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помогите прочитать английский текст русскими буквами. My pet.I have got a pet. It's a dog. Its name is Rex.It has got four legs, two cycs and two ears.

10-11 класс

It lives in the garden.Rex likes to run and play. Rex likes to eat bones. Rex is my best friend!

Sherlok221B 17 нояб. 2013 г., 21:17:29 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 нояб. 2013 г., 22:58:18 (10 лет назад)

Май пэт. Ай хэв гот э пэт. Итс э дог. Итс нэйм из Рекс. Ит хэс гот фо лэгс, ту сайкс энт ту иарс. Ит ливс ин вэ гадэн. Рекс лайкс ту ран энд плэй. Рекс лайкс ту ит бонс. Рекс из май бэст френд!

+ 0 -
17 нояб. 2013 г., 23:40:09 (10 лет назад)

май пет. Ай хэв гот э пэт .Итс э дог . Итс нэйм из рекс.Ит хэс гот фо лэгс, ту сайкс энд ту иас. Ит ливс ин зе гадэн. Рекс лайкс то ит бонс . Рекс из май бэст фрэнд!


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. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of that provide you with comfort and security. Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also on business. You have to go to other countries to take part in different negotiations, to sign contacts, to participate in different exhibitions, in order to push the goods produced by your firm or company о Travelling on business helps you to get more information about achievements of other companies» which will make your own business more successful. There are a lot of means of travelling: by sea, by plane, by car, on foot. Tastes differ. All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans. No wonder that one of the latest means of travelling is travelling by plane. It combines both comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly. Before boarding the plane you must check in at the airport. You are required to have your baggage weighed. Each passenger is allowed 20 kilograms of baggage free of charge. But if your baggage is heavier you must pay an extra charge. Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight, the speed and altitude. She asks you to fasten the belts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable in your seat. Inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. During the flight you can take a nap or have a chat, you can read and relax. In some planes you can watch video or listen to the music.

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