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Помогите.плиз) Каким должен быть политик,нужен рассказ в 6 предложениях!!(англ.яз)

10-11 класс

Katya20109 11 февр. 2015 г., 16:30:49 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 февр. 2015 г., 17:17:19 (9 лет назад)

6 предложений.

A good politician spends his life to work for the betterment of his people, without any greed for himself or his family.
A good politician has a vision for the future of the country, ideas for life and work on hand for everyone.
A good politician along with being intelligent should also be courageous.
A good politician will have excelled in their schooling and used it to help them make their decisions.
A good politician should make you want to follow them, and deliver the great speeches that many of us yearn for.
A good politician has a high regard for morality.

+ 0 -
11 февр. 2015 г., 19:03:29 (9 лет назад)

In general, the idea is very honest and striving for justice to be a politician. Ideally, people will elect a politician who best cope with its responsibility . We now turn to reality.
A politician should be achiever . If you study at the institute and all the exams " decided " not passed by memorizing rules and examples of solutions , you can go into politics.
The politician must promise their voters mountains of gold , but in fact , you can forget about the promises he makes . The fact is that people are too busy with their lives that equips , so to policies they do not care too much .
Another politician should be able to compete with other politicians , and have a strong belief property . If a politician is not able to convince people of the wrongness of his , he is not a politician , and a simple honest man .
The politician in this country has to understand that the terms of corruption, and honesty with all lead to death or jail. It turns out that policies should take into account the specifics of everything , to be able to analyze and predict .


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7) After a short time, he (to come) out of the bank.

8) He (to carry) a large bag.

9) He (to get) back on the bike.

10) A few minutes later the police (to arrive).

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open th brackets using an appropriate Future-tense-form where necessary.
1) i (take) my sun-glass in case it is sunny.
2. I don't think I can join you because my aunt and uncle (stay) with us this weekend.
3. You don't work in class! I (phone) your mother about this.
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5. When you (repair) my bike, Daddy?-I (do) it tomorrow if I have time.
6. It's so crowded iin here. I think, I (faint).-I (take) you outside for a while.
7. I din't know when the concert (be) over.
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10. Have a good time in Italy!-Thanks. I (send) you a postcard.
11. I think you (like) Nick when you met him.
12. I (cook) spaghetti in case you get hungry.
13. I feel terrible. I think I (have) to go to bed.

Переведите на англ яз)плиз

1.Я делаю дз уже два часа
2.Он все еще делает дз?
3.Он всегда делает дз?
4 почему он не сдал дз?
5.Когда я пришел,он делал дз
6.если я не сделал дз,я получу два.
7 я делал дз вчера в семь вечера
8когда ты делал дз?

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