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№1 Ask people to help you in these situations. Example:You can't hear what the tacher is saying very well. -Could you speak louder, please& 1.You

1-4 класс

don't know what this word means. 2.You can't find your pen to write down a word. 3.You want to know the time. 4.You didn't understade what your partner said. 5.You want to leave a message for your friend.

Sergeysm 17 дек. 2013 г., 0:49:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 дек. 2013 г., 2:36:16 (10 лет назад)

1.Could you translate this word?
2.Could you give me a pen?
3.How much is it?
4.Could you repeat please?
5.Could i leave a message for a friend?


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опишите членов своей семьи и одежду которую они любят носить. заместо прочерка вставить слова. 1) My mother`s hair is ___________ 2) She has got

_________ 3) My mother`s _________4) She __________ 5) She has got a lot of ______ clothes . 6) Her favourite clothes are __________ 7) When she goes_____,she puts on ________

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Ask people to help you in these situations

1.You dont know what this word means
2.You cant find your pen to write down a word
3.You want to know the time
4. you didnt understand what your partner said
5.You want to leave a message for friend
Пожайлуста помогите:)

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .
Westminster Abbey-
The Tower of London-
Big Ben-

СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! КТО ПЕРВЫЙ ПОЛУЧИТ 64 БАЛЛАDreat Barbara.Thank you for your letter.I really miss you,too.I think it s a dreat idea to visit you in

Londdon.All of us hore to to get the invitation letter very soon.What can I tell you about my hollidays?This summer I was in the country.I was very lucky.The weather was fine all the time.My friends and I spent a lot of time outdoors swimming,diving,riding our bikes and skate-boarding.We also enjoyed pisking brries and gathering mushrooms in the nearest forest.In the evening we usually made a fire,played the guitar and sang songs.I took a lot of pictures of my friends and of myself.This one is for you/I hore you ll reconigze me.You see that I am bigger than I was last year.I know you have a sweet tooth,Barbara,so I asked my granny to make some cherry jam.(I helped her a little).If we come to London,you ll have to try it.With lots of love and best wosher from me and my friends.Your former pipll Denis Korolev

s a clue to help you fingd his treasure. Guess the words in brackets and till in the gaps)-(вопрос) 1 Get_______ (no) the bus.2. Get____ (fof) the bus a

t the next stop.3. Turn _____ (qhtir) and qo_____ (qhsartit) on to the mountains. 4.Go______ (pu) and _____(wodh) the mouhtain.5. Go_______ (dnuora) the lake to the cave.6. Don' t qo _______- (otin) the caveюЕруку is an old tree near the cave.7.The treasure is under the old tree! Срочно надо пожалуйста!

you are travelling to the mountains (гори).Say: a) where you are travelling. Why? b) Whom you are travelling with.c)how you got to the station.d)in

what season you are travelling. e) You are having holidays. f) What the weather is like this day. g) what you have taken with you ( soap, toothbrush...)

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