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задние номер пять помогите срочно!!!

10-11 класс

ромашка78 21 июня 2013 г., 2:15:39 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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21 июня 2013 г., 5:13:21 (10 лет назад)

очень плохо видно, Сфоткай еще раз


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Ребята, помогите, пожалуйста!))Ребята,Ребята, помогите, пожалуйста!))Ребята, помогите, пожалуйста!))

Поставить текст в Past Simple...

Mr. Smith Goes in for Art

Mr. Smith was a rich business man. He was seventy-six and he was ill.

“I can’t do anything with the old man,” his servant Koppel told the doctor. “He doesn’t want to eat. He doesn’t want me to read to him. He doesn’t like anything.”

“I have an idea how to make him interested in life,” the doctor said.

When he entered the old man’s room, he asked him, “How would you like to study art?”

“I like the idea! But how can I start?”

“I can ask a student from an art school to teach you.”

An art student named Frank Swain was invited to give lessons to Mr. Smith. The young man gave a lot of lessons, and when the doctor came, the old man always talked about art.

When spring came, Mr. Smith made a picture. It looked terrible. But the old man said, “I am going to give it to the exhibition at the Lathrop Museum.”

The reader must know that this exhibition was one of the most important in the USA and the Lathrop Museum gave prizes to the best artists.

“We must stop him!” Frank Swain said. “The picture is terrible and people will laugh at Mr. Smith.”

“No, no,” the doctor said, “the old man is ill and art makes him feel better.”

Two days before the exhibition was closed a letter came to Mr. Smith.

“Read it to me,” the old man asked Koppel.

“We inform Mr. Smith,” the letter said, “that he is given the first prize of one thousand dollars for his picture.”

Frank and Koppel were greatly surprised.

“I am happy to hear such wonderful news,” the doctor said. “Now you see, Mr. Smith, that art is much better than business.”

“Art is nothing,” said the old man, “I bought the Lathrop Museum last month.”

Правильную форму поставить

1. I had a ... with the boss about the work I was doing, so I left. (agree) 2. It's a good idea in theory, but rather ... . (practice) 3. He isn't fit for such a ... job. He's ... at making decisions. (response, hope) 4. Most people nowadays regard television as a... rather than a luxury. (necessary) 5. Having our passports stolen was a rather ... start to our holiday. (fortune) 6. I did a very stupid thing, but ... nobody saw me. (luck) 7. I like this car. It's always been very ... . (rely) 8. You are always ... . Isn't there anything that makes you happy? (misery) 9. It was a very ... experience and it took a long time to get over it. (upset) 10. The road signs were so ... that I didn't know which way to go. (confuse) 11. I'm afraid he's got very ... habits. (irritate) 12. It was only after a great deal of persistence that I got a ... answer. (satisfy) 13. It takes a lot of determination to ... in a ... business. (success, compete) 14. His arrogant attitude made him ... with the other people in the office. (popular) 15. That was a rather ... remark. You've obviously upset him. (tact)

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вставили слово --does---

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2. How much you earn in your job?
3. We no wear a uniform at my school.
4. That's my husband over there. He stands near the window.
5. What you doing after school today.
6. Sorry. You can't speak to Jenny. She's have a bath.
7. We no going to school today because it's a holiday.
8. Peter's a businessman. He's work all over the world.
9. At the moment Peter's work in Russia.

Люди помогите срочно) номер 15

номер 27
помогите пожалуйста !!!!!
Срочно !!!!!!!! Пожааааалуйста !!!!!!

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