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Твір на англійській мові про те "Як я провела літо"

10-11 класс

пашокккит 18 мая 2014 г., 23:25:20 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 мая 2014 г., 1:42:50 (10 лет назад)

as I conducted summer  all with impatience expected years. and it came here. My summer was saturated enough.  I with friends rode to bath on the river, we spent time merrily. Also I read an interesting book. I with parents rode on a sea. A weather was remarkable, therefore we became tanned, bathed to heart's content, built locks from sand.And main – I finally learned to float. In times of journey I became acquainted with new friends. We communicated much, taken pictures and played beach football. And in the evening liked to nurse seas ashore. If for me asked, whether I would like once again to outlive this summer, I would answer: «Very much». With impatience expect next summer.

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19 мая 2014 г., 3:45:53 (10 лет назад)

My holidays, as usual, I spent with my grandmother in the village. I love to live there. Next to the house there is a small forest and a river.  We swam and sunbathed, walked in the forest,went hiking, had picnics and, of course,  I helped my grandmother in the garden. 
August was the most interesting month. Finally, my dream came true, and my parents and I went to Lviv. It was great!  It was the first time when I flew by plane! We ate out in a restaurant, walked around a park, visited many museums and saw a lot of  art exhibitions, went to a fontain.The second half of August I was at home.


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