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нужно составить пересказ текста на английском)

10-11 класс

10-15 предложений не больше.
Это был вечер, которым менеджеры Оперы давали последнее праздничное представление, чтобы отметить их уход на пенсию. Внезапно в раздевалку Сорелли, одной из прим-балерин, вторглась полдюжины молодых особ из балета, кто подошел со сцены. Они ворвались среди большого беспорядка, некоторые неестественно смеялись, другие, кричали в ужасе. Сорелли, которая хотела побыть одна на мгновение, чтобы произнести речь, которую она собиралась сделать уходящим в отставку менеджерам, оглянулась сердито на безумную толпу. Это была маленькая Jammes - девочка со вздернутым носом, глазами незабудки, красными как роза щеками и белой шеей - которая объяснила дрожащим голосом:

Егор0000978 23 янв. 2014 г., 23:07:58 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 янв. 2014 г., 1:23:55 (10 лет назад)

It was evening, managers of the opera gave the last festive show to celebrate their retirement. Suddenly the crowd invaded the locker-room. Little Jammes started saying shakily: "There is a ghost!" and she closed the door. Sorelle's changing room was elegantly decorated. There were mirror, sofa, dressing table and wardrobe. Sorrell was very superstitious, she was trembling , when Jammes had started talking about the ghost. Then Giry said if it had been the ghost,  he was very ugly. The ghost appeared to them, looking like a gentleman. They all saw the ghost everywhere. That's right, during a few months nothing was discussed in the opera besides that ghost. All the girls pretended that they had met that supernatural. Every time when somebody dropped or something like that, it was the ghost's fault. After all who saw it? One day one of the workers met the ghost on the stairs. The worker said that the ghost was very thin, his eyes were like two black holes, his skin was yellowish, he had very little nose and he was almost bald.



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Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

She never buys goods … sale prices.
You can try … this coat … the changing room.
She called … a small shop and bought … a dress. It was … the right size and colour and it was not expensive … her. She liked … the dress very much.
Liza Minelli was born … March, 12, 1946, … Hollywood. … her childhood she was interested … film-making, but she especially enjoyed going … MGM Studios and looking … dancers.
They offered to deliver the first lot … four months after they signed the contract and the balance … 22 motors – eight months later. Rossexport guaranteed the delivery … each lot … any delay. Mr. Smith agreed … the terms … the Russian company.
Will you fill … the forms, please? Thank you. The porter will take you up … your rooms … the lift. Here are the keys … your rooms.
I’m waiting … the director. I’d like to speak … him … the offer of Blake and Co.
The price was not attractive … him and he asked the company to give them a discount … the price. Mr. Morris could offer … him only a 2% discount as their goods were … great demand and sold very well … that price.
I know you are going to spend … your holiday … the coast … the Black Sea. Write me … your holiday when you come back … Moscow.
They wanted to buy 60 motors … the Russian company. Rossexport was interested … selling their goods … Smith and Co and they were going to invite Mr. Garsell, the manager … the company, to come … Moscow to have talks.

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Нужно кратко пересказать текст на английском:

Before selling the goods, you must do a lot of marketing research first.
The information needed can be obtained from trade representations, from trade
associations and trade journals or from specialized consultant companies (who will do a
professional market research job for you for a fee). 9
The information you are interested in is if there is any demand for your goods,
what the market potential is, what sort of competition you will meet, i.e. how the price
of your goods compares with other competitive products including those produced
locally, local conditions and preference, local trading customs and habits, what seasonal
factors should be taken into account and the like.
But in general marketing covers not only market research, but also planning the
selection (assortment) of goods, and consequently the production itself, price policy,
advertising and promotion of sales, controlling the sales and post-sales servicing.
So marketing is a system of running all the business activities of a company in
respect of coordinating supply and demand for the goods produced. Originally
marketing was meant to help avoid over-production in advanced capitalist countries.
Marketing may also enable to coordinate production and goods circulation for
the purpose of using all the resources for the benefit of people and for covering in the
best possible way all their needs.
Advertising is an important means of promoting the goods that are being
produced already as well as new lines in business. There are specialized firms dealing
with advertising. Different kinds of mass media – TV, radio, newspapers, cinema,
journals, magazines, posters, - are used for advertising goods. Special leaflets, booklets
and other printed matter about the goods may be published for the same purpose.
Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps promote our goods as well. Special
advertising conferences may be held. The choice of media for advertising depends on
the kind of goods and on the local conditions and people’s habits: sometimes TV and
radio ads are best, in other cases it may be trade journals or leaflets distributed among
potential buyers


Помогите, пожалуйста, нужен пересказ текста, на английском языке.Вот текст, примерно 9 предложений должно получиться в пересказе, заранее благодарю:

