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ПОМОГИТЕ! когда началась история дикого запада и почему люди пошли туда? пожалуйста,ответе на вопрос и желательно на англиском

5-9 класс

Mishagina12arina 08 окт. 2013 г., 17:11:40 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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08 окт. 2013 г., 18:27:51 (10 лет назад)

Wild West is a large area of the Western United States. The period of development of these Territories came in the second half of 19veka. The cause of displacement was undeveloped land: and the beginning of the gold rush.


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Помогите заполнить пропуски в тексте.срочно до завтра надо Варианты:appeared,choral,composer,conductor,continue,first night ,full

houses,influenced,masterpiece,symphony,took place,tuneless and complicated D.Shostakovich was born on 25 September .1906 in St Petersburg. His father was an engineer and his mother was a pianist and give him his first piano lessons. When he was 13 he became a pupil of the famous 1)______Alexander Glazunov at the Petrograd Conservatoire, Shostakovich was happy because he liked Glazunov’s music a lot. D.Shostakovich wrote his first 2)________in 1925 and it was performed all over the world. Every year until he died Shostakovich celebrated its 3)____________as the moment when his life changed forever . Shostakovich’s second Symphony 4)__________in 1927. It was an experimental work with a 5)_________ ending when the choir sang «To October « by Alexander bezymensky . In the years of the Great Terror (in the late 1930s) his music was criticized, the critics said it was 6)__________ .In December 1941 ,D. Shostakovich (who lived in besieged Leningrad) wrote his most famous “Leningrad Symphony”. It is a real 7)_________. Its first night 8)______________ in the besieged city in 1942. Though Shostakovich’s works were a great success and played to 9)___________ in Russia and in the West, he suffered from criticism of the official powers. Many specialists think that the conflict with the powers 10)___________ his music very much. D. Shostakovich died in 1975 in Moscow. His son Maxim, a well known 11)____________ ,helps to popularize his father’s music by working with the best world orchestras. Even now many orchestras 12)_____________ to perform Shostakovich’s music

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a 12-year-old boy, Andy, is sleeping in his bed late at night when a loud knock at the window makes him jump up. He stares at the window and sees an extremely tell, dark figure outside.
Andy gets scared, slips deeper under the blanket and holds his breath. He hears Ralf calling his name. Andy opens the window with a loud bang and makes a sign to Ralf to be quiet.
Ralf has a book Treasure Island in his hand and wants to read in now, in the middle of the night. Andy is extremely surprised at his suggestion and asks Ralf to explain why. Ralf does not explain. He just asks for a torch. Andy gets down on his knees and looks for it under his bed
Suddenly they see Andy is father with the torch in the doorway.

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