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Помогите плииз! Надо найти слова которые написаны неправильно

10-11 класс

Rozashake 29 апр. 2014 г., 7:45:42 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2014 г., 10:04:00 (10 лет назад)

The Swiss eat more chocolate than any other nation. The  -        (OK)
Switzerland is also the country where the best chocolate is –       (OK)
made, though some people argue it is Belgium. Chocolate –       (OK)
originally came out from South America and it was the Spanish – (out)
who they brought it to Europe. At first it was used for the –           (they)
drinking and was very too expensive. Today chocolate is eaten – (too)
all over in the world and is a multi-million pound industry. It –        (in)
is one of Switzerland's the biggest industries after banking.


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Fill in the gaps with will, won't or shall Jim: 1) Shall we go to Snacks Restaurant for lunch? Lucia: No, you 2).......... like the

food there . I think you 3)............... like the new cafe in York Street.

Jim: OK. We 4)......... take the bus there. 5).............. I phone John and ask him if he wants to come?

Lucia: I'm sure he 6)......... want to come but we 7)............. have time to wait for him here.

Jim: 8)......... I tell him to meet us there?

Lucia: That's a good idea. Tell him we 9)............. meet him outside the cafe.

Jim: 10)............... I tell him to be there in half an hour? 11)................. that give us enough time?

Lucia: Yes, I Think so.

Помогите с одним предложением, не пойму. Make up conditional sentence: They ran

out of money, so they returned from their holiday early. If…

Помогите перевести пожалуйста

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ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!Нужно вставить слова за место цифр.

Steven Sonnenberg (1) in Germany,but he (2) to Boston,USA with his parents when he (3) six years old.He (4) there languages-German,English, and Russian.I (6) law at Harvard from 2000-2004.Now i (7) a course in international studies at the Sorbonne in Paris.After the course,i (8) on holiday to Russia.I can't wait to see the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.
Слова которые нужно вставить:has, studied, speaks, emigrated, was born, 'm going, was, 'm doing.

Помогитееее срочноооо!!!мало времени...Прочитайте приведенный текст и преобразуйте слова,которые написаны ниже так,чтобы они грамматически и

лексически соответствовали содержанию.
The are a few rules that all 1... to the wildlife observe ,2...these rules is necessary if people want bo enjoy them selves and have an 3...experience . first of all,it is 4...to leave your car in the park so as to cause as little disturbance as possible to the xaried wildlite . the animais can be easily 5...by unexpected hoises, 6... those made by machines.se condy, people need to be 7... ifthey wcent to see the animals in their natural 8... . this often means that people have to put up with 9... weather condition and to 10... insects

Помогите пожалуйста правильно вставить слова, которые в скобках на те же места

We get on quite well but sometimes they think that I(be) boring and annoying. It happens when Mum tells(they) to look after me instead of hanging out with their friends. Sometimes they say that they are busy. Just like now - my sister is pretending that she(do) her lessons, but I know that it's not true. She (do) them already. She wants to go out but she (not know) how to escape the house. I'm going to offer her a deal: if she allows me to play on her computer, I(tell) Mum that I want to go to bed earlier, so she'll be able to go wherever she wants. Whatever they say, i'm sure that my brother and sister love me. It was me birthday last week and they(take) me to the circus. They also gave me a large teddy bear. They put the bear at the foot of me bed when I(sleep)/ It was the first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning!

Нужно найти слово, которое подходило бы ко всем трем предложениям.

Any new decisions the committee takes must be in ____with previous policy.

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