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переделать прямую речь в косвенную

1-4 класс

He said to her "Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?"

Shakiza 27 окт. 2014 г., 20:47:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 окт. 2014 г., 21:28:38 (9 лет назад)

Я немного не уверена в смысловых изменений, а так должно быть правило.
He asked her where I usually spent my summer holidays


Другие вопросы из категории

запиши вопросы:

1) There is a small field next to the house.
Is there .............
2)People will work in the garden in May.
When will .............................

Допиши предложения вставляя в них недостающие слова. what, where. My, its, his, her, your

1)_____ is ______ name?
-He is Rob.
2)_____ is he from?______ is _______ father from ?
- they are from Boston.
3)______ time is it?
- it's two o'clock in the afternoon.
4)_______ is ______ dad?
-_________ dad is in the park.
5)- i can see Ann. And ______ is _______ dog?
- it is by ________ doghouse.

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переделать прямую речь в косвенную

Mary asked Tom "What time will you come here tomorrow?"

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Boris said to them "How can I set to the station?"

переделать прямую речь в косвенную

he said to Boris "When will be back home?"

Срочно нужно перевести этот диалог из прямой речи в косвенную.

Пожалуйста помогите.
Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Rob: Yes please. I'd like a pair of trainers.
Shop assistant: What make do you prefer?
Rob: Have you got Nike trainers?
Shop assistant: Sure. What colour would you like?
Rob: White, please.
Shop assistant: And what size are you?
Rob: Six and a half.
Shop assistant: Have you are.
Emily: They look nice, Rob. Try them on!
Shop assistant: How do they feel?
Rob: Awful! They're too small.
Shop assistant: But they're your size.
Rob: What's wrong with my feet? Have they grown in a week?
Emily: Don't panic, Rob. I know what it is.
Заранее спасибо)

Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную: "Are you on holiday for the whole of August ?" she asked me.

"What do the letters 'URL' mean?" I asked him.
"Have you prepared the figures?" my boss asked me.
"When is your birthday?" I asked Francesca.
"Did you remember to back up the file?" she asked him.
"Why have you turned off the air conditioning?" Ellen asked me.
"Do you speak Italian?" they asked me at the interview.
"How much did you pay for your car?" I asked Pablo.

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