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Начни вопросы со слов:What,Where,When,How,Why.Ответь на них.

10-11 класс

1)... does the boy go to school?
2)...has he got?
3)... does he see a green frog?
4)... can the boy swim?
5)... is his teacher sad?

Gilgun98 26 марта 2014 г., 23:04:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 марта 2014 г., 23:58:19 (10 лет назад)

1)..when. does the boy go to school? the boy goen to school in the mornings
2)..what.has he got? he has got a watch
3).where.. does he see a green frog? he sees a green frog in the zoo
4).how.. can the boy swim? the boy can swim fast
5)..why. is his teacher sad? the teacher is sad because nobody passed the exam


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста! срочно нужно!

Уважаемые читатели “Семейной Жизни”!

Robin was allowed ....this book from the book case

to take

сделайте правильно пожалуйста Употребите глагол, данный в скобках, в нужном времени и залоге. 1. Why are you

(laugh)? – He (tell) us a funny story. 2. I (not seen) this film. I (go) to see it this week. 3. My friends (wait for) me now. I (not see) them for ages. 4. He (learn) new words for 3 hours yesterday. 5. It (rain) when I got up. 6. I (take shower) when you called me. 7. She believes she (become) famous by the time she’s thirty. 8. They (finish) their meeting by 4 o’clock this afternoon. 9. I (clean) the room by the time you come back. 10. He (listen to) with great attention. 11. Trees (plant) in the garden now. 12. All the food (eat) by the time I got there. 13. The project (finish) by Wednesday afternoon. 14. A new bicycle (give) to Bill by his father. 15. The house (build) now.

Заполните предложения прилагательными, образованными от существительных, данных в скобках 1. It was very ...... so I drove slowly.(FOG)

2.It's nice meeting such a ........ person.(FRIEND)

3.He looked very .......... in that hat.(FUN)

4.They saw a ............... figure at the castle door. (GHOST)

5.Working on the car made her hands ................. .(GREASE)

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами - существительными.

Lord Byron (1788-1824) didn't live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved (1) _________ and a simple country life. His (2) ________ attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his (3) ____________ romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, nobl and brave. (4) ________ admired him. In 1812 he became famous after the (5) _________ of his autobiographic poem "Childe Harold".







Читайте также

Задайт специальные вопросы. Начни вопросы со словами where when(2), why, what(2), what colour, how, how old, how many.

1.______________________________________________________ -Last March. ( They were in the Us last March)

2. ______________________________________________________ - In london (he was in London last week)
3. ______________________________________________________ - She could come because she was ready.
4. ___________________________________ _________________ White. (The box was white)
5.______________________________________________________ -Forty. (My uncle was 40 in 2000)6._____________________________________________________- In the evening.( They washed the car in the evening)

7. ____________________________________________________ -The box. (They opened the box)
8. ____________________________________________________ -Five.( They visited five countries)
9. __________________________________________________-_--The book.( He took the book)
10.____________________________________________________-Very well. (He skated very well)

1. Напишите предложение в Future Simple: They (deliver) the goods next week 2/ Напишите предложение в Future Tense: Tom sold the old car to his friend

3. Измените предложение в вопрос: They will be there at noon 4. Измените предложение в отрицательное: John will be at home tonight 5. in, on или at: _____4:30 p.m. 6. Напишите ,что вы собираетесь делать (going to): we will return at night 7. Напишите этo предложениe в Future Tense а) will/shall/: b) to be going to: They finished this work before noon 8. Укажите last, next, in ago, yesterday, tomorrow: They won't be there _____ 9. where, when, why ______arу you going have so soon 10. задайте вопрос с where, when, why: he bought a new house last week 11. how. how much, how many ______does it cost 12. Задайте вопрос с how: There are five catalogues on the desk 13. Укажите fast, much, many, old, often, tall, big How ____ is tour sister 14. Напишите предложение в Present Perfect The meeting (begin) already 15. Напишите это предложение в Past Simple Future simple и Present Perfect They have enough time 16 Измените предложение в вопрос She is written the letter 17. задайте вопросы с: when where who how why We have three of four offers 18.Измените предложение в отрицательное The Smiths have a very large house 19, Напишите предложение в Past Simple She's seen Tom (a week ago) 20, укажите нужный глагол в Present perfect: know speak spend receive buy sell read show go take We______televivsion equipment this week 21, Укажите глагол в Past Simple или Present Perfect I (visit) him last sunday 22 Изменить предложение в вопрос He was very tired after talks 23/ Задайте вопрос с why He wasn't in his office 24. Задайте расчлененный вопрос и дайте ожидаемый короткий ответ Mr. Brown lives in New York, ______?____. 25 Укажите already/yet mr. Bell has spoken to them ______ 26. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательного: fast 27, Заполнить таблицу: beautiful _______ ________ 28. Укажите превосходную степень прилагательного Who is _______(intelligebt) student in your class 29. Укажите модальный глагол can, must. may You___go home after lunch

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