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Розкрий дужки,постав дієслова у правильній формі Present Simple або Present Continuonus.

10-11 класс

1.The children(to go) to school on weekdays.
2. ....they often (to air) their room?- Yes, ......
3. The girl (not to do)the cooking now.
4.The mother (to cook) every day.
5.The boy(to dance) at the moment.

чоРНА 26 сент. 2013 г., 10:30:52 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 сент. 2013 г., 13:04:06 (10 лет назад)

2.do...air?yes they do
3.isnt doing
4. cooks
5.is dancing


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перевод It's got a small head.
Turn from active info passive

1. Mother bought me new jeans yesterday.
2. Peter told Ann a lie.
3. Father punished his son for something.
4. They have sent off the letters.
5. You must clean and air the room.
6. Alex didn't turn off the tap.
7. His friends always laugh at him.
8. My friend usually waits from me after classes.

как перевести "меня раскусили"

на нормальный английский язык? )


Взойдя на престол в возрасте 20 лет после гибели отца, македонского царяФилиппа II, Александр обезопасил северные рубежи Македонии и завершил подчинение Греции разгромом мятежного города Фивы. Весной 334 года до н. э. Александр начал легендарный поход на Восток и за семь лет полностью завоевал Персидскую империю. Затем он начал покорение Индии, но по настоянию солдат, утомлённых долгим походом, отступил.

Основанные Александром города, которые и в наше время являются крупнейшими в нескольких странах, и колонизация греками новых территорий в Азии содействовали распространению греческой культуры на Востоке. Почти достигнув возраста 33 лет, Александр скончался в Вавилоне от тяжёлой болезни. Немедленно его империя была разделена македонскими полководцами (диадохами) между собой, и на несколько десятилетий воцарилась череда войн диадохов.

Читайте также

Допоможіть будь ласка! Розкрий дужки,постав дієслова у правильній формі Present Simple або Present Continuonus.

1. ....they (to do) their shopping on weekends?- Yes, ....
2. ....she (walk) the pet now?- No, .....
3. The boy(not to water) the plants every day.
4. Bill(not to do) the washing-up now.
5. ..... Ann often(to tidy) up her room?- No, ....

2. Розкриваючи дужки, вжити дієслово у правильній формі. 1. Ron is in London at the moment. He …... (stay) at the

Park Hotel. He …... (always / stay) there when he`s in London.

2. Can we stop walking soon? I …... (start) to feel tired.

3. Can you drive? I …... (learn) My father …... (teach) me.

4. Normally I …... (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I …... (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

5. My parents …... (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where …... (your parents / live)?

6. Sonia …... (look) for a place to live. She …... (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

7. What …... (your father do)? He`s an architect but he …... (not / work) at the moment.

8. (at a party) Usually I …... (enjoy) parties but I …... (not / enjoy) this one very much.

9. The train is never late. It …... (always leaves) on time.

4. Розкриваючи дужки вжити дієслово у правильній формі:

Розкрити дужки, поставити дієслова у правильній формі Passive Voice.

1.This book (to write) many years ago, but it still (to read) with great interest. 2.By whom this movie (to make)? 3.This house (to paint) two years ago and i don`t know when it (to paint) again. 4.What factory (to show) to the tourists tomorrow? 5.Library books must not (to keep) longer that two weeks. 6.These facts (to mention) in his report. 7.When the advertisement (to place) in the newspaper? 8.This museum (to visit) by thousands of people every year. 9.I am afraid our holidays (to spoil) by bad weather. 10.When the windows (to wash) last? 11.Who the story (to translate) by?

ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ ПРОШУ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО .Нужно вставить в пропущеных местах слова и указать какое время.Present Simple, Present Continuous,

Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО
1. We _____ (have) dinner at 6 o’clock.
2. They _____ (pay) wages to their employees every week.
3. _____ (you\visit) your friend tomorrow in the evening?
4.She _____ (take) my mp3 player without even asking me.
5. The weather _____ (get) colder and colder.
6.The performance _____ (begin) at 8 o’clock in the evening.
7. Mary is tired. She _____ (work) a lot.
8. He’s angry because he _____ (do) his colleague’s work the whole day.

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