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Исправить одну ошибку. It`s nothing the matter with me. I`m OK.

10-11 класс

Agaha2000 30 авг. 2014 г., 5:19:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 авг. 2014 г., 7:47:24 (9 лет назад)

it's nothing wrong with me. I'm OK


+ 0 -
30 авг. 2014 г., 8:49:09 (9 лет назад)

 It`s nothing the matter with me. I`m OK. Со мной ничего не случилось. Я в порядке.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста! 1.Grammar

Choose the correct answer
1.Jane wishes she hadn’t been rude to her teacher.
a) Jane regrets being rude to her teacher.
b) Jane wishes to be rude to her teacher.

2. The party was ruined. I wish I_________ Tony, he was so noisy.
a) wouldn’t invite

b) didn't invite

с) hadn't invite

3. I' m planning a party. I wish all the guests_________ in time.

a) came

b) would come

с) had come

4. Lena is so curious. I wish she ______ being so noisy in future.

a) would stop

b) stops

с) had stopped

5. Martin only recently started guitar lessons, but he plays as if ...

a) he had been playing all his life

b) he played all his life.

с) he plays all his life.

6. Jane is very confident. She walks around as if...

a) she owns the house.

b) she owned the house.

с) she had owned the house.

7. He is forty, but he jokes as if...

a) he weren't a child.

и) he were a child.

с) he had been a child.

Спасибо вам...

помогите ответить на это письмо

...We moved to a new house a few weeks ago i changed school. At first i was a bit afraid but i made new friends sooner than i expected. The teachers are nice and everything seems to be working out well. And what about you? Have you made any friends in your new school? Do you enjoy studying there? Have you got any new subjects this year?

заполните пропуски определенным или неопределенным артиклем:

1These are...brown desks...desks are in...room.2Those are ...engineers are at..office.3.... office is large.4This is .. book.It is my book....book is on..table.5She is .. student.She is ...good student.6Nike is..man.He is ..nice man.7Where are...telexes&They are on..table.8Ann is his wife.She is .. economist.9Where is .. letter?Its in my book.10What colour is...cup?...cup is white.11This is lesson nine. ...lesson is long.12...flat is not large.13This is.. tes.This is .. good tea.

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Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.lean make nod giveComplete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

lean make nod give look fold

1. If you can't hear me, you could ______ forward a little.
2. Just _______ your head if it's too painful to talk.
3. Do I_________________nervous? I feel terrified!
4. I’ve been trying to_____________eye contact with her for ages, but she’s not looking this way.
5. ____him a warm smile and everything will be fine.
6. When you _____ your arms, does it mean you're upset with me?

It happened some years ago. Two of my friends lived in a small town near Liverpool. They were out of work and were happy to agree to any job. Their names

were Stevenson and Black. Stevenson was a very talented engineer, and he had a large family and no money to live on his life was very difficult. One day when I was coming back from my office I saw Stevenson. He was going along the street with a suitcase in his hand. Stevenson had read an advertisement in a newspaper that a manufacturing plant of chemical equipment wanted an engineer“You see, I must get that job. I’ve got a large family.” “Why must you go to Liverpool yourself?” I asked, “It’s better to send the documents by airmail.” “I think,” Stevenson answered, “many people want to get the job and I’m sure all of them will send letters. If I get there before the manager of the plant receives the letters I think I’ll be able to get the job.” Stevenson was right. He received the job. My other friend Black had lost three or four jobs though he was a very good clerk. I told him Stevenson’s story. The story impressed him. A few days later I met Black with a suitcase in his hand. “Where are you going” I asked him. “To Mexico,” was the answer. “A bank there requires a clerk. I have sent my documents by post, but to settle the matter sooner I decided to go there myself. I remember the story you told me the other day about Stevenson.” So black went to Mexico City. But his letter had come there three days earlier. When he came to the Bank and spoke to the assistant-manager, the assistant-manager said, “I’m sorry to say we have already got a man. But I’ll clarify the matter with the manager”. And he left the office. “Yes,” the manager said, “I have received a letter from a man who lives near Liverpool. His name is Black. A good young man, he suits us right. I’ve sent him a telegram to come here immediately and we’ll keep the job for him for 10 days.” “There is a man outside,” said the assistant-manager, “who wants to get this job.” “But we’ve got this man Black and we’ll wait for him.” Black had not heard the conversation between the manager and his assistant. He had to go back home. But as he had spent all his money and nobody in Mexico could help him it took him two months to get back to England. There he found the telegram, which was waiting for him. перевод пожалуйста,ребят

