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как читаетсяв этом слове подчеркнутая буква, впиши знаки транскрипции. zebra

10-11 класс

Romanpsk 05 окт. 2014 г., 8:45:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 окт. 2014 г., 11:24:58 (9 лет назад)

Zebra ( 'zi:brә) зебра


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2) Когда Вы закончили школу?
3) Я бы хотела знать, который сейчас час.

Сделайте пожалуйста пересказ текста. Срочно нужно.

Gail looked at me. She smiled and her face changed, just like it had in the
movie. She touched my arm.
'There is something else you can do for me,' she said in a quiet, warm
voice. ' I can't stay here. People have seen me. I've got to get home. Will you
help me, please?'
'Sure,' I said. 'Let's go.' I was delighted. I was excited! Perhaps Gail
would invite me into her apartment. There would be soft lights and soft
music. Anything might happen!
She smiled at me again. 'You're a nice guy,' she said.
We walked over to the Chrysler. Mike Devine's eyes were open now.
There was blood on his smart suit. When he saw Gail, he stood up and held
on to the side of my Chrysler.
'Get into this guy's car before the police come, Mike,' Gail said to the
young man.
She pulled Mike Devine by his jacket, opened the back door of the
Chrysler, and pushed him in.
'Oh,' I muttered. 'You'd like me to take him home too?'
'He lives at 9002, Hollywood Boulevard,' Gail said sweetly. 'Thank you
for your help.'
'It's a pleasure,' I replied. 'Please get in.' I opened the front passenger
Gail looked puzzled for a moment, then she laughed.
'No, thanks,' she said. 'I'm taking a cab. Thank you again for your help.'
Her lips touched my cheek briefly, and then she was gone. She ran to the
sidewalk, where the doorman of the Purple Palace called a cab for her.
I watched her go, then I got into the Chrysler. There was a strange noise
coming from the back seat. I turned round. Mike Devine was being sick.
I opened the window and drove away. A few minutes later, Mike Devine was
9002, Hollywood Boulevard, was a tall new building with windows of
black glass. I stopped outside it and switched off the Chrysler's engine.
A doorman came out of the building and walked up to the car. He was a short,
heavy man with a small moustache.
'Hey, you can't park here, mister,' the doorman said.
I pointed at the unconscious figure lying on the back seat.
'Does he live here?' I asked.
The doorman looked at Mike. Then he opened the back door of the car,
and stepped away as the smell reached him.
'Yeah, he lives here,' the doorman replied. 'Apartment 501.'
'Help me to take him up to his apartment,' I said.

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Переведите. Только без переводчика. Заранее спасибо

1. на подоконнике много цветов 2. посреди комнаты стол 3. около кресла пылесос 4. над раковиной два крана 5. в комнате две двери 6. вокруг стало много стульев 7. стиральная машина перед умывальником 8. на окнах шторы 9. в тексте несколько абзацев 10. в этом слове много букв 11. у меня есть проигрыватель моей бабушки 12. около плеера был диск 13. у сына моего брата был плеер 14. муж моей сестры в той комнате 15. квартира моей бабушки в том здании 16. у меня есть сочинение его сестры 17. на кухне был посудный шкаф 18. в посудной шкафу были тарелки, ложки и вилки 19. на кухне есть раковина ?да. 20. в комнате есть пылесос? нет

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