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Выберите подходящий вариант.В ответе запишите только буквы.

10-11 класс

1) My cousin very upset because his health has changed ____ worse.a) to;b) into;c) for;d) by.
2) How long can man _____ food?a) do out;b) do without;c)make out;d)make up.
3) You can’t join us, I’m afraid. There isn’t enough _____ in the car.a)place;b)seat;c)people;d)room

ДИМА1416 01 марта 2014 г., 22:28:42 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 марта 2014 г., 23:31:02 (10 лет назад)

1 c(for)
2 b(do without)
3 d(room)

+ 0 -
02 марта 2014 г., 0:18:12 (10 лет назад)

1. for
2. do without


Другие вопросы из категории

перведите пожалуйста
Complete the sentence with in, on, at or no preposition (-).

а) I saw Eloise ___ last night.
б) The project finished ___ the summer.
в) We went to the conference ___ yesterday.
г) Narinder finished the presentation ___ 4:30.
д) Yоu spoke to Pat ___ Wednesday morning.
е) They decided to go to China ___ Мау 14th.
ё) We never work ___ the weekend.
ж) They plan to build the bridge ___ August 2012.

Вставить пропущенные слова в скобках в предложения.1. Alice is thirteen years old. She is tall for her ... Her hair is ... and ... Her eyes are

...fnd her cheeks are ...; she has a ... mouth and pretty ... teeth.
(white, turned-up, rosy, soft, fair, age, grey, small)
2. The girl was between nine and ten years old. She had ... leg and ... arms, two ... pig-tails, a freckled ... that turned up, and yeys that werealmost green and almost brown/
(yellow, long, nose)
3. Near the park I saw a man on horseback. I saw at once that he was a stranger. He was very tall, dressed in rich clothes, with a gold chain hanging about his ... and seemed to be about forty years old. His face was ... and ..., the eyes were and ..., the mouth was small with a cruel ... on it, the forehead ... and marked with a scar. The man's complexion was ..., his hair like my own was ... / He had a beard and moustache.
(wavy,dark, long, thin, large, shinin, small, neck, high, black)

Вставьте артикль, если это необходимо: I have ___ ten programmes on my TV. My friend has ___ car. ___ car is broken now. This is ___ house. ___ house is

white. They ___ party. ___ party is ___, a birthday party. I read ___ good book yesterday. ___ book was interesting and funny.

Читайте также

1).Выберите подходящий вариант.В ответе запишите только буквы.

1)Henry Longfellow was a(an)_______ poet.a)English; b)American; c) Canadian;d) Australian.
2) What river does London stand on?a)The Severn; b)The Avon; c)The Clyde; d) The Thames.
3) A double-decker is _______.a)a train; b)a small plane; c)abus; d) a hotel room for two people.
4) The Tower of London was _______.a)a royal residence ; b)a prison; c)a museum; d) a burial place.
2).Вставьте пропущенные слова в пословицы.
1)Promise ______, do much.
2) ______is better than cure.
3) Custom is ______nature.
4) He that steals the egg will steal an ______.
5) It’s better to be silent and be thought a ______ , than to speak up and remove all doubt

Выберите подходящий вариант

1. If you take the sweater back to the shop they’ll want to see the … to show you bought it there.
A. receipt B. reception C. permit D. quotation

2. The task of the public relations department is to project thought … of a company.
A. painting B. image C. picture D. drawing

3. When the product was launched they issued a press … to all the news agencies.
A. escape B. issue C. release D. promotion

4. The higher the risk you … the more money you can make.
A. take B. do C. make D. invest
5. I think we should … our lawyers before signing any agreement.
A. confirm B. connect C. consign D. consult
6. There are several ways to measure how … country is.
A. developing B. developed C. bad D. good
7. The interest rate in this bank is … all over the town.
A. higher B. the highest C. more high D. most high
8. … for time, I couldn’t even drop into the bank.
A. press B. pressing C. by press D. pressed

Выберите подходящий вариант.

How long _________________ for your keys?
a) do you look
b) have you been looking
c) have you looked
d) did you look

Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях. В ответ запишите только исправленное слово или словосочетание.

1) When I came in, the discussion had been interrupted.
2) If you will put salt on ice, it will melt.
3) I regret telling you the bad news.
4) After graduating from the institute I had come to St. Petersburg.

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