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Ask your classmate a polite qestions you want to borrow you friend reference book of Almaty

10-11 класс

Дарина076 28 мая 2014 г., 16:39:48 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 мая 2014 г., 18:23:27 (10 лет назад)

1) Could You please lend me a reference book of Almaty?

2) Can You please give me your reference book of Almaty?



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Найдите в предложениях Complex Object и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1)They find the conference to have been a remarkable one.
2)We expect Mark to write an article for the newspaper.
3)The rain made us come back home.
4)I saw him enter the room.
5)They don`t like to be asked about it.
6)Do you expect the work to be done tomorrow?
7)We heard Tom speak at the conference.
8)I know her to work and study.
9)We think this student to pass his exam in Physics successfully.

Найдите в предложениях Complex Subject с инфинитивом.
1)You are supposed to graduate from the university in five years.
2)This new operating system is reported to go into operation next years.
3)He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists.
4)Many new textbooks are reported to be published soon.
5)That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River.
6)You friend seems to be very much interested in computers.
7)They are certain to inform us about their plans.
8)They are certain to leave for Moscow tomorrow.
9)Their article is believed to have been published

Дополните предложения. Используйте один из этих глаголов в Past Simple:die, enjoy, finish, happen, open, rain, start, stay, want 1. It was hot

in the room,so I......the window

2. the concert......at 7.30 and......at 10 o'clock

3. When I was a child, I.... to be a doctor

4.The accident....last Sunday afternoon

5. It's a nice day today but yesterday it....all day

6. We....our holiday last year. We.....at a very nice place

7. Ann's grandfather......when he was 90 years old/



Переделайте следующие предложения, употребив theSimplePastTense и соответствующие наречия и словосочетания там, где это необходимо. Следуйте образцу: Не is

at the lecture now. He was at the lecture yesterday. I went to church yesterday. I did not go to church yesterday. Did you go to church yesterday?
1. He speaks English fluently. 2. I scan newspapers in the morning. 3. The ballet company gives its first performance today. 4. My friends come to see me every week-end. 5. He studies in New York University. 6. The department gives a party this year. 7. He knows his job very well. 8. Who knows the answer? No one. 9. He has no gift for the stage, I think. 10. It usually takes him only 3 minutes to look through the text.

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста перевести несколько предложений Be careful choosing the place where you do your programme. The university you apply to, l

ater may not recognize it. Make up your mind about which university you want to go to first, and then ask them what foundation programmes they want.

Choose your university first.In our university we have our own foundation course called a Bridging Year.Students doing the Bridging Year are full members of the university ,which is cool.Living on campus,you can use the same academic,social and sports facilities as other students

I did the programme called CFP in London.It allowed me to choose between a lot of universities.Check their FAQs.Its pricey,though.Itcosts you about 7,500 just in tuition fees.
In my time foreign students,studying in the UK,were allowed to work up to 20 hours a week.Check it out!You can use opportunity to earn a bit of extra cash
They all cost about the same.Try to save on accommoditation,You can rent a small flat with other students.
Dancerboy has no idea! You can take an intensive course in English,but that will be a separate programme.You will have to take Maths,Physics,History,Law,Psychology,etc all in English,so your English has to be good

Напишите пожалуйста следующие предложения в косвенной речи, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.He asked me: "Do you want to see this hockey

match?" "When did you begin to play chess?" "Why do you want to go to the stadium?" "What game do you like to play best of all?"

Перевести письмо.Hello Mike! Thank you very for your letter.You want to know if I like sports.Yes,I do.I like to play tennis.I go to the stadium to

play tennis.We*ve got a nice sports ground at our school.My friends and I like to play football and basketball on our school sports ground.I can swim well,too.I like swim very much.I go to the swim ming pool with my father and my little sister Dot.She is five.She can*t swim but she likes to go to the swimming pool with us.My father can very well.We swim with great pleasure.What sports do you like? What sports games can you play?Do you go to the stadiom or to the swimming pool? Have you got a gym in your school?

Complete the sentences using must or a form of have to/have got to.In former days people who wanted to discuss something ______ gather on special days in

some special place.Analysing the situation we can say that we will inevitably ______ nominate election candidate or to discuss legislative proposals in advance of formal proceedings.______ you ______leave tomorrow? I’d prefer you to stay.The list of the selected applicants is too long, I think I ______ choose only one of them for the final interview.You ______ ask permission any time you want to make some changes, it is inevitable.We don’t _______ agree to any change, as we operate within a frame work of rules and constraints. You ______ pack these things very carefully, they are fragile.At a meeting participants ______ quickly decide what policy they are willing to accept.In order to draw the support from the ranks of the poor and disadvantaged (in urban societies, the working classes) the “Left” will ______ promise to change, in the form of either social reform or wholesale economic transformation.

Complete the extract below wth the articles the or a where nescessary. So you want to be a famous

film star? To get to ___ top you need a lot of __ luck as well as __ talent and actng ability. For ___ best parts, you have to be in ___ right place at ___ right time.

A well-known actor had dropped out of ___ new sci-fi movie, and Harrison was asked to replace him. The role was Han Solo and __ movie was Star Wars. The rest is ___ history!

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