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II. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой

10-11 класс

глагола “

OLo6 17 февр. 2015 г., 16:00:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 февр. 2015 г., 18:45:34 (9 лет назад)

1) Have
5)Will have 

+ 0 -
17 февр. 2015 г., 20:26:10 (9 лет назад)

1.      I have no idea where they are now.

+ 0 -
17 февр. 2015 г., 22:48:55 (9 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
18 февр. 2015 г., 0:12:04 (9 лет назад)

Та ниже опустись и увидишь

+ 0 -
18 февр. 2015 г., 2:22:48 (9 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


Другие вопросы из категории

Напишите пожалуйста!!!

5 предложений про еду с First Conditional и 5 предложений про еду с Second Conditional

Помогите с заданием)
Помогитие раскрыть скобки. Можно написать только то, что вставили. 1) It (to be) about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. 2) We (to

sit) in the cafe opposite the bank.

3) Suddenly a motorcycle (to stop) outside the bank.

4) There (to be) two men on the bike.

5) One of them (to get off) and (to run) into the bank.

6) He (to carry) a gum.

7) After a short time, he (to come) out of the bank.

8) He (to carry) a large bag.

9) He (to get) back on the bike.

10) A few minutes later the police (to arrive).

Читайте также

Упражнение 3. Вставьте глагол «to be» в соответствующей форме.

1. These cups . . . red. They . . . very nice. 2. The black bag . . . under the shelf. 3. Those . . .
lamps. They . . . on the table. 4. Mr. Pavlov . . . a teacher. He . . . at the table. 5. I . . . at the desk.
I . . . at the lessons. 6. You . . . are Russian and she . . . French.

Упражнение 6. Вставьте вместо точек притяжательное место-
имение в требуемой форме.
1. Tell him not forget …… ticket; she must not forget …… either.
2. Whose books are those? Are they …… or ……?
3. My bag is bigger than …… .
4. Those seats are not ……, they are …… .
5. His story is much more interesting than …… .
6. His name is Martin, …… is Ann.
7. I haven’t got a dictionary. Can you give me …… .
8. Their boat is faster than …

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами притяжательных
1. How old is . . . son? 2. . . . sister’s teacher is a man, but . . . is a woman. 3. “Are these books . .
.?” “Yes, they are . . . .” 4. . . . shop is the best shop in the plant. 5. . . . brother is at school.
Where is . . .? 6. They like to read my books because . . . are not very interesting. 7. Their ties are
black but . . . are blue. 8. My brother is an engineer and . . . is a doctor
Упражнение 22. Прочитайте следующие даты.
5.I – 1946; 8.III – 1950; 22.IX – 1948; 11X – 1956; 1.V – 1917; 23.II –
Упражнение 23. Напишите следующие даты тремя возможными
способами и прочтите их.
24.IV – 1924; 9.VIII – 1905; 12.XII – 1979; 6.I – 1996

1.We are students. This is … classroom.

2I am at home now. … room is small, but it’s light and clean
3.Those girls are sisters. … names are Mary and Ann.
4.Sit down Nick, … mark is good.
5This man is a doctor. … name is Tomson.
6Is she a teacher? Are these boys and girls …students?

II. Выпишите в две колонки количественные и порядковые числительные. Подчеркнитесуффиксы, спомощьюкоторыхониобразуются:
Sixteen, the ninth, ninety, forty, seventeen, the thirteenth, ten, the tenth

III. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски соответствующей формой глагола “ tobe”:
1.Ben … my friend. He … a worker.
2. I … at home now.
3. My friends … students. … you a student? Yes, I … .I … a student.
4.Moscow … a large city. … Pskov a large city? No, it … not. It … not a large city.
1. We … students.

IV. Употребите правильную форму глагола “tohave”
1. My friend ( to have) a wife and a son.
2. I ( to have) a good flat in the center of Moscow.
3. They ( to have) a large family.
4. His friend ( to have + not) a sister but he ( to have) two brothers.
5. We ( to have) six lessons a day.

V. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:
1. These girls are future psychologists.
2. Ann is a teacher.
3. My friend has a good flat.
4. These books are interesting.
5. We have much work to do.
6. You have a small family.

VI. Употребите в предложения оборот “ thereis/are:
1. … … many students at an English lesson?
2. … … not any traffic in our street.
3. … … any Universities in our town?
4. … …. a faculty of psychology in our University.

Помогите чем сможете.

Контрольная работа №1 Вариант №5
I. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола “to be” в Present, Past или Future Simple.
1. She … divorced. She lives with her son. Her son’s name … Bob.
2. How old ... you?
3. I … always at work on time.
4. They … in St. Petersburg last week.
5. We … students in two years.
6. I went to bed early because I … tired yesterday.

Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. 3)"Good morning.How...you?" "I well,thank you.' 4)"How...he?' "He...fine,thank you. 5)'...it

Saturday today ?'Yes,it... ." 6)How old...your son?" "He...fourteen."7'...you a teather or astudent?" "I a student '8)...those classrooms large?9)"...she a French teather?" "Yes,she..."10)What ...Amy doing now ?"She ... writing a letter."11)"...you going to play chess with Mike or with Peter?" "I...going to play chess with Peter.12)He...having toast,jam,and tea.13)...it Sunday today?14)...you going to the theatre on Sunday?

1.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой

глагола to do. Выполните перевод предложений.

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