Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Помогите!! Нужно срочно письмо на англ. языке, описывающее моего друга с хорошей стороны! Минимум 15 предложений. Помогите, срочно надо!

10-11 класс

НаТаХиН 18 июня 2013 г., 8:52:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 июня 2013 г., 10:07:10 (10 лет назад)

 I have a friend. His name is ______ ( имя).  He is ______ (возраст). He is clever and nice. He always helps me when I need. Even if he is busy he always comes and does everything he can. When I am ill, he comes to me every day.He buys medecine and fruits.  He is with me almost all his free time.  He is funny. He always makes me laugh. We like watching films, listening to music, going out together. It is always intresting with him. We always find the topic for conversation and always argue but never quarell with each other. He always gives me good advice. We know each other very well. I think I can't live without him because he is my best friend. 

 если пишите про девочку, то  he  поменяйте на  she; his, him -  поменяйте на  her


Другие вопросы из категории

Употребите нужную форму

1. I am sorry that you do not read English novels; if you (to read) them, I (to lend) you some very interesting ones. 2. You say that you did not read yesterday's papers; if you (to read) them, you (tо see) the announcement of Professor Х's coming to our town. 3. Не is not ill: if he (tо be) ill, he (not to play) tennis so much. 4. Не was not ill last week: if he (tо be) ill, he (not to take) part in the football match. 5. How slippery it is! If it (not to rain), it (not to be) so slippery. 6. I am glad I was able to attend the lecture yesterday. You (to be) displeased if I (not to come)? 7. Let's take а taxi to the railway station: we have а lot of luggage. If we (not to have) so much luggage, we (to walk). 8. Stop working and let's go inside: it is too dark. If the evening (not to be) sо dark, we (to continue) the work. 9. I don't believe you: you only say that you want to know languages. If you (to be) really interested in languages, you (to study) them.

Определите временную форму предложений

1,It was founded by the Romans.
a)Past Passive b)Future Simple c)Past Simple
2.The east coast is washed by the North Sea.
a)Past Simple b)Present Passive c)Future Passive
3.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated of the Northwestcoast of Europe
a)Present Passive b)Past Simple c)Future Passive

Образуйте отрицательную и

вопросительную формы предложений.

1. His dad was an architect.

2. He went to the pond.

3. They noticed that the sun had gone down.

4. She was very beautiful.

5. My friends know all the best places to go.

помогите сделать ...по англ.

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Пожалуйста помогите нужно срочно!!! Перепишите

предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в нужную видовременную Форму, назовите её, переведите предложения на русский язык: Образец: Yesterday we (to play) football. - Yesterday we played football, (played - Past Simple) Вчера мы играли в футбол.

1) Last week I (to go) to the stadium with my friends. 2) My sister (to want) to become an actress. 3) We (to spend) next summer at the seaside. 4) Usually I (to have) three training lessons a week. 5) He (to pass) all the exams last month. 6) Tomorrow you (to be) 20 years old. 7) Margie (not to like) basketball, but she (to like) tennis very much. 8) It (to be) nice weather yesterday, but it (to be) too hot today.

Пожалуйста помогите нужно срочно!!! Перепишите предложения, определив в них

причастия I и II и их функции в предложении. Переведите на русский язык: Образец: The man sitting on the bench is my father, (sitting - причастие I, определение) Человек, сидящий на скамейке - мой отец.

1) The flying ball hit the net. 2) The exercises done by her were very effective. 3) Being very I didn't come to my friends. 4) The stadium built last year is very large and comfortable. 5) The watched film impressed me most of all. 6) The running athletes looked very tired. 7) She took her sleeping child and put it on the bed.

Помогите перевести вопросы пожалуйста на английский язык!

Что вы можете рассказать об этой вечеринке?

Два студента были из Германии или из Франции?

Кто прочел французское стихотворение после ужина?

Что предложили два студента из Германии?

Почему гости захотели послушать песню на немецком языке?

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