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Choose any famous person you have read about (or about whom you know much) and describe him/her.

5-9 класс

Naruto9080 21 июня 2013 г., 12:39:25 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 июня 2013 г., 14:56:02 (10 лет назад)

In Mikhail Lermontov was a proud, relaxed posture, the average growth and excellent flexibility of movement.Smooth, slightly curly hair on both sides left quite open the unusually high forehead. Large, full of thoughts eyes, seemed not to have participated in a mocking smile playing on his lips beautifully evident as a young man.He was dressed in full uniform, military coat is not new and not buttoned up to the top.


+ 0 -
21 июня 2013 г., 17:01:35 (10 лет назад)

Ну я и спрашиваю известный человек это например Джони Депп или Пушкин (примеры) т.е. современный известный человек или эпохи?

+ 0 -
21 июня 2013 г., 18:15:20 (10 лет назад)

без разницы

+ 0 -
21 июня 2013 г., 18:51:33 (10 лет назад)

нужно внешность описааать с:

+ 0 -
21 июня 2013 г., 21:34:22 (10 лет назад)


+ 0 -
21 июня 2013 г., 23:23:06 (10 лет назад)



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I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре менной форме. 1. The boy (to refuse)__________to admit that he (to break)______________the

window. So he (to send)_________________home to bring his parents to school. 2. Look, it (to get)____________late. I (to miss)____________the ten o'clock train if I (not to hurry)_______________Jack said he (to come)_______________to pick me up. I don't know why he (not to appear) _________________ yet. Perhaps he (to get) _______________into the traffic jam. 3. Yesterday Tom and Janice (to go)______to the zoo. They had an adventure there. While they (to walk)_______________by the giraffe, it (to begin)________to chew Janice's hat.

переведите! it's mia. whats yours?

написать о двух достопримечательностей Лондона на 2-3

Читайте также

Persuade your partner that the things below are /are not very good. 1 a museum you have visited recently 2 a book you have read 3 a ride you have taken 4

a new piece of clothing you have just bought 5 a film you have recently seen 6 CD you have just bought Помогите пожалуйста!

Составить три вопроса к тексту: If you have ever snowboarded or skateboarded, then sand-boarding should be easy for you. It has the same

principle as downhill snowboarding, but instead of travelling across snow, you travel across sand. If you have never done any kind of snow-boarding or skateboarding, it is still very easy to pick up.
For a first-time sandboarder, all you really need is the sand-board itself. A sandboard looks a lot like a snowboard and even has similar bindings to keep your feet attached.
To get the best results out of your sandboarding experience, you should do the sport on soft dry sand dunes. Wet sand can make the board stick and this makes for a bad ride. But be careful! Although you are riding on soft sand, accidents can still happen. A helmet is usually a good idea.

СРОЧНО!!!!Помогите пожалуйста!!! Очень СРОЧНО надо!!!!! (с переводом)

famous people
-choose any famous person
-find out the information about him/her in the Internet
-write the biography of the person
-present the biography to the class

Переведите пожалуйста( корректно)So finish degree lots of money to banks for various debts you your wing you've built up during your time at university.

