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What animals live in the forest? What animals live in the desert? What animals live in a savanna? What animals live in

10-11 класс


What animals live in Australia?

ответ:+1 подробно:+2 с картинкой:+3 интересный:+4 чудесный:+5

Ryslantd 02 февр. 2014 г., 22:07:12 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 февр. 2014 г., 0:44:12 (10 лет назад)

Foxes, bears and wolves live in the forest.

Spiders and


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Correct the mistakes. 1. This pets are funny. 2. She have a family. 3. What does we do in the shop? 4. There are some salt in the soup. 5. The stones fall

to the water. 6. There are two dozens roses in the box. 7. Those tulip is very nice. 8. There is some horse in the yard. 9. How much photos have you? 10. The one of September is the Day of Knowledge. 11. We go into Moscow every year. 12. When are you study English? 13. I prefer this song for that one. 14. Does you like to play chess? 15. Ann and Kate swims in the lake. 16. I see a few snow on the ground. 17. I want to give you these cake. 18. Are she live there? 19. Why you show your dress before party? 20. We have no a cat. 21. You are tired, don’t you? 22. Is there some broken glass on the floor? 23. You read texts every day? 24. Has his parents a flat or a house? 25. Give me a milk, please. 26. There is not the lamp on a wall. 27. Who plant all trees in the garden? – We do. 28. Translate the Russian words on English, please. 29. There are a little chairs in the room. 30. Who are there at the door? – We are. 31. How many homework must you do now? 32. They was at the club yesterday. 33. What does fly in the room? – A bee does.

Ответьте пожалуйста на вопросы по тексту 1)What does the phrase "Mind the Gap" mean when you hear it in the Underground? 2)Does the phrase have any

other meaning? What is it? 3) From where does the phrase originate? 4) It the legend about "Mind the Gap" true / terrifying / humorous? 5) Do you know any similar legends about the place where you live?


Mind the Gap" is not just an announcement that you'll hear in the London Underground when a train arrives at a station. Much more than just a warning about the "gap" between a carriage and the platform, it's a phrase that has entered popular culture and has become synonymous with London. People who have visited England's capital city say "Mind the Gap" to each other — often accompanied by knowing glances and subtle nods — while the rest of the world wonders what they are on about.
The phrase originated on the Northern Line, where the gaps between the curved train platforms at Embankment Station and the train itself were particularly large.
The biggest gaps one needs to mind are at Bank Station on the Central Line and at Waterloo Station on the Bakerloo Line. Basically, early in the history of Tube-line building the companies had to build their railways beneath public roads, so sharp curves were required at some points. Probably, the gap at Bank Station is so large because the tunnel diggers of the time had to turn from side to side a lot to miss the Bank of England's vaults.
One of the funniest urban legends about "Mind the Gap" is as follows:
Once you are on a train platform, beware! Approaching trains sometimes disturb the large Gappe bats that live in the tunnels. The Gappes were brought to London in the early 19th century by French smugglers and have proved impossible to get rid of. The announcement "Mind the Gappe!" is a signal that you should cover your hair and look Itowards the ceiling. Very few people have ever been killed by Gappes, though, and they are considered only a minor drawback to an otherwise excellent means of transport.

My RoomWe live in three-room flat. The room I like best in our flat is mine.I use my room as a study and a bedroom. It is very nice and cosy. There isn't

much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. The built-in furniture doesn't take much space in the room.On the left there is my bed and desk. The desk has a lot of drawers where I keep my text-books, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable arm-chair. Beside it stands a lamp with blue shade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in the arm-chair and read an interesting book.There are some shelves with books in my room. You can see Russian and English books there. There is a big thick carpet on the floor. There are some posters with my favourite singers on the wall.I like my room very much. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them into my room. My room is a nice place for both rest and work. Моя комнатаМы живем в трехкомнатной квартире. Комната, которая мне нравится больше всего в нашей квартире, — моя комната.Я использую свою комнату и как место для занятий, и как спальню. Она уютная и удобная. В моей комнате немного мебели, только все самое необходимое. Встроенная в стены мебель не занимает много места.Слева стоит моя кровать и мой письменный стол. В столе много ящиков, в которых я храню мои учебники, тетради, ручки, карандаши и другие необходимые вещи. Справа стоит диван и встроенный шкаф. В правом углу расположено удобное кресло. Рядом с ним — лампа с голубым абажуром. Мне нравится включить лампу, сесть в кресло и читать интересную книгу.В моей комнате есть несколько книжных полок. На них можно увидеть книги на русском и английском языках. На полу лежит большой толстый ковер. На стене висят несколько плакатов с моими любимыми исполнителями.Мне очень нравится моя комната. Когда друзья приходят меня проведать, я всегда приглашаю их в свою комнату. Моя комната — хорошее место для отдыха и для работы.

Questions:1. Do you like your room?
2. Is your room small?
3. Is there much furniture in it?
4. What is there in the right corner?
5. Do you have any bookshelves?

Read the passage about the landscape of Australia. Fill the gaps in the passage with the or - (no article).There is an example (B0) at the beginning.

B0 – Australia is an island continent lying southeast of B1 Asia.
Australia is the smallest continent and the largest island in the world.
It is formed of one enormous island and one small one called B2 Tasmania. Australia is the flattest of all continents. Only 5 per cent of the lands is very high. Its most significant mountain chain is B3 Great Diving Range, the eastern part of which is known as B4 Australian Alps. B5 Mount Kosciusko is Australia’s highest point. There are a few rivers in Australia. Australia’s best – known river is B6 Murray. But the longest is B7 Darling.
Most of Australia’s areas are desert country. In fact, B8 Great Sandy and B9 Great Victoria Deserts are the largest deserts in the world.
Four out of five Australians live in the eastern state cities. B10 Sydney is the largest city on the continent.

Составить и записать 7 вопросов к этому тексту. I am a student. I study medicine at the university in my town. I live with my parents in the

house near the city centre. I have got a sister, but she doesn't live in the house. She is a architect and she work in London.Her job is very interesting. My parents are teachers in the same school. My mum teach French. My dad is a art teacher and he paints in his free time.

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