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ПОМОГИТЕЕЕ!! Complete the paragraph with the prepositions from the box.

10-11 класс

of, in, for, from, to, by

A thing we do ___ our free time ___ recreation and pleasure is called a hobby. Hobbies are practiced ___ interest and enjoyment, rather than ___ money. What are hobbies ___ some people are professions ___ others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something ___ fun, not remuneration (оплата, вознаграждение), is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct ___ a professional. Engaging ___ a hobby can lead ___ acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience. A lot ___ celestial bodies and events have been discovered ___ amateur astronomers. However, the aim ___ a hobby is pleasure and personal fulfillment.
While some hobbies strike many people as trivial or boring, hobbyists find something entertaining about them. In fact, anything can be a hobby, ___ collecting stamps and board games ___ doing extreme sports and making model airplanes.

ильря 22 авг. 2014 г., 8:49:40 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 авг. 2014 г., 10:23:27 (9 лет назад)

HOBBIES A thing we do in___ our free time with___ recreation and pleasure is called a hobby. Hobbies are practiced _in__ interest and enjoyment, rather than in___ money. What are hobbies _of__ some people are professions _to__ others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something _for_ fun, not remuneration (оплата, вознаграждение), is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct __from_ a professional. Engaging _in__ a hobby can lead to___ acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience. A lot __of_ celestial bodies and events have been discovered _by__ amateur astronomers. However, the aim _of__ a hobby is pleasure and personal fulfillment. While some hobbies strike many people as trivial or boring, hobbyists find something entertaining about them. In fact, anything can be a hobby, _from__ collecting stamps and board games to___ doing extreme sports and making model airplanes.


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past continuous or past simple
Пожалуйста помогите !!! Завтра экзамен(

Нужны глаголы поставить в правильное время,в скобках оно уже указано. Надеюсь на помощь! времена обозначены - Pr I,F I, P I, P C, F P, P P,PR P и.т.д.
Пожалуйста, помогите срочнооо!! Завтра экзамен((
Нужны глаголы поставить в правильное время,в скобках оно уже указано. Надеюсь на помощь! времена обозначены - Pr I,F I, P I, P C, F P, P P,PR P и.т.д.

1) In summer our family always (to go) for rest to the Crimea. (Pr I)
2) She ( to check) your test at the moment. ( Pr C)
3) My uncle (to phone) me after he ( to return) home, tomorrow (P C)
4)Mozard (to write) more than 600 pieces of music ( P I)
5)This delegation (not to come) in 3 days because of bad weather (F I)
6)Who ( to take) my pen yesterday? (P I)
7)They (to build) many new houses in our town this year (Pr P)
8)John (to sit) in a cafe when I (to see) him last week (P C)
9)She (to publish) her new article next year ( F I)
10) My friend ( to go) to the university by the tome I (to come) ( F P , P P)
11)We never ( to hear) this story from my father (Pr P)
12)He called me up while I (to have) dinner ( P C)
13)Yesterday I ( to buy) a new watch as I (to lose) my old one ( P I, P P)
14)I'm afraid it (to rain) all day tomorrow (F C)
15)I am tired to walk home , I think I (to take) a taxi (F I)
16) Yesterday while she (to cook) the dinner, Sam (to watch) TV. (P C)
17) We (to finish) our report by 11 o'clock the day after tomorrow (F P)
18)They will go for a walk if the weather (to be) fine. (Pr I)
19)She usually (to do) her homework at home, but now she (to do) it at the library (Pr I, Pr C)
20) the Earth (to go) round the Sun (Pr I)
21)Last Saturday after our work, we (to go) to the cafe.
22)Next week my sister (to go) on a voyage across The Mediterranean Sea
23) Yesterday I (to write) my report on physics the whole evening
24) My friend (not to play) the piano, he (to play) the violin.
25) We (to do) this work next week, when we (to finish) our project (F I, Pr I)
26)You (to go) to the dentist often or seldom? (Pr I)
27)Our neighbour (to live) here for many years (Pr P C)
28) All day tomorrow I (to prepare) for the test(F C)
29) It was warm , so I (to take) off my coat (P I)
30)They ( to make) a number of important experiments in this laboratory last year (P I)
31)Why you ( to ask) him about his holidays last time? (P I)
32) She ( not to give) him her address till she ( to know) him better (F I, Pr I)
33) 5 minutes ago my little brother (to be) here and now he (to play) in the yard. (P I , Pr C)
34)It was hard carrying the bags, They (to be) very heavy (P I)
35)She ( to make) already coffee when we ( to enter) the kitchen. (P P, PI)
36) The builders (to finish) their work in time, if the weather (to be) good. (F I, Pr I)
37) They ( to correct) the dictation by the next lesson? (F P)
38) They (not to invite) her to the party yesterday ( P I)
39) Nick ( to fall) down the stairs this morning and (to break) his leg. (PI)
40) I (to translate) this text tomorrow, if you(to bring) me your new dictionary.(FI)

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Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets and translate.