Упр. 186. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла-голы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.1, Various

kinds of sports (to be) popular in Russia. 2. Both children and grown-ups (to be) fond of sports. 3. What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. -- I (not to know). 4. Where you (to go)? - - I (to go) to the Dynamo stadium to see the match which (to take) place there today. 5. You (to know) that ^ very interesting match (to take) place last Sunday? 6. He (to go) to the south a week ago, 7. When I (to be) about fifteen years old, I (to en-joy) playing football. 8. Our football team (to win) many games last year. 9. Where (to be) Boris? - He (to play) chess with his friend. 10. 1 (to be) sorry I (to miss) the match yesterday. But I (to know) the score. It (to be) 4 to 2 in favour of the Spartak team. 11. Nellie (to leave) for Moscow tomorrow, 12.1 (to be) in a hurry. My friends (to wait) for me. 13. You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera? — Oh yes, I (to enjoy) it greatly. 14. You (to go) to London next summer?

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного ответа кружком.

Sally had been studying at a design college for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money. It was going to be her mother's birthday soon, and she wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not too expensive.

Sally's college was in London, but she had been living in the country for many years, so every day she had an hour's journey by train in the morning, and the same in the evening.

At lunch time one day, a week before her mother's birthday, she decided to have a quick sandwich and a cup of coffee instead of her usual meal in the college hall, and then go shopping near her college to buy her mother a nice present. When she had been looking for half an hour, she came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that an umbrella would be a nice present, since her mother had lost hers the month before.

'Now which colour shall I choose?' she thought. 'Well, I think a black one would be the most useful. You can carry that when you are wearing clothes of any colour, can't you?' So having made up her mind, she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the college with her until her classes had finished.

On her way back home in the train that evening she felt hungry so she went to the buffet car for another sandwich and a cup of coffee. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment, but when she got back, it had gone! When she had left the compartment, there had been no other passengers in it, but now there were three.

Sally burst into tears when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was. When she explained that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother had disappeared, and that she had to get out at the next station, the three other passengers asked her for her mother's address, in order to be able to send the umbrella on to her in case someone had taken it by mistake and not on purpose, and brought it back after Sally had got out of the train.

The next week Sally heard from her mother. Her letter said, 'Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?'


A She was short of money and couldn't afford to buy anything but a cheap umbrella.

В Her mother had asked her to buy a good umbrella as she had lost hers.

С Her idea of a good present was something useful at a reasonable price.

D There was nothing else to buy in the shop where she had come.


A It matched any clothes.

В Her mother's favourite colour was black.

С It was a very practical colour and you could not see dirt on it.

D There were no other colours available in the shop.


A It had been stolen by someone.

B We can't say anything for sure.

C It had been taken by someone by mistake.

D The conductor might have found it and given it to the Lost Property Office.


A They liked Sally and promised to send her an umbrella instead of the missing one.

B It was just a display of politeness.

С They wanted to send it to Sally's mother in case it was found.

D They decided to pay Sally's mother a visit and congratulate her on her birthday.


A Sally's occupation.

В The names of the senders of three umbrellas.

С The food Sally had eaten in the buffet car.

D The place where Sally had bought her umbrella.

Переведите текст плиз The Doctor. Our HealthWhen we are ill, we call the doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