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Составить рассказ "My Friends": I have got many friends. My friend is ______. ______ is ________. ________ has got _______. ________ likes ________.

10-11 класс

We___________ together. ________ are my friends, too. ______ is _______ and______ is__________. _____ like _______. We ________ together. ________ is my best friend. _____ is _____. _______ has got _____. _______ likes ________. We _______________ together.

Popova09011981 29 янв. 2015 г., 1:51:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 янв. 2015 г., 4:45:27 (9 лет назад)

My friend is Nastya. Nastya is student. She has got  a stipend. She likes music. We walk together. Kate and Dasha are my friends, too. Kate is classmate and Dasha is classmate. We learn together. Christine is my best friend. She is wonderfull. She has got a first place in the

+ 0 -
29 янв. 2015 г., 5:18:32 (9 лет назад)

I have got many friends. My friend is  Lera.She is 12.Lera has got a cat. My friend likes play computer games. We usually watch different cartoons and films together.Dasha and Ksenia are my friends, too. Dasha is 12 and Ksenia is 12. They like play with dolls. We  play computer games together.Vika is my best friend. She is 12. She has got a little brother.She likes read books. We like  to sing and


Другие вопросы из категории

Перепешите следующее предложение. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием "s" и какова функция этого

окончания (множественное число существительного, притяжательный падеж существительного, 4 лицо единственного числа глагола настоящего неопределенного времени). Переведите предложение на русский язык.

1. Every year railway transport carries nearly 4 billion tons of cargo.
2. The designers improve the construction of the locomotives.
3. This young engineer`s name is ivanov oleg.


как на английском правильно читать температуру ?
Например: -10 градусов , +30 градусов . (примеры тоже переведите ПЛЗ , очень надо )

помогите ответить на вопросы ...1)Will peoples life be better in Russia? 2)Will Russia be bigget or smaller? 3) Which city will be the capital of Russia? 4

)Will the climate change?will it be warmer or colder? 5)Will the Russian language become popular all over the world?

Читайте также

I have got many friends.On this day I want to please (порадовать) my friends. I will give flowers to my best friend .She will be very happy. I like

give present, because I like see happy faces.I will write this card to my best friend that I very love her. We will have a party on Friendship Day. We will celebrate this very cool festival. перевод

из 2х предложений составить одно с использованием `s 1)My friends have got new cassettes. They are in cassette boxes 2) Sam has got a

girlfriend.Her name is Fiona

3) My father has got a sister.She is an artist

4)My uncle has got a dog.It is not very intelligent

5) The Smiths had a party.It was very boring

6) Dr Johnson has got two brothers.They are bank managers

7) Lucy and Mark have got a car. It is quite expensive

8)His children go to school.Their grades are very low

make one sentence of two 1)My friends have got new cassettes. They are in cassette boxes 2) Sam has got a girlfriend.Her name is


3) My father has got a sister.She is an artist

4)My uncle has got a dog.It is not very intelligent

5) The Smiths had a party.It was very boring

6) Dr Johnson has got two brothers.They are bank managers

7) Lucy and Mark have got a car. It is quite expensive

8)His children go to school.Their grades are very low

1.Прочитайте текст. Поставьте глагол to be в нужной форме: my name … bab. i … ten. a … fromspain. i have got a mother,a father and my sister. my

sister … a little girl. she … five. i … a pupil. my sister … a pupil. She has got many toys. her toys … fine. the dolls … pink. the toy hares … gray and white. my sister … fine

2.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

what is whe girl’s name? where is she from? is her sister a little girl? what is bab? is bad’s sister a pupil?

3.замените выделено слово подходящим местоимением.

1.my sister is a teacher. …is a teacher.

a)i b)she c)he

2. bob is my friend … is a pilot.

a)i b)she c)he

3.my father is a driver. … is a driver.

a)i b)she c)he

4.my sister and I are fromAmerica. … are fromAmerica

a)we b)she c)he

5.the pupil is fromAfrica. … is fromAfrica

a)i b)she c)we

6. ted and mike are fine. … are fine.

a)they b)you c)we

7. my grandfather and grandmother are fromMoscow.

a)they b)you c)we

1. Would you like to … a chat with me? A) have got B) has C) having D) have E) were having 2. The phone rang w

hile we …. supper.

A) have had

B) was having

C) had got

D) have got

E) were having

3. What time … Ann … breakfast?

A) has got

B) does have

C) has had

D) have had

E) did have

4. He … a bicycle ten years ago.

A) didn’t have

B) hadn’t got

C) hadn’t had

D) has had

E) didn’t has

5. I couldn’t read the notice. I … my glasses.

A) hadn’t got

B) don’t have

C) didn’t had

D) didn’t have

E) haven’t got

6. Will you … a look at this paper?

A) have

B) have got

C) has

D) had got

E) got

7. Last night I … a dream. Somebody kissed me.

A) have got

B) had

C) had got

D) got

E) have gotten

8.Sue … curly hair when she was a child, … she?

A) had got, hadn’t

B) has, doesn’t

C) had, didn’t

D) have got, haven’t

E) has got, hasn’t

9. We … a party last weekend, We invited a lot of friends.

A) had

B) had had

C) had got

D) have

E) has

10. We … in a small village but now we … in London.

A) had lived, used to live

B) have lived, use to live

C) has lived, used to live

D) used to live, lived

E) used to live, live

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