Population (mean) _______ the number of people who live in a particular area. The population of the world (not stay)_________ the same. At the moment it _______ (grow) at an increasing rate. ln fact, scientists d (believe) that the world population will increase until 2200, and then stop growing. However, things are not the same in all parts of the world. At present in many Western industrial countries the population (fall)___________. This (happen) ________ because families are small, and health conditions are good. In developing countries, on the other hand, the population (rise) ____sharply. In Ghana, for example, most families (have)______several children. Many children in Ghana(die)_____ from illness, so it is important to have lots of children. They earn money for the family and (look after) ______their parents in old age.
Complete the text with it or there in each space.
Tropical forests grow near the Equator where ____ is warm and wet. ______are only two seasons, rainy and dry. ______ is normally 20-25°C in a tropical forest and _____is only a drop of about 5°C in the coldest months. _____is a lot of rain, on average more than 200 cm per year._____ is poor soil, and ____ is difficult for plants on the forest floor to develop, as tall trees (25-35 meters) block the light. ______are many plants, birds, animals and insects. _____are different kinds of tropical forests with different kinds of trees. ______ depends on the temperature and the amount of rainfall.

Complete the sentences with verbs from the brackets ( won’t arrive, might come, could, ‘ll probably need, might become, won’t need, may have, ‘ll


1. The manager probably … until later. 2. I can’t find my umbrella. Do you think it …? 3. – When is Marc coming to see us? - Perhaps this weekend. He … on Saturday. 4. Bring the map with you. We … it to find their house. 5. I haven’t been well recently. I … to go to hospital. 6. There is nobody here today. … you call back next week? 7. You can take the laptop. I probably … it today. 8. He’s very good at running. He … a professional.

1)Complete the text with the passive form of the verbs in the box.


Thousand og young people apply to take part in this programme.They send video tapes to the producers and a group of them (1) ____ to take part.During the series,they live in a castle,where they (2) ____ to sing and dance.They (3) ___ not ___ to speak to their friends or family and every moment of their life in the castle (4) ___. Their lives (5) ___ on TV every evening and,on Saturday,there is a special show. A famous TV star (6) ___ on the show and one of the contestants sings a song with him or her. At the end of the programme, there is a vote and one person (7) ___ home.At the end of the series,the winner is (8) ___ a contract to make an album.

2)Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.
For Love or Money
1.This programme showed/was shown on American TV for the first time in 2003.
2.In this programme,fifteen women tried/were tired to win the heart of a rich young man.
3.In the first episode,the women learnt/were learnt that there was also a prize of $1 million.
4.The women told/were told to keep the prize a secret from the young man.
5.The man and the women took/were taken to different Californian cities to go out on dates.
6.At the end of each week,one woman left/was left in the show.
7.In the final show,the last woman told/was told she must choose between the man and the money.

I. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.( суффиксы и приставки) 1. Many people find their work rather___________(bore). 2. He

did not pass the exam. He was very______________(appoint) 3. Peter liked all animals and little children. It ____________( character) him like a very kind man. 4. The only thing poverty leads to is ___________(happiness) and ____________(literacy). 5. It was such an ______________(interest) excursion! 6. Susan is a _____________(charm) girl with lovely figure. 7. The ____________(distant) between S.Petersburg and Moscow is about 600 kilometers. 8. My Mom does the ______________(cook) in our family. 9. Your behavior is awful! You are ________________(polite) and ___________(moral)! 10. She had the ______________(appear) of an actress. II. Раскройте скобки. Поставьте глагол в нужное время или форму (герундий). A) Обратите внимание на времена сказуемых в главном и придаточном предложениях!!! В) Обратите внимание на условные предложения!!! 1. If you_____________ (phone) me earlier, we could have bought this book. 2. I can’t stand Mr. Brown! He__________________(always / tell a lie). 3. Steven______________(work) at this problem for three months. We’ll be able to see the presentation next week. 4. We________________(just / buy) a new car. We can go to the see. 5. Before Olga came to London, she___________________(learn) English for three years. 6. When her mother came home, Helen____________________(clean) the room since morning. 7. Thank you for_______________(come) in time. 8. There is no reason in______________(argue). 9. If the train _________________(come) in time, we would not have been late at the concert. 10. Yesterday at 5 o’clock Tom _______________(do) his homework and could not go for a walk. 11. Yesterday by 5 o’clock Tom_______________(do) his homework and could go for a walk. 12. If you ________________(phone) me, I would go to the cinema. 13. When her mother came home, she______________(write) the letter and___________(go) to the park with her friends. 14. If he _______________( buy) a car, we’ll go to the see. 15. If he___________________(buy) a car, we would go to the see. 16. If he____________________(buy)a car , we would have gone to the see. 17. My father _________________(work) here for three years. 18. My father__________________( repair) this car since morning. 19. If I had learned the grammar rules, I __________________(not /get) a bad mark. 20. If I learned the grammar rules, I_______________________(not/ get) a bad mark. 21. If I learn the grammar rules, I_______________________( not / get) a bad mark.

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0).The songs of the humpback whale are

beautiful (0) collections of moans and sighs and it is possible to make (1) ____ of these with a microphone.With enough (2) ____ you can listen to a song and tell which year it was sung in and where it came from.пожаловатьсяThe whales do most of their (3) ____ in the winter season,after their annual (4) ____ south from the Arctic. It is always the young males who set off first to the tropical breeding areas,and most of the (5) ____ are given by solitary males who are looking for a mate.The songs all have a definite sequence of parts. This (6) ____ is never changed, and there are clear rules of (7) ____ which must not be broken. There is very little (8) ____ between the songs at the start of a season and those from the previous year. However, over the next few months, the different parts of each song may be swapped, shortened, and (9) ____ may be made to the notes. During a breeding season, the whales all try to sing the most up-to-date version of the song. (10) ____ is similar to the way human language evolves, with contributions from many members of the population.
0) collect 1) record 2) practise 3) sing 4) migrate 5) perform 6) arrange 7) compose 8) differ 9) alter 10) develop

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