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10-11 класс

How long have you been in fashion business? – I in fashion business for ten years by this September. (to be)

7Tiger 06 марта 2015 г., 0:28:53 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 марта 2015 г., 1:55:27 (9 лет назад)

I will have been in fashion businesss for ten years by this September.


Другие вопросы из категории

Translate the sentences into english. 1. здесь недостаточно места для твоего велосипеда. 2. принеси мне, пожалуйста, стакан воды. 3. спроси совета у своего

отца. у него большой опыт. 4. хорошее знание местных традиции всегда помогает ей. 5. я надеюсь, он получит хорошее обрадование. 6. она ездит на море три раза в год. 7. как прошло ваше путешествие?-спасибо, я прекрасно провел время. Use a/an or no article. 1. it's ... lovely weather today. 2. use ... paper to pack these beautiful glasses. 3. he reserved ... room it the hotel near the airport. 4. she brought us ... very interesting information. 5. he made ... interesting suggestion. 6. what ... good advice! why didn't i think of that myself? 7. that was ... funny experience.

Читайте также

Переведите,пожалуйста,на английский язык в соответствии с временами 1)Этот магазин продёт фрукты и овощи. 2) Я купил эту книгу на

прошлой неделе

3)Мэри навестит свою тётю на следющей неделе.

4) Моя мама разговаривает со своей подругой по телефон сейчас.

5) Я переводил английскую статью, когда ты позвонил мне.

6) Мы будем ждать тебя на станции завтра в 12:30

7)Взгляни! Она принесла тебе твои любимые цветы.

8) Катя дла мне книгу, которую она купила за день до этого.

9) Доктор осмотрит своего последнего пациента в 6 вечера завтра.

10) Анна говорит на испанском очень хорошо. Она изучает этот язык уже в течение двух лет.

11) Она смотрела в окно в течение нескольких минут перед тем, как она ответила на мой вопрос.

12)Дети будут смотреть мультики уже в течение 2-ух часов к тому времени, как их мать вернётся домой.

заранее спасибо!!

Внизу вопросы к тексту, ответьте пожалуйста на английском! New Year’s Celebration around the world. In New-York City, people gather in

Times Square to watch a huge crystal ball descend from the top of a tall building as midnight approaches. At the final moment, people cheer and hug and kiss each other. In London, people gather in Trafalgar Square and listen for the chimes of a huge clock called Big Ben to mark the start of the New Year. Then they cheer and sing a traditional song: Auld Lang Syne. In Scotland, friends visit each other’s houses in the early hours of the New Year, bringing with them some bread, some whisky, and a lump of coal for good luck. This custom is called “first-footing.” In Japan, people decorate the doors of their houses with pine branches and bamboo, which symbolize long life and wealth. In China, families stay up till midnight to eat a special kind of dumpling. The dumplings are boiled and served just after midnight. A coin is hidden in one of the dumplings. The person who finds or bites the coin will be the luckiest one in the New Year. In Germany, New Year’s Eve is called « Sylvester» and is named after a pope from the 4th century. People dress up in their best clothes and visit each others’ houses to drink a toast to the New Year. In Spain, when the clock strikes midnight, it is the custom to eat 12 grapes, one with every chime, to bring good luck for the 12 months ahead.

Дайте письменно ответы на следующие вопросы. 1. In what country is a coin, hidden in a special dish, a symbol of luck in the coming year? 2. What plants symbolize longevity and prosperity? 3. Why is New Year’s Eve called Sylvester? 4. Why do they eat 12 grapes in Spain, when the clock strikes midnight?

На английском языке нужны ответы...

VII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What books did you like to read in your childhood? 2. What subjects did you learn at school? 3. When did you leave school? 4. When did you become a student? 5. Where did you spend your last summer vacation? 6. When did you see your friend last? 7. What present did you get on your last birthday? 8. How many people did you invite to your birthday party? 9. Why didn't you buy the dress that you liked very much?10.How long did you stay at your friend's? 11.How much did you pay for the jacket? 12.What did you see on TV yesterday?

Составить ответ на вопросы : 1) Would you like to go to Canada? Why would you like to go there? 2) Where would you like to go in Canada? Have you ever

heard about Ottawa, Toronto, Sydney? 3) Why do you think Canada might be a good place to live? ответ на каждый вопрос надо расписать подробно в виде 5 предложений.,

Помогите пожалуйста, нужно перевести текст и ответить на вопросы!

Preparation of tablets
One knows that a tablet is the most common form of medication for the administering of drugs in a dry state. Its preparation consti¬tutes an important part of modem “Pharmaceutical Technology”. The method of tablet making or tabletting is defined as a process of pres¬sure of powdered medicine.
It is generally observed that some tablets are made easier from certain drugs than from other ones. For example, sodium chloride is used without the addition of auxiliary substances. But for lactose the addition of such substances is necessary to overcome certain difficul¬ties. It is interesting that in the process of tabletting some materials are continuously binding and sticking in the special machine. Stick¬ing takes place when there is too much moisture in the granules be¬cause of insufficient drying, etc.
The application of different pressure during tabletting plays a very great role. It is important that tablets which are being dissolved slowly by saliva in the mouth are more strongly compressed than other ones using for common internal administration. Another important effect of higher pressures is an increase of friction which causes the use of greater amount of lubricating and gliding substances, such as natural starch. The use of starch as an auxiliary component in tablet making is generally recognized. It was stated that starches possessed very good gliding properties and didn’t show any lubricating action.
Задание 2. Дайте ответы на английском языке.
1. How is the method of tablet making defined?
2. What is the difference between the use of sodium chloride and lactose?
3. How many lubricating and gliding substances are used and where?
4. What properties did starches possess?
5. Where are some materials continuously binding and sticking?
6. What is tablet?
7. Why does sticking take place?
8. How are more strongly compressed tablets being dissolved in the mouth?
9. What plays a very important role in tablet making?
10. What can you tell about the use of starch in tabletting?

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