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Where do you like to go on your day off ? как правильно ответить

1-4 класс

Наташечка1983 24 авг. 2014 г., 22:50:47 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 авг. 2014 г., 23:23:03 (9 лет назад)

I wanted to go on a day in the park.

+ 0 -
25 авг. 2014 г., 0:35:25 (9 лет назад)

I would like to go to the cinema


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tekst:Yesterday Emma helped her mother.First she washed the dishes,next she cleaned her shoes and then she played with her brother,Joe.She walked to

the supermarket and the carried home two heavy bags.there was a poster on a wall.Emma's mother was very happy.She had a surprise foe Emma.Emma looked at the tickets.then she phoned Jill. zadanie:read and say.Nujno sdelat tak 4to by na nepravil'noe predlojenie u vas polu4ilos',naprimer;emma helped her father. No,Emma helped her mother. First she washed the clothes.2.then she played with her friend.3.She carried four heavy bags.4.Next she cleaned her room.4.She walked to the library.5.Jill phoned Emma.6.Emma's mother had three tickets.

что умеет делать лягушка?
Поставьте глагол to be в пропуски в нужной форме. 1. The director_ busy now call later, please. 2. What_ your plans for this summer? 3. The tourist market_

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Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением:

here country white hot far big short cold there sunny town near tall black small rainy

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выбери и обведи нужные вопросительные слова. Example:What/Why/Who is the postman happy? 1)Why/What/Where would you like to get on your


2)How/Which /Where is she from?

3)How/How many/ How much letters do you send to your frieds?

4)What/How/Why computer games have you got?

1.Do you like to go to the park?2.Why do you like to go there?3.What games can you play there?4Can you ride a horse there? 5Can you play with the

ball there? What games do you like to play in the park? 7What games does your friend like play? 8 Is it fun to play with your friends in the park?Найдите ответыЗавтра зачет!!!!!!!

what planet you like to go?

which of the planet would you like to go?
what kind of planet will you go?
what planet would you like to go to? выберите правильное предложение

составьте предложение, используя следующие слова build/people/huge/spaceships

Whet do you like to do in winter?

Example:I like to toboggan in winter.
What do you like to do in summer?
I like to dive in summer.

Пожалуйста зделайте все задание , зарание спасибо !Section 8. Reading for pleasure1.)Answer the questions.1. Do you like to go to school?

2. Do you always get to school an time?
3. Do you sometimes leave your school things at home ?
4. Who help you to pack(собирать) your school dag?
I pack the bag myself.
My mum.
My granny.
My elder sister(brother).

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