Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1.I have no intention of… (to stay) here any longer. 2. She insisted on… (to help) me. 3. Are you fond of…(to play) chess? 4. He has very much

10-11 класс

experience in … (to teach). 5. There’s no possibility of...(to find) his address. 6. There’s little chance of …(to see) her today. 7. We have the pleasure of …(to send) you our catalogues. 8. I think of …(to go ) to the south in summer. 9. He is afraid of…( to catch) cold. 10. I’m proud of…(to have) such a son. 11. The rain prevented me from …(to come). 12. They had much difficulty in…(to find) a house.13. He is engaged in ...(to write) a book

234love 17 марта 2015 г., 0:42:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 марта 2015 г., 1:52:06 (9 лет назад)

Staying, helping, playing, teaching , finding, seeing, doing, catching, having, coming, finding, writing

+ 0 -
17 марта 2015 г., 4:46:23 (9 лет назад)

1. Staying 2. Helping 3. Playing 4. Teaching 5. Finding 6. Seeing 7. Doing 8. Catching 9. Having 10. Coming 11. Finding 12. Writing


Другие вопросы из категории

VERB NOUN JOB TITLE finance finance financial analyst (1)___________________ product

(2)____________ manager









(7)_____________ director




Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past tense form.

1) I (do) the homework by 5 o'clock.
2) Bill (wait) for his friend wondering where he(go).
3) He (buy) a new car as his old one (break).
4) He (work) hard and his arms (hurt).
5) Tina (be delighted) with her new watch.
6) I (feel) very tired because I (write) a report in biology.

Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите функции Причастий:

1. The scientist working at this design is well known.

2. Carrying out the experiment he made use of some new instruments.

3. These new devices are replacing their older equivalents.

4. Speaking about the new method of work the engineer told us many interesting details.

5. Radio occupies one of the leading places among the greatest achieve­ments of modern engineering.

6. Being cooled water turns into ice.

7.The electric current passing through a wire will heat it.

Читайте также

Помогите перевести, пожалуйста! Можно кусочек, но литературно, не через переводчик!

On Saturday nights they are allowed, within reason,
their freedom. This means alcohol. The Combe Abbey rules
about alcohol are perfectly clear: never before the sixth form
and, if every term a shcoolboy’s stomach or two has to be pumped,
there is no need to discuss it. On returning from dinner out
(never just drinking) on a Saturday night, Combe pupils
must report to their housemaster. Why the housemasters
never notice that everyone is completely drunk is a mystery.
It has happened to Marina twice already; she remembers
nothing at all of the first time, and the second she insisted
on walking in a straight line and broke a chair leg. There
are always awful stories: paralytic staggerings into the arms
of the headmaster’s wife, vomit in the Chapel. Today
is the birthday of Selina Knocker, the sweet but stupid child
of the head of the navy who is, physically at least, in Marina’s
classes. This must be why Marina is invited.
She is wearing contact lenses. Dust and drizzle and her
own fringe keep blowing into her eyes as she walks along the
dark East Combe Road, next to Selina’s cousin Gypsy. No
one brings coats, let alone their great-aunt’s umbrella from
Fenwick’s, so Marina’s teeth are chattering, which she is
trying to disguise with conversation. Because this part of
Dorset is so very flat and ringed by hillsides, she often has
a feeling of being cut off from the rest of England, as if
they are walking at the bottom of a meteor hole.
Gypsy, Jippo, is unfriendly but very beautiful, with long
brown legs and big blinky blue eyes. Apparently she has just
been skiing and seduced an instructor. Marina is struggling
to find common ground.
‘Where are we going?’ she asks, after an awkward silence
through which Jippo sails, serene. ‘I mean, I know the name,
but I haven’t . . . is it a, a smart restaurant? I mean—’
‘Just Capote’s.’
‘Oh. Thanks.’

Помогите перевести, срочно, пожалуйста!!!!! On Saturday nights they are allowed, within reason, their freedom. This means alcohol. The Combe

Abbey rules

about alcohol are perfectly clear: never before the sixth form

and, if every term a shcoolboy’s stomach or two has to be pumped,

there is no need to discuss it. On returning from dinner out

(never just drinking) on a Saturday night, Combe pupils

must report to their housemaster. Why the housemasters

never notice that everyone is completely drunk is a mystery.

