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Make these sentences passive.

5-9 класс

1)Every year they invite some famous people to this festival.

Vika03092003 21 марта 2014 г., 15:18:38 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 марта 2014 г., 18:01:34 (10 лет назад)


Сделайте эти предложения пассивным.
1) Каждый год они приглашают некоторых известных людей на этот фестиваль.
2) Они откроют художественную выставку в месяц.
3) Они опубликовал несколько детективных историй в этом журнале.
4) Кто-то написал статью о местных бизнесменов месяц назад.
5) Эта музыкальная компания только что выпустила новый диск, что рок-группа.


Другие вопросы из категории

Напишите след. предложения в Present Perfect, добавив нужные наречия :

1.He is leaving home at the moment.
2.She does her homework in the evening.
3.They are crossing the road.
4.He sends me two letters every month.
5.We roller-skate in summer.
6.She is knitting a sweater.
7.Mr.Norris finishes the work at 5 p.m.
8.She is cleaning the room now.

Составить слова из букв e e t w s
Make questions. 1. ____________________? Cotton is grown in hot countries. 2. ____________________? They have been living here for two years. 3.

____________________? Paul has written lots of poems. 4. ____________________? Alex has just won a prize. 5. ____________________? We have been running because it is late. Finish the sentences. Use enough or too. Choose from these words: long, fast, young, heavy, sweet. 1. l can't lift the suitcase because (too) _______________ . 2. I can't Eat these grapes because (enough)__________ . 3. I can't wear this belt (enough) ____________________ . 4. She can't go to school because (too) ______________ . 5. He can't win the race because (enough) _________ . 2.

clyde barrow was a young american . he didn't have a job- he robbed banks . one day f_ _ _ in love with a girl called Bonny Parker, and she becamea c_

_ m _ _ _ _ , too. Bonny and Clyde h_ _ a lot of adventures and they b_ _ _ _ _ famous . Bonny didn"t kill any people , but Clyde was g_ _ _ty of m_ _ d_ _ . The police tried to a_ _ _s_ them, but the always e_ _ _p_ _ . Then finally, in 1923 , the police caught Bonny and Clyde, but they didnt send them to p_ _ s_ _ - they killed them.

Читайте также

make these sentences passive. 1.You make me laugh. 2. She never lets me go to the river alone. 3. I will make you apologise. 4. Mother doesnt let

little Johnny stay up late. 5. My parents let my elder brother read whatever he likes. 6. Henry s cousin never makes him iron his clothers. 7. My granny always makes me clean up my room. 8. Liza s parents let her have parties in their house.

Make these sentences passive. 1.You make me laugh. 2. She never lets me go to the river alone. 3. I will make you apologise. 4. Mother doesnt let little

Johnny stay up late. 5. My parents let my elder brother read whatever he likes. 6. Henry s cousin never makes him iron his clothers. 7. My granny always makes me clean up my room. 8. Liza s parents let her have parties in their house.

Make these sentences passive.

1.you make me laugh.2she never lest me go to the river alone.3.i will make you apologies.4.mother doesn't let kettle Johnny stay up late.5.my parents let my elder brother
read whatever he like.

Make these sentences passive.

1)They grow beautiful flowersin this botanical garden.
2)They built a new hospital in our town last year.
3)Somebody has posted the letters.
4)Somebody will deliver the tickets tomorrow.
5)They have organized a wonderful show.

make these sentences passive 1. they grow beautiful in this botanical garden 2.they built a new hospital in jur town last year. 3.

SOMEBODY will deliver the ticketc tomorrow.

4. SOMEBODYhas posted the letters

5.they have organized a wonderful show

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