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Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!! Test 1. Whenever he...the train h stays at Bens house a) misses b) missed c)has missed 2. If you

10-11 класс

... harder, you`d have passed a)study b) studied c) had studied 3. I ... down the job if they don`t raise the salary a)turned b) had turned c)will turn 4. Stop right now and I ... angry a) wouldn`t have been b) wouldn`be c)won`t be 5. I`d ... out with you, if I wasn`t so tired a) went b) have gone c)go 6. If she ... angry with you, you`re very lucky a) wasn`t b)hasn`t been c) isn`t 7. Unless you ... him , he`ll never find out a) tell b) had told c) told 8. If you... Janet, can you tell her I`m looking for her? a)saw b)see c)had seen 9. If Mark ... tell him I`m not in a)had phoned b)phones c)phoned 10. If you pay the tiskets now, we ... them tomorrow a)would deliver b)will deliver c) deliver 11. As long as you ... sure, then it`s alright with me a)Are b)were c)had been 12. Buy me a drink and I ... you back later a) would pay b) will pay c) would have paid 13. You won`t win ... you enter the competition a) provided b)unless c) as long as 14. If you had lots of money , what..? a)would you have done b) will you do c)would you do 15. Provided you ... me , everything will be okay a)had helped b)help c) helped 16. We wouldn`t ...our flight, if we`d left earlier a)have missed b) miss c)missed 17. I wouldn`t ...that if I were you a)do b)have done c) did 18. I`m sure Ellen would have been happier if she... on holiday a)goes b)had gone c) went 19. Luke ... so careless, if he`d know what would happen a) wouldn`t have been b) won`t be c) wouldn`t be 20. If John... on time, I would have been surprised a) arrives b) had arrived c) arrived

RinaKa 17 апр. 2014 г., 10:26:13 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 апр. 2014 г., 11:54:11 (10 лет назад)

1.  a) misses 2. c) had studied 3. c)will turn 4.  c)won`t be 5. c) go 6. c) isn`t 7. a) tell 8.  b)see  9.  b)phones  10.  b)will deliver  11.  a)Are  12. b) will pay  13. b)unless  14.c)would you do 15.  b)help  16.  a)have missed  17.  a)do 18. b)had gone 19.  a) wouldn`t have been


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Переведите пожалуйста
Определите временную форму глаголов и перевидите на английский язык: 1. Вчера в 9 часов вечера я смотрел телевизор .2.Она сказала, что еще не вы

полнила адомашнее Задание. 3. Когда пришел мой друг, я ещё завтракал. 4. Когда я встретил ее впервые, она работала в школе. 5. Все студенты ВЫПОЛНИЛИ задание после того, как пре­подаватель рассказал им, как его делать. б. Когда мы вышли на улицу , ярко светило солнце. 7. Мой друг сказал, •что его брат уже приехал. 8. Я читал книгу , когда услышал телефонный звонок. 9. После того, как врач осмотрел (to examine ) больного, он поговорил с его родственниками 10. Когда мы пришли на оста­новку (bus stop )автобус уже ушел. 11. Он смотрел телевизор, когда пршел его друг. 12. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор. 14. Служащие (the clerks)заканчивают работу в шесть вечера .

Заранее большое спасибо)

Give the English for the Russian word in brackets.

1. George Elephant was (обвинять) with murder of his wife.2.His (дело) caused great public interest.3.He was born of (обычный) middle-class parents.4.George (стыдиться) of his last name.5.He said that he was not (виновен).6.She never (уставать) of making jokes at his name.7.As he had no courage to change his name he had just to (смириться) it.8.George was brought to (полицейский суд).9.He (обнаружить) a few interesting facts about George Elephant’s life.10.He was modest and his school-mates were (безжалостный).11.George (страдать) a great deal because of his name.12.Some people use the telephone as (средство) of annoyance.13.George’s (поведение) towards his wife was without fault.14 The accused did not (воображать) that he was really an elephant.15.He did not (сомневаться) that the man was (виновен).16.He was in such a state at the time of murder that he (не отвечать) for his actions.17.Then the most important (свидетель) was called.18.(Закон) was suggested to make it (серьезное правонарушение) to break the traffic rules.19.A good deal of (сочувствие) was shown for George.20.His time in prison was (сокращать) from seven years to three.21.It meant that George (освободить) after two years.22.He (колебаться) about the answer.23.He could (доверять) the priest.24.There is no (оправдание) for such actions.

