один из предложенных глаголов во времени Present Perfect

(have/has+3 форма глагола).

break, buу, finish, do, go, lose, go, paint, read, take.

1. “Are they still having dinner?” “No, they have finished”.

2. I some new shoes. Do you want to see then?

3. “Is Tom here?” “No, he to work”.

4. “ you the shopping?

“No, I’m going to do it later”.

5. “Where's you key?” “I don't know. I it”.

6. Look! Somebody that window.

7. Your house looks different. you it?

8. I can't find my umbrella. Somebody it.

9. I'm looking for Ann. Where she ?

10. “Do you want the newspaper?” “No, thanks.

I it”.

Make negative sentences using Present Simple. Постройте отрицательные предложения во времени Present Simple. Example: He travels a lot. –

He doesn’t travel a lot.

1. He lives in Sussex with his family. 2. Boris is my elder brother. 3. I work as a director for this company. 4. We have many tools. 5. I think so 6. She knows his friends. 7. She speaks German. 8. I know him well. 9. He goes to the gym every day. 10. My flight leaves at6 a.m. 11. I have much free time.

Составить 1) составить 4 предложения с одним(любым) неправильным глаголом в Past Simple, Past Continuous(Progressive), Past Perfect, Past Perfect

2) составить 4 предложения с одним(любым) неправильным глаголом в Past Simple, Past Continuous(Progressive), Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous(Progressive)
вообщем должно получится 8 предложений

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