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Срочно!Помогите написать письмо! ...I'm looking forward to our family holidays.It's really a great time.What about you? How do you usually spend

10-11 класс

holidays in your family?How often do you travel together?Did you enjoy your last holidays?Why?...

Well,yesterday I watched my favourite talk-show and...

Oxanasemenova19 09 февр. 2014 г., 9:32:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 февр. 2014 г., 12:02:21 (10 лет назад)

After many years which we spent, our memories have been deeply scraped and ever havent been forgotten.


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Помогите написать письмо о том,что я хочу участвовать в программе Вот план : Dear Sir \Madam I am writting to apply for the... I would

like to participate in this programme because....

I also appreciate the opportunity to...

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your faithfully

Можно его не придерживатся )

Пожалуйста,помогите написать письмо по английскому языку...Вот задание: write a letter of application explaining why you want to participate in the

programme.Use the plan below.See "Writing a formal letter of application" in "Learning strategies" Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to apply for the... I would like to participate in this programme because... I also appreciate the opportunity to... I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully a)describe the programme you would like to participate in b)explain why you think you would benefit from it c)describe yourself and the qualities you have that are relevant to the situation d)express your hope to succeed

помогите написать ответное письмо другу. I've made up my mind to visit my native place this year. Iwould like to come to you in spring if that suits you. I

'm looking forward to meeting you all. I haven't seen you for so long that Imay not recognize you/

Пожалуйста,помогите написать письмо,очень очень надо(

кто-нибудь выручите!))

Написать письмо, в котором должны быть ответы на вопросы :what holiday is your fovourite and why? What presents do you like to give and get? What do people do on holidays?

ПОМОГИТЕ НАПИСАТЬ informal letter to a pen friend в ответ на это письмо Hi there Anna, Don't know if you got my first message. I've been

having problems with my computer so am sending it again.

Look forward to hearing all about you. What kind of music are you into? What sort of things do you do in your free time? What about sport? I'm football fanatic myself.

Get in touch soon!

All the best,


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