Помогите ! Пожалуйста :)

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста с сослагательными наклонениями.

1. Nobody will understand if you...what you say.
- won't explain
-will not explain
- don't explain
- haven't explained
2. If I were you, I.. a contract with this company
- will not sigh
- would not sigh
- would not have signed
- will not have signed
3. If she...the windows, she wouldn't have had to pay for a new one
- haven't broken
- didn't break
- hadn't broken
- would break
4. If incomes are rising, the demand for goods and services…
- have increased
- would increase
- increase
- will increase
5. We…a party if Robert passes his driving test
-won’t have
-will have
- would have
- have
6. If I lived in France, I… French well
- spoke
-would speak
-will speak
-had spoken
7. I… John your message if I see him today
-would have
-would have given
-will give
8. They…any money if their cousin hadn’t lent them some
-would have
-haven’t had
- wouldn’t have had
-didn’t have
9. They will be angry if we…for them
-don’t wait
-have waited
-will wait
-won’t wait
10. I would go there if I…enough money
-would have
-should have
11. If the consultant…more careful research, he would have identified the gap in the
-had done
-have done
-will do
12. If he had come two minutes later, we… the plane
- would have missed
-had missed
-will miss
-would miss
13. I would buy that bag if it… cheaper
-will be
-would be
-had been
14. If I…you, I would never give up
-have been
-had been
15. If wages rise, unemployment
-would increase
-will increase
16.If you win that completition, you…rich
-had been
-would be
-will be
-would have been
17. If we..the equipment we would have become more cometitive
- will instailed
-had instailed
-would instailed
-have instailed
18. If it…cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire
-were not
-would be
-hadn’t been
19.If the government…the tax incentive scheme, we would have faced serious financial difficulties
- didn’t introduce
-wouldn’t introduce
-hadn’t introduce
-won’t introduce
20. We would have to reduce out workforce if the bank..to extend out credit
- will refuse
-had refuse
-would have refused

Помогите, пожалуйста!!! Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими эквиволентами: 1. We must meet at 7 o`clock as we planned before

2. That waiter cannot speak English

3. Mary can cool well

4. You must come in time

5. We must receive and serve our guest very well

6. You must not smoke here

7. Must they come early every day?

8. Must I serve the dinner for you now?

9. He couldn`t explain everything

10. Can you swim?

11. /you make take these books?

12. The train must arrive at 10 according to the time-table

Помогите, пожалуйста. Срочно английский )) Underline the correct word or phrase in the following. 1 He denied

telling/to tell lies. 2 He denied/refused that he had told lies. 3 They suggested to postpone /postponing the match to the following week. 4 The weather delayed that they arrived/their arrival. 5 I can't bear to see/see children suffer. 6 We really can't afford buying/to buy a new washing machine. 7 I look for-ward to seeing/to see you at the party. 8 Before going/to go to the interview, I bought a new tie. 9 I'd rather stay / to stay at home tonight, if that's all right. 10 saw someone to climb/climbing through the window.

Write the correct form of the verbs given in brackets. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible.

Einstein: an ordinary child Einstein was not a remarkable child. He began (1 take) piano lessons at the age of six. He didn't seem (2 be) particularly talented. He liked (3 day-dream) and (4 play) …..He didn't enjoy (5 talk) : very much; in fact, he waited till he was three before (6 start) : to talk. In spite of not (7 have) a very exciting childhood, Einstein later appeared (8 have) a vivid memory of it. He remembered (9 be) impressed by how a compass works and by the mysterious force which made the compass needle (10 point) in a given direction.

Complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change this word.

