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Помогите написать письмо на тему: Политика.

10-11 класс

Lilya201297 20 дек. 2014 г., 11:21:45 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 дек. 2014 г., 13:35:55 (9 лет назад)

We live in a democracy, where power is vested in the people. This means that every adult citizen can influence the policy of the state, either directly or indirectly. Direct impact on the policy provided by members of the parliamentary elections, presidential elections, indirect - those who are actively engaged in social activities, participate in polls, surveys, events, socio-political, that is, takes active citizenship. The political activity of citizens should be high. Only in this case there are fair elections. Only in this case, the government can not come crooks who want to profit at the people's expense. And here is the dilemma: to go to the polling place or stay at home? Political activities is to go to the polls and vote freely and consciously in order for a candidate whose position seems closest voter. What could be easier? According to sociologists, historians, psychologists, democracy is the most equitable social order. In the distant future, according to the optimists, will develop a worldwide community of democratic states. This means that the people who inhabit the planet Earth, should be prepared to comprehend the foundations of democracy today. This is especially important for residents of those states that has recently thrown off the yoke of totalitarianism. Hopefully, in the world of the future will live a much easier and safer than today's strife-torn world and challenges. And in order to lay the foundations for the future, each of us needs to take the first step, which is the next one hundred - to go to the next election and vote for the future of the country and the planet!


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All people have problems. Some of them have many problems, the others have one or two problems only.

Young people have as many problems as the grown-ups. It is possible to solve some problems but sometimes we can not solve this or that problem. The first problem is to choose a good friend. I know the proverb "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I agree with it, that's why I try to make friends with cheerful and true persons.

I want to have a friend who understands me. It will be simple and interesting to speak to him or her. I think that young people have problems with their parents. What are they? Sometimes we have different tastes. I like the proverb "There is no accounting for tastes." For example, I go to the shops with my mother. She likes this dress but I like that one. My mother wants me to buy this dress. But I am sure, that dress is much to my taste.

My parents want me to be a teacher as they are skilled teachers but I have a taste for music, and my dream is to be a composer.

Where can we go? What can we do if we have free time? My friend Nastya lives in the village. Her village is far from Moscow. It takes her three hours to go to Moscow. She says that there is nowhere to go and there is nothing to do in her village. There are no clubs, museums, cinemas, parks there. If she wants to go to Moscow it'll take her a lot of money. She can't afford it.

It is a problem to get a good education.

It is necessary to pay for a good education. I think it is difficult to learn English, for example, without additional classes.

I can't enter the Institute without good knowledge. To get it it is necessary to pay for it and have heavy expenses.

Many good teachers leave schools because they haven't got enough money. Persons without special experience can't teach the pupils well.

I am sure that all teenagers want to have a lot of money to dress well, to go to the theatres, to visit foreign countries, to eat what they want, to buy books… How can they solve all these problems?

They have to earn money. I think it is possible to do it. Some boys wash cars, the others sell newspapers, some of my friends help old persons. Many of my friends have load of cares.

We have some problems but we are sure that we solve them in a proper way.

I think that the young people in other countries have many problems too. I have a pen-friend in Italy. He usually writes that his parents make him to do a lot of house-work. It is strange for us, but my friend Jack from London has his biggest problem — his freckles.


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