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как написать деловое письмо учителю

10-11 класс

Дімко 07 марта 2014 г., 15:05:28 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 марта 2014 г., 17:29:55 (10 лет назад)

Например:Дорогая ИО и твою проблему пиши потом


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Kelly:i've never seen anything like that

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That was no
UFO in the skies above the southeast Missouri
town of Jackson, A UFO that was the talk of Jackson has turned out to
be nothing more than a school game gone wrong. Three weeks ago, Zach Stanfield,
16, videotaped a disc-shaped object hovering in the sky above his home. The
Southeast Missourian newspaper ran a front-page photo of the disc, taken from
the video, with a story about an unidentified flying object hovering over Jackson. But there were
no little green men inside it. The UFO actually was a baloon that had been for
schoolchildren. in an effort to make it fly, Cherie Moore, a schoolteacher, put
too much helium inside the baloon and it floated away. Cherie Moore said she
and her husband just about died when they saw a newspaper report on the supposed
UFO. An air traffic controller at the airport said too much helium would have
given the disc the strange hovering effect seen in the tape, especially on a
day with mild winds.

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I can't wait to come and stay with you next month.We're going to have such a lot of fun!What do you think the weather will be like?What kind of clothes should I bring with me?How much money do I need?Have you arranged any interesting things for us to do?Let me know!
Hope to hear from you soon!

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