1 I'm sorry but we have decided not to accept your application. regret I __________________________________ we have decided to reject your application. 2 Funnily enough I'd prefer a pizza for a change. rather Funnily enough_______________________________________ 3 We were not allowed to drink too much coke when we were children. let Our parents____________________________________________ 4 I think it would be a good idea to take the suggest train. suggest I ___________________________________ 5 She succeeded in persuading her parents to let her go. managed She _____________________________ 6 It looks as if this door’s locked after all. appears This __________________________________________ 7 One of the things I hate is people eating popcorn in the cinema. stand One of the things I __________________________________ 8 The singer arrived two hours late but I'm glad I waited for him. worth The singer ________________________________________ 9 Jack said he had to catch the early flight. insisted Jack __________________________________ 10 I can’t wait to get your next letter. Forward I __________________________________


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Помогите пожалуйста решить!!! 1. He hasn^t got so ___money. a)a few,b)many,c)much,d)a little. 2. ___ do you see in the park

?a)Which,b)Whom,c)Why,d)Whose. 3. ___ book is it? a)Whose,b)Why,c)When,d)How. 4. ___ do you usually have for breakfast?a)Which,b)How often,c)What,d)Where. 5. ___ do you have meals? - As a rule,three times a day. a)How,b)How far,c)How often,d)When. 6. ___ them your dictionary,they left theirs at home. a)Take,b)Lend,c)Translate,d)Buy. 7. Are you going to tell ___ the truth? a)my,b)his,c)they,d)us. 8. I can see___and___brother.a)their,Mary,b)him,Mary^s,c)us,Maries^,d)your,Mary^s. 9. A lot of people ___ in English. a)interested,b)are interesting,c)have interested,d)are interested. 10. I would like to talk ___ the phone___him.a)in,to,b)on,to,c)at,with,d)for,without. 11. He speaks English ___better than French.a)more,b)much,c)many,d)most. 12. You enjoy the film,___? a)do you,b)don^t you,c)aren^t you,d)don^t you. 13. He is going to look ___his father until he is well again.a)for,b)after,c)up,d)through. 14. Mark Twain^s words: "When in doubt___the truth.a)tell,b)say,c)talk,d)speak. 15. He___ mistakes and it___him a lot of harm.a)make,does,b)does,makes,c)made,did,d)makes,did. 16. My father is a journalist. He ___ articles for newspapers.a)writes down,b)translates,c)looks through,d)writes. 17. Please,___slowly. a)tell,b)speak,c)don^t say,d)understand. 18. I couldn^t buy___book___. a)this,anywhere,b)a,nowhere,c)an,somewhere,d)-,anywhere. 19. There ___ snow on the road. a)is any,b)are much,c)will some,d)is some. 20. I hope my plans do not ___ with yours. a)interrupt,b)observe,c)interfere,d)interest. 21. If you don^t know a word ___in a dictionary. a)look it up,b)look for it,c)look after it,d)look through it. 22. I want tea___coffee.a)in spite of,b)instead of,c)except for,d)because. 23. Where do you___? -I am from Russia.a)get from,b)are from,c)come from,d)go from. 24. ___Canaries are___ good place to have a rest for those who enjoy the sun.a)The,a,b)_,the,c)The,an,d)_,_. 25. Her yellow dress catches everyone^s eye___. a)at least,b)slowly,c)immediately,d)at the same time. 26. ___ do it,he is too young.a)Not to let him,b)Let him not to,c)Do not let him to,d)Do not let him. 27. Let^s ___ into two groups and start looking for them.a)divide,b)separate,c)isolate,d)share. 28. This room has such a nice ___over the sea. a)look,b)view,c)sight,d)appearance. 29. I am going to tell ___about it, I promise to keep it a secret.a)anybody,b)somebody,c)everybody,d)nobody. 30. I___ all that newspapers say. a)am not believing,b)not believe,c)don^t believe ,d)doesn^t believe. 31. Let^s go. The ___,the___. a)sooner,better,b)sooner,best,c)soonest,well,d)soonest,good. 32.It is typical ___ woman. They all behave the same in this situation. a)of some,b)from a few,c)for any,d)with many.

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