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Пожалуйста,помогите написать письмо на тему "choosing way in life" Заранее спасибо

10-11 класс

Enlin 28 сент. 2014 г., 6:32:37 (9 лет назад)
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28 сент. 2014 г., 7:37:05 (9 лет назад)

What is the guarantee of people`s happiness? We may answer this question in such a way: a man becomes happy when he finds his place in the life. But in this case, how it can be found? What signs can help us in this search? It is very difficult to answer definitely because everybody has his own view about the happy life and the role he must play in it. Some people appreciate friendship, love, their family and they are satisfied with the most necessary things of material plan saying that money does not bring happiness. But other people have the contrary point of view: «Money does not bring happiness, - they say – but their number does». We must agree that both of these statements are true. A rich man will never be happy without love and poor man will never be happy without money. That`s why choosing the way in our life we pay great attention to career choice. Really our work must get us not only salary but also be interesting for us, give opportunity to develop and of cause it must not infringe our communication with relative people.

Career choice depends on many factors such as urgency of profession, abilities of a man, our interests, influence of relatives and friends. Some of these factors can both show the necessary direction, and make you to get lost. For example, some specialties are urgent today but in several years they will not, because institutes, universities and colleges will let out so many specialists that it will not be enough work places for everybody. It is important to lend an ear to relatives` advice, however it doesn’t mean that you must follow them by all means because some parents want to realize their own dreams in their children or make followers of them. It would be much better to realize your own wishes of cause if they correlate with your possibilities. It`s useless to begin the career of singer if you have no ear for music or become a pilot if you are afraid of height. But there are some people who stubbornly go to their goal. Having conquered their fears gotten necessary knowledge and practices they reach goals they want in spite of all difficulties.

Unfortunately, not every man chooses his way right. It happens that a man has got some specialty, has worked with it much time but feels himself like a fish out of water. Is it necessary in this case to get new profession which you like more? Without fail! All ages are submissive learning as well as love.


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