It has happened to Marina twice already; she remembers

nothing at all of the first time, and the second she insisted

on walking in a straight line and broke a chair leg. There

are always awful stories: paralytic staggerings into the arms

of the headmaster’s wife, vomit in the Chapel. Today

is the birthday of Selina Knocker, the sweet but stupid child

of the head of the navy who is, physically at least, in Marina’s

Переведите на русский))) When people staying in a hotel are hungry or just want to relax and have good time listening to music

and having a drink, they go to a restaurant or a bar. There is usually a wide choice of beverages there to please everyone. A barman or a wine waiter offers the wine list where the guests can find any drink they ike. For those who don't drink alcohol there are soft (or long) drinks such as juice, lemonade, Coke, mineral water — still or 55 fizzy. Beer is very popular and it can be served bottled, draught or canned. For people who want something stronger there is a great variety of alcoholic (or short) drinks. For example, spirits: rum, vodka, whisky, brandy, cognac. Then come fortified wines: liqueur, port, sherry, vermouth; and table wines dry or sweet, white, red or rose. Guests can also order a cup of tea; coffee, black or white, hot chocolate.

И диалог))

Head Waiter: Good evening, madam. Do you have a
Guest: No, I don't but I'd like a table for one, please.
HW: Smoking or non-smoking?
G: Non-smoking, please, and not too close to the band if
possible. I don't like loud music.
HW: This way, please, madam. I'll show you to your table.
Your waiter will be with you in just one moment.
G: Thank you.
2) Wine Waiter: Good evening, madam, my name is Bob. I'm
your waiter for today. Would you like a drink while you are
looking at the menu?
G: Yes, please. Could I see the wine list? 56
WW: Certainly, madam, here you are.
G: Could I have the California Blush?
WW: Yes, madam. A glass or half a carafe?
G: Just a glass, please.
WW: Right away, madam.
G: Oh, and could I also have a glass of mineral water?
WW: Sure. Still or fizzy?
G: I'd like still, please.
WW: Shall I put lemon in it?
G: It would be fine! Thank you.

Напишите пожалуйсто ответ на это письмо : Dear Ivan Thank you for your letter. We are very happy that you are coming to stay

with us in August, and we are sure you'll have a good time. What time are you arriving at Gatwick airport? You can get a train to Brighton from there. Do you have mobile phone? Then you can phone us when you are on the train, and we'll meet you at the station. Could you also tell me a few more things about yourself? Is there anything you can't eat or drink?Do you smoke? Do you want a single room,or Do you prefer to share a room with another student?Are you going to go back to Russia immediately after the end of the course? If not, how many more days are you going to stay with us?

Jane Sanders

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. If the weather (keep) fine we (stay) here until the end of the month. 2. She said she

already (buy) all the Christmas presents. 3. I (know) him for seven years. We (study) at school to¬gether. 4. I (turn) round and (see) a girl at the far end of the street. She (call) for help. 5. What you (think) of the chairman's report?-The facts (sound) very convincing 6. I don't think the weather (change) for the better. But if it (do) we (go) on an outing. 7. No one knew that David (do) research on this problem for nearly two years. II. Choose the right article. 1. ... robbers had left by ... time the police arrived. 2. What were you doing when you heard ... news? 3. When you are typing ... letter remember to type ... date at... top and to sign your name at... bottom. 4. It's ... best salad I've ever eaten. Can you give me ... recipe? 5. When ... door-bell rang, he just stood near for... moment before opening it. 6. Anyone can make ... mistake. III. Choose the suitable preposition. 1. Why are you (in, on, by) such a hurry? 2. It hurt the eyes to look (on, at, in) the sun. 3. I've bought this cake (on, to, for) your birthday. 4. I always finish work early (in, on, at) Fridays. 5. How many cinemas are there (in, on, at) this town? IV. Choose the suitable pronoun. 1. We study almost (every, some, no) day. 2. I have two packs of cards. One is on the table, (another, other, the other) is in the drawer. 3. (Nobody, Any, Someone) can do it but you. 4. I think rock music is just (a lot, many, much) of noise. 5. There's hardly (some, any, no) tea left. V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. 1. broken/window/when/the/was? 2. when/bus/ waiting/the/we/accident/an/were/for/we/saw. 3. want/a/be/he/still/does/to/policeman? 4. to/a/quite/had/we/go/way/long. VI. Choose the right variant. 1. I'm awfully sorry. a) Don't mention it. b) That's O.K. c) It serves you right. 3. Could you pass me the paper? a) Yes, I could. b) Yes, I will. c) Here you are. 2. How are you? a) Don't worry. b) And how are you? c) I'm fine, thank you. 4. Will you open the drawer for me? a) What do you want? b) Do it yourself. c) Sure, no problem. VII. Choose the appropriate word. This summer is (so, such) hot. London is already (full, filled) of tourists and (there, it) is (heavy, hard) to find room to walk (along, across) the pavement in some areas, (especialy) specially) in Piccadilly. It's (almost, rather) impossible to work in this (hot, heat). Most of the time we (drink, eat) iced cokes in the office and (fun, fan) ourselves with pieces of (typed, typing) paper.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "1.I have no intention of… (to stay) here any longer. 2. She insisted on… (to help) me. 3. Are you fond of…(to play) chess? 4. He has very much", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "10-11" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.