In the room where Mr Small. Dr Foam and Mrs Bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. Mr Small went up to one of them. "I see that you're a very old man." he said.
"Yes. I am. I'm 90." the old man replied.
"Could you give the children here some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle?" Mr Small asked.
"Sure. Follow my example. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water."
At that moment Dr Foam found another old man. who looked older than the first one. He was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright.
"How old are you, sir?" Dr Foam asked.
"I'm ninety-five." the man replied.
"Can you tell us why you have lived so long?" Doctor Foam asked.
"It's easy. I always do exercise, and I don't smoke or drink. I spend a lot of time in the open air and I'm a vegetarian." Just then Mrs Bulmer decided to join in the conversation. She saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. He had no teeth or hair and he couldn't see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. The children followed her.
"May 1 ask you a couple of questions, sir," she shouted.
"Yes." the old man whispered.
"Why have you lived so long, sir?" Mrs Bulmer asked.
"I don't know." the man replied.
"Tell us about your lifestyle," Mrs Bulmer continued.
"OK, then. I smoke thirty cigarettes a day and drink a bottle of whisky every day. Sometimes I also have two bottles of beer. I never eat vegetables or fruit and I live on chocolate and cakes."
"How old are you, sir?" Mr Bulmer exclaimed.
"I'm forty." the "old" man replied.
На голосовании 3 года назадВот перевод этого текста, правда не идеальный:

В комнате, где г-н Малый. Д-р Пена и миссис Балмер разговаривали с детьми, было несколько очень старых людей. Г-н Малый подошел к одному из них. "Я вижу, что вы очень старый человек. " сказал он.
"Да. Я. Я 90." Старик ответил.

Краткий пересказ текста на английском языке. Пожалуйста!

Dmitry Sergeyevich Likhachov was an outstanding Russian scholar who was considered the world's foremost expert in Old Russian language and literature. He has been called "a guardian of national culture" and "Russia's conscience".

The same year he graduated from the Leningrad University (1928), Likhachov was arrested for his speech criticising the Bolshevik reform of Russian orthography. Deported to the Solovki Special Purpose Camp, he spent 5 years there. Likhachov returned to Leningrad unbroken, and started his spectacular scholarly career in the Pushkin House (as the Russian Literature Institute is known), which spanned more than 60 years and saw the publication of more than 500 scholarly works. Likhachov didn't stop his work even during the Siege of Leningrad. He believed that Russia was an integral and indivisible part of European civilisation, contrary to "Euroasiatic" views of Russia popular with Lev Gumilev, Boris Rybakov, and many other contemporaries.

In 1953, Likhachov was admitted into the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He defended Andrei Sakharov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others during their hard years. In 1986, he was elected the first President of the Russian Cultural Fund. In his 80s and 90s, he became more of a public figure, serving as an informal advisor to St Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak and President Boris Yeltsin. In 1993, he became the first person to be named an Honorary Citizen of St Petersburg. He also presided over the commission set up to prepare for Alexander Pushkin's bicentenary. A year before his death, Likhachov became the very first recipient of the reinstated Order of St Andrew. The Likhachov Philanthropic Fund was set up in 2001.

Дмитрий Сергеевич Лихачев был выдающимся российским ученым, который считался передовым экспертом по древнерусскому языку во всем мире. Его называли «страж национальной культуры» и «совесть России».В том же году, когда Лихачев окончил Ленинградский университет (1928). его арестовали за его речь, критикующую большевистскую реформу орфографии. Его отправили в лагерь специального назначения на Соловках, где он пробыл 5 лет. Лихачев вернулся в Ленинград несломленный духом и начал грандиозную карьеру ученого в Пушкинском доме (как сейчас называют Институт русской литературы РАН), который существует более 60 лет и в котором хранится более 500 научных работ. Лихачев не прекратил свою работу даже во время осады Ленинграда. Он верил, что Россия неотъемлемая и неделимая часть европейской цивилизации. вопреки евроазиатским взглядам на Россию Льва Гумилева. Бориса Рыбакова и многих других современников. В 1953 году Лихачев был принят в советскую Академию наук. Он защищал Андрея Сахарова, Александра Солженицына и других во время их тяжелого периода. В 1986. году он был избран первым президентом Российского культурного фонда. В возрасте 80-90 лет он стал публичной фигурой, неформальным советником мэра Анатолия Собчака и президента Бориса Ельцина. В 1993 году он стал первым человеком, названным почетным гражданином Санкт-Петербурга. Он также руководил комиссией, организованной, чтобы подготовиться к двухсотлетию Александра Пушкина. За год до своей смерти Лихачев стал самым первым получателем восстановленного ордена Святого Андрея. Благотворительный фонд Лихачева был основан в 2001 году.

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