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Ask people to help you in these situations

1-4 класс

1.You dont know what this word means
2.You cant find your pen to write down a word
3.You want to know the time
4. you didnt understand what your partner said
5.You want to leave a message for friend
Пожайлуста помогите:)

Olgamach7 19 янв. 2014 г., 16:39:22 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 янв. 2014 г., 19:06:47 (10 лет назад)

Спросите людей, чтобы помочь вам в таких ситуациях 1.Вы не знаю средства, что это слово 2.Вы не можете найти свою ручку, чтобы записать слова 3.Вы хотите знать время 4 вы не понимаете, что сказал ваш партнер 5.You хотите оставить сообщение для друга Так ты имел в виду


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№1 Ask people to help you in these situations. Example:You can't hear what the tacher is saying very well. -Could you speak louder, please& 1.You

don't know what this word means. 2.You can't find your pen to write down a word. 3.You want to know the time. 4.You didn't understade what your partner said. 5.You want to leave a message for your friend.

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .

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СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! КТО ПЕРВЫЙ ПОЛУЧИТ 64 БАЛЛАDreat Barbara.Thank you for your letter.I really miss you,too.I think it s a dreat idea to visit you in

Londdon.All of us hore to to get the invitation letter very soon.What can I tell you about my hollidays?This summer I was in the country.I was very lucky.The weather was fine all the time.My friends and I spent a lot of time outdoors swimming,diving,riding our bikes and skate-boarding.We also enjoyed pisking brries and gathering mushrooms in the nearest forest.In the evening we usually made a fire,played the guitar and sang songs.I took a lot of pictures of my friends and of myself.This one is for you/I hore you ll reconigze me.You see that I am bigger than I was last year.I know you have a sweet tooth,Barbara,so I asked my granny to make some cherry jam.(I helped her a little).If we come to London,you ll have to try it.With lots of love and best wosher from me and my friends.Your former pipll Denis Korolev

перевести текст Dear Julia Thank you for your message. I think it s a great idea to visit you in London.All of us will be happy to get the invitation

letter very
soon.What can l tell you about my holidays? They were great! I spent my holidays in Doldino. My granny has a country hjuse there.Boldino is near Nizhniy Novgorod, one of the oldest Russian cities.Many years ago Alexander Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, ...(live) in Boldino. He created about 60 tales, poems and novels there. Now there is a tradition to celebrate" Boldino autumn" when many poets go there and recite their poems. The weather ... (be) fine every day. My friends and l spent a lot of time outdoors. We...(swim), played and rode our bikes.We also picked berries and gathered mushrooms in the nearby forest. In the evening we usually... (make) a fire, played the guitar and..(sing) songs. I..(take) a lot of photos of my friends and me.This one is for you. I hope you ll recognise me. You know l have a sweet tooth, so l asked my granny to make some cherry jam.I..(help) her a little to make it.I ll take some of it to London with me and you ll get a chance to taste it. Sending you best wishes from Jim and all

Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the translation of the conjunction if when it introduces object clauses: 1) If you want me to help you, why don't

you say so? 2) I don't know if there are any Bulgarians in the delegation. 3) Let's meet at nine o'clock if it is convenient for you. 4) Tell me if I may take these books home. 5) I don't know if it is so. 6) Why not go now if you want to see the illumination? 7) Ask him if he often comes home so late. 8) Would you like to join us if we go to Red Square? 9) I wonder it he likes his job. 10) Ask him if he has got any pen-friends in India.

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