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The little boy is very ... . he asks lots of questions about everything

10-11 класс

a) curious b polite c naughty

Olhowskaj 15 янв. 2014 г., 20:20:35 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 янв. 2014 г., 22:01:48 (10 лет назад)

curious - А 

+ 0 -
16 янв. 2014 г., 0:49:48 (10 лет назад)

Ответ с)  curious The little boy is very curious


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Прочитать текст на английском языке но только русскими буквами.

My working day.
I get up at 7 o`clock on week-days. I do my bed, take a shower, brush my teeth, brush hair, dress up and breakfast. For breakfast usually eat a sandwich with ham and cheese with a cup of tea or coffee. My college start at half of the ninth. At noon I go to the dining hall of the college to dine. For lunch I usually eat soup, meat or fish with a salad with a glass of fruit juice. After school I go nome and do homework. In the evening, have free time. I read books, watch tv or go out with your friends. I usually go to bed at eleven o`clock in the evening.

Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту на английском , заранее спасибо:

More violence, more vandalism* exists than it did ten years ago. Many people say that their lives have been made miserable by young people out on the street late at night. Young people are more violent than ever. All those groups or subcultures are awful, because all of their members are violent. They only think about rebellion against society, its laws, they reject everything, they protest against their parents and school. I think they are potential criminals, their groups are like gangs (банды). I think all these groups should be forbidden.

Match and read the dialogue.

1) Have you got a pet?
2) What’s its name?
3) What does it like to eat?
4) What is it like?
5) What can it do?

a) Ashby.
b) Ashby is big, kind and strong.
c) Yes. I’ve got a camel.
d) Ashby likes my father to carry things.
e) Grass and apples.

Читайте также

Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

1 my grandmother always ____ me about her childhood, (says/tells)
2 «don't do that!» she ____ them, (say/told)
3 did she ____ you where she had put my books? (say/tell)
4 when I was introduced to the actor he ____ a few words to me. (said/told)
5 that little boy is very bad. he ____ a lot of lies, (says/tells)
6 she ____ to me she didn't know what to do. (said/told)
7 he often ____ things like that, (says/tells)

II. Work with a partner. Look at the facts about Richard Branson and ask and answer questions about how he works. Use these question forms to help you.

Richard Branson’s 10 secrets of success

What … ? Where … ? How … ? Does he … ?

How many … ? How much … ? When … ? Why … ?

Has he … ? How often … ? What sort of … ?

1. He employs people he likes personally. This is more important to him than qualifications.

2. He regularly works an eleven-hour day, starting around eight and finding around seven at night.

3. He spends a lot of time talking to people on the telephone but henever sends memos.

4. He rarely holds board meetings. He makes decisions on the phone or on the tennis court.

5. He has a good memory and he writes people’s names on his hand so he doesn’t forget them.

6. He invites every single one of his 10,000 employees to a party at his home in Oxfordshire every year. The last party cost around &100,000.

7. He continually questions his employees about every aspect of the business and he tries to pick holes in their arguments to find out whether their ideas will work.

8. If he becomes annoyed in meetings, he leaves the room. He hardly ever loses his temper.

9. He has had several business failures in the past and nearly went bankrupt several times but he has always survived. He puts his success down to good ideas, good people, and good luck.

10. He didn’t go into business to make money. He went into business because he wanted a challenge.

написать письмо Task 19. This an extract from your pen-friend`s postcard: …I’m having a busy time at the moment as I have to write lots of Christmas cards

to all my friends and relatives. Do you celebrate Christmas in Russia? What holidays are celebrated in your country? What is your favourite holiday? How do you celebrate it? Well, I’d better go now. I’ve got to help mum with cooking. I can’t wait to hear from you. Lots of love, Jackie Write back to Jackie. In your letter – answer her questions about Russian holidays – ask 3 questions about British holidays Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing

Задание № 3 Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркнув формы страдательного залога. А. 1. Festivals of folk songs are attended by a lot of

people annually. 2. He was elected the Home Minister last year. 3. When much material had been looked through and some problems had been solved, the article was published. 4. Today plastics are being used for car bodies. 5. It's easy to find your way about in New-York, it is laid out so regularly. The streets are well-planned. The streets running north and south are called "Avenues" and are numbered, for example, 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, etc., the streets going east and west are called "Streets" and are also numbered. B. 1. Thousands of foreign guests are invited every year to attend the Winter Music Festival in Russia. 2. Will the translation be done tomorrow? I hope, it will. 3. When much had been done in the study of ecology by our institute it became an important scientific centre. 4. Today plastics are being widely used instead of metals. 5. Do you know why the White House is white? The story I was told is that in 1812 when England was at war with America, the British captured the City and some of the buildings, including the Capitol and the house of the President, were set on fire. In 1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the brown stone walls were painted white - and it has been the "White House" ever since. C. 1. When was the play staged? - It was staged last year. 2. I'm sure a lot of questions will be discussed at the conference. 3. The automatic equipment is being installed in our shop. 4. The construction of this dam has been completed this month. 5. English nowadays is considered to be the most popular language in the world. It's the official language of the U.K., of the U.S.A. and of Australia and New Zealand. It's used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Union of South Africa , and the Irish Republic. It is spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, and numerous countries in Africa.

Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные.

1. They went on an excursion last Sunday.
2. The excursion was very interesting.
3. The guide told the tourists a lot of interesting things.
4. The tourists were from England.
5. Three of them spoke Russian.
6. They asked a lot of questions about the history of Moscow.
7. The guide answered all their questions.
8. The tourists wanted to go to St.Petersburg too.
9. The guide promised to show St.Petersburg to them.
10. The tourists invited the Russian guide to visit London.

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