You already have chains around your ankles. You're firmly locked into society. You're on the conveyor belt and it's very hard to get yourself off You find a job, a girlfriend whom you might eventually marry, you buy a house together and start paying off your mortgage. You decide to have children and put them on the conveyor belt the same way you yourself were put on. You earn more money and retire, grow old, and finally put yourself into an expensive residential care home. Well done. You did it. You did exactly what this society asked of you. went to college until I ighteen. I passed A-levels, then my ent w surfing around the world what they call year". I really don't like the on a gap word "gap". When I looked in the dictionary for the word "gap", I found "Gap: A break in continuity, interruption.' allowed The society doesn't recognize this year as being important. You are to do it in fact you are told that future employers love it because it means you have done something interesting, shown your independence, and have something original to talk about in your job interviews. But once the year is gap over, you must start serious work earning money and making plans for the future. We love plans in the UK, because plans are security, and we adore security. The funny thing is, I don't believe security can come from a big house and a fast car or a degree. All these things create an illusion that you are secure. Security, in my opinion, comes from within oneself I'm on my fourth "gap year and I'm happy, truly happy. Every now summer I work as a beach lifeguard in Cornwall, the county which is a long peninsula in the southwest of England and where thousands of people go for their summer holidays. I don't earn a fortune but my life is rich. I wake up every morning and see the ocean. I surf every day if there are waves. can Surfing is the one thing in my life that truly makes me happy. If I couldn't surf, then, I think, I'd dry up and rot. Surfing means everything to me and nothing will ever remove me from the ocean. I save what little I earn in the summer which enables me to spend each winter in the sun with my surfboard Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand.. maybe South Africa or South America next year so that's what am going to do I've realized that surfing makes me happy, so that's what I am going to do. I'll base my life around it in every possible way. I'll do any job and live anywhere, as long as I have the ocean on my doorstep. Many of my friends went to college and university and now live in the city and do the usual nine-to-five things along with everyone else. I spent a short time living in the city last year and I couldn't believe what I saw. People seemed so lifeless on the Underground in the morning. Nobody seemed happy or friendly. It was the land of the living dead. I truly believe that lots of people know what makes them happy but they choose to ignore it because it gets in the way of what they are really supposed to do: namely, work and earn lots of money. Life should be an adventure and if you're on that conveyor belt, it will not happen. Whatever happened to adventure? I don't want to get to the end of my life and think: "What if?" I often asked what my plans are. I also get asked where I see myself get going and what I want to do with my life. "When," they ask, "are you going to get a proper job?" They forget that I be the person who saves their child's may life on a beach one summer. Isn't that "proper" enough? I want to do exactly what I'm doing right now. Sure I'd like a little house and maybe bring a baby into the world, but I refuse to believe that the only way of doing that is by following the system. I don't want to see the world in the movies and read about it in books. I want to see it myself, smell it, hear it and feel it. I refuse to follow other people's footsteps

помогите на 4 вопроса ответить!!! HAVE YOU READ?.. Children's writer Michael Morpurgo tells a very enjoyable story. If you have not yet discovered his b

ooks, you will be surprised. The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, for example, was published earlier this year.

Lily Tregenze who is 12, lives on a farm in the village of Slapton with her mother and grandfather. It's 1943, the middle of the Second World War, and her father is away in the army. Lily's life centres on her local school, currently filled with people from London sent to the country for safety, and Tips, her beloved cat. Tips keeps having kittens. But one of Lily's parents always drowns the kittens, to Lily's despair, because they cannot keep and feed a lot of cats. Then, when they have to move to their Uncle George's farm to make way for the army, Tips disappears. For months it is only the kindness of a young American soldier and his army friend who help Lily search for her cat, that helps her get through the many changes and challenges in her life. And there's a lovely twist at the end — which I shan't spoil for you — as the story shoots forward 60 years.

If you like The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips then you will probably also enjoy Michael Morpurgo's Kensuke's Kingdom, Billy the Kid, Private Peaceful and many others.

Michael was Children's Laureate* from 2003 to 2005, an honour which involves telling as many people as possible how important children and children's books are. lie followed Quentin Blake and Anne Fine. Jacqueline Wilson was Children's Laureate until 2007.

As well as being an author, Michael Morpurgo, with his wife Clare, runs a charity called Farms for City Children. It enables groups of children to holiday in Devon, in the south west of England, or Wales.

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips by Michael Morpurgo. Published in hardback by Harper Collins. Due out in paperback in February 2006. Also available as an aucliobook, set of 3 CDs read by Michael Morpurgo and actress Jenny Agutter. Duration three hours.

1.Read the review and say in 2-3 sentences what ut is about.

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