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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,

5-9 класс

о чем это стихотворение, почему оно так знаменито?

Kentarott 19 апр. 2014 г., 9:50:29 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 апр. 2014 г., 11:35:51 (10 лет назад)

это стих-е о жизненном пути,у тебя есть два выбора;выбрать первую дорогу или вторую,выбрав одну из них,ты не сможешь вернуться назад и выбрать другую.


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Ack guestions to show your interest. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

1.He will have to write this letter.
2.They have to work a few days a week.
How often...
3.She has to go away.
4.We have to do a test.
Do (really),,,
5,My brother has to driver a car.
Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Переведите на русский. She has raked leaves for an howr. Paul has ridden horses since he was four years old. Только не в

переводчике там не правильно! Плиз=)

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1.merys father went(step by step,again and again,on and on,all in all, round and round) 2.ive told(step by step,again and again,on and on,all in all,

round and round)that you have to study harder if you want to get your degree. 3.rather than do all the work in one day ,you should do it(step by step,again and again,on and on,all in all, round and round)(step by step,again and again,on and on,all in all, round and round) 4.the idea has been going(step by step,again and again,on and on,all in all, round and round)in her head all day 5.(step by step,again and again,on and on,all in all, round and round) i enjoyed the film a lot(помогите подставить*---*)

Make questions. Use going to. Then ask and answer. Пример: What are the workmen going to do in Upton Wood? They're going to cut down the


1)What / the workmen / do in Upton Wood

2)Why / workmen / cut down the trees

3)Who / take / photos

4)Who / write / about the story

5)story / be / on the front page of The Westpark News

6)What / the people of the town / do

Задайте пожалуйста к этому тексту 10 вопросов в прошедшем времени...Mr and Mrs gray lived in a big city. Mr Gray worked in a bank and spent a lot of

time at work.Mrs Gray was fond of music and art. The Grays had a son whose name was Peter.Peter was good at all the subjects at school but didn't like to wash. Не hated water.Mr and Mrs Gray wanted to spend the summer in the country. They found а nice small house not very far from Mr Gray's office. Mrs Gray and Peter went there оnе weekend at the beginning of June. Later Mr Gray wanted to join them. Peter and his mother went there for two weeks. It was late in the evening when they arrived at the house. Mrs Gray said to Peter, "We're going to stay here for fourteen days."The bоу ran into the house, turned оn the light and looked into аll the rooms. Не saw а nice kitchen with а white fridge, two cupboards, а cooker and а sink. There was gas and electricity in the house. Peter also saw а vacuum сleaner in the corner. The sitting room with а tall mirror and а wonderful fireplace was fantastic. you could play football there.Peter ran back to his mother and shouted: "Mummy! It's great! But I haven't found а bathroom. Where is it?" "It's very difficult to get water here," his mother answered, "and there is no hot and cold running water here.' "That's very good Mum." Реter said. "Тhat is going to bе а very nice holiday indeed!

перевести текст: In the middle in Europe watermills and windmills brought a revolution to the production of power. The new technologies enabled

people to construct wonderful cathedrals - the best example of Gotic architecture. During the 14th century guns appeared in Europe.

From the 15th to the 17th century the period of Renaissance spread in Europe. The new World was discovered and explored. The printed boks helped the development of European cultural life. The Renaissance saw a new interest in technology, and the new technology led to new problems. One problem was that shipbuilding and iron industry needed a lot of wood and Europe soon lost its forests Another problem was the need in more powerful engines

The 18th century in Europe was the time of the Industrial Revolution, the time when technology developed very fast. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen, an Englishman, invented the steam engine. In the 1760s, James Watt improved the Newcomen engine, which opened the way to construction steamboat and locomotives in the early 19th century.

The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the engineering profession. More and more universities began to train engineers.

During the 19th and 20th centuries people`s lives have greatly changed thanks to scince and technology. Achievements in transportation, comunications and use of energy have had a great influence on the modern society. Medical knowledge has given people longer and healthier lives. Computers are giving us new opportunities at work and at home. Now people have better living standartsand much more free time.

One the other hand, a lot of people may argue that such great technological achievements do not come without a price. New technology has led to creating technology and spread of information have brought with them less privacy; the great use and abuse of natural resources is now damaging the environment; the great intensity of human life leads to stresses and makes us question the advantages of high technology.

Read the notes.In pairs ,ask and answer questions using who,where,when,and what,as in the example. )35-year-old British

photographer,Carolyn Jenkins
)on safari in South Africa last week
)2 guides and 3 students from the University of Kent
)approach lion in jeep
)leave jeep to take pictures -get close -lion attack
)guides scare the lion away-take her to hospital
)South African Tourist Board-warn tourists not to approach wild animals while on safar

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