Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

make up sentences 1)week,a,will,museum,be,next,new,local,at,exhibition,the,opened,picture

10-11 класс

2)minutes,if,they,you,few,dinner,will,ring,up,a,having,them,in,be 3)during,how,read,holidays,your,many,winter,have,books,you 4)there,longer,the,to stay,friends,any,not,decided 5)street,and,because,he,sunday,cold,in stayed,the,rainy,at,on 6)form,in,why,exercise,written,must,this,do,we 7)at,he,office,morning,let,in,his,for,the,eight,home,o'clock 8)their,all,the,the,the,to,listening,classroom,pupils,director,were,entered,teacher,when

ViktoriSh 31 мая 2014 г., 11:12:43 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 мая 2014 г., 12:48:48 (10 лет назад)

1. A 


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите написать письмо) White a letter to your pen-friend. 1. Why you like to travel. 2. With whom and where you like to


3. How you like to travel.

4. Your positive and negative impressions of the last travelling.

Помогите решить задание сегодня нужно 1 Вставь пропущенные слова The Country Mouse lives in the country. Her house

isnt---------------but it is nice.

The------------Mouse likes to read.She can------------------funny pictures.On Mondays her----------------comes to see her.

Помогите перевести немецкий...срооочно:Nun hat Martin(16) das Wort:

"Eine andere Arbeitsgruppe machte jeden Tag eine Wandzeitung.Vier Redakteure und viele Mitarbeiter schrieben über das,was im Lager passierte, jeder in seiner Fremdsprache!Mit einem Computer druckten sie den Artikel in lateinischer und kyrilischer Schrift.
Am Abend saßen wir meisten um ein Lagerfeuer und sangen Lieber,zum Beispiel das Lagerlied.Die Melodie dazu stammte aus einer bekannten russischen Zeichentrickfilmserie mir dem Krokodil Gena.
Gena war das Maskottchen des Treffens,das Krokodil grinste auch von den T-Shirts,die extra für die Partnerschaft hergestellt worden waren.

Читайте также

1) try to make up as many questions as you can to every sentences:

a) In the near future we shall see new machine - tools.
b) The worker must Regulate the production process.
c) He is a good worker.
d)They control different machines.
e)There are many tools in this plant.
f) the workers of this plant had a high productivity.
g) We are cutting a metal now.
2) Make up questions to every sentence:
а) Общие
б) Специальные
в) разделительные
1) there is a book on the table. 2) Hemust work hard today 3) We are leaving for Moscow next week. 4) We were reading the whole evening. 5) Yhey don't go to work on Sunday 6) it is not cold today. 7) Ann has already begun to read a new book. 8)we learn English at the University 9) they will show you how to get there.
Помогите пожалуйста!

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Make up sentences using the Future Perfect: 1. He/by six/leave. 2. The report/you/by the deadline/finish? 3. Do/everything/we? 4. Children/the homework/finish/not/by dinnertime. 5. Peter/can go walking/his exams/finish/by then. 6. Complete/work/she/by midnight. 7. By dinnertime/ they/arrive/not. 8. By the next week/be in Paris/we/for two months. 9. You/when/finish/your letter? 10. Get home/he/by the lunchtime?

Complete the sentences containing the Indirect questions. Choose, make up sentences and translate it: I am not sure ___________________. a. where do you

live b. where you live Jackie is wondering ______________. a. whether she got the job b. did she got the job. Could you tell me ________________? a. why Fred was fired b. why was Fred fired 3. Find the Participles, comment on their forms, functions, and translate the sentences: He has bought a used car. Whistling Tom left the room. The advertised merchandise was not available at the store. The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: time/ he/ come back/ - It's time for him to come back.
1. hight time/ we/ say goodbye to everubody; 2. time/ the child/ go to bed; 3. time/ she/ put up with his behavior; 4. hight time/ they/ develop a new model; 5. about time/ we/ leave the house; 6. hight time/ he/ speak English fluently; 7. time/ she/ choose a profession; 8. hight time/ we/ buy a new TV set; 9. hight time/ he/ ring me up.

Make up sentences according to

the models to practise the use of
the Complex Subject.
a) Model: несомненно, они
исследуют эту проблему (to be
They are certain to investigate
this problem.
1.Вероятно, они купят
цифровой компьютер (to be
likely). 2. Они обязательно
измеряют температуру (to be
sure). 3. Маловероятно, что они
придут сегодня (to be unlikely).
4. Он определенно сделает это
(to be certain). 5. Врят ли он
поступит в этот колледж (to be
b) Model: Кажется, он учился
здесь (to seem).
1. Кажется, он купил
компьютер (to seem). 2.
Оказывается, он пытался
переводить текст (to prove). 3.
Он случайно встретил ее на
улице (to happen). 4. Казалось,
что они его уже забыли (to
seem) . 5. Эксперимент оказался
удачным (to prove).

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