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10-11 класс

ПРИМЕР--- Where does your sister work.
вставили слово --does---

1. I'm go to the cinema tonight.
2. How much you earn in your job?
3. We no wear a uniform at my school.
4. That's my husband over there. He stands near the window.
5. What you doing after school today.
6. Sorry. You can't speak to Jenny. She's have a bath.
7. We no going to school today because it's a holiday.
8. Peter's a businessman. He's work all over the world.
9. At the moment Peter's work in Russia.

Karsya 14 апр. 2013 г., 22:18:44 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 апр. 2013 г., 23:55:25 (11 лет назад)

1. I'm going to the cinema tonight.
2. How much do you earn in your job?
3. We don't wear a uniform at my school.
4. That's my husband over there. He is standing near the window.
5. What are you doing after school today?
6. Sorry. You can't speak to Jenny. She has a bath.
7. We are not going to school today because its a holiday.
8. Peter is a businessman. He works all over the world.
9. At the moment Peter is working in Russia.


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Заполните пропуски артиклями там где это необходимо:

1....trade union voucher for ... 24-day stay at...holiday home costs...third of its full price.
2.You are wrong from...beginning to...end.
3.One of...two brothers can play...piano...other can play...football/
4.On ...night of...16th of October1859 John Brown*s party who wished to organize...republic free of... stavery took by...storm...imporrtant buildings in Virginia.
5....dust accumulates quickly if we don*t sweep....floors.

определите функции окончания - s (es ) т.е является ли оно признаком а ) множественного числа существительного б )притяжательного падеж имени

существительного в) глагола в 3 лице единственного числа ( present indefinite (simple) active)настоящего времени .переведите предложения
1 federal government supervises all national banks.
2 profit and loss statement shows the company's income and expenses.
3 an exporter receives money from sales to other countries.
4 one of the main bank's functions is to provide cash.

Читайте также

ПОМОГИТЕ! Надо закончить предложение в Past simple и в Past Continuous.

1)when I heard the good news
2)while I was waiting for the bus,
3)when I first came to this school
4)When I woke up this morning,
5)While everyone was having a good time at the party/
Надо каждое предложение закончить в паст симпл и в паст континиус)

Здравствуйте.Люди добрые,пожалуйста помогите,срочно надо.

Поставьте глаголы,данные в скобках в нужную форму Simple,Continuous ,Perfect. Подчеркните в предложениях сказуемые,укажите их время и залог. Предложения переведите.
1. People (to buy) and (to sell) goods in exchange for money.
2. There (to have,to be) a tendency in recent years to blunt the impact of the tax,particularly in countries wishing to promote investment.
3. The goods (to be going,to be shipped) by the next summer.
4. The time (have to come) to challenge the need for monetary policy as practiced by central bankers.
5. Retail customer deposits (to increase) progressively during the year.

Очень срочно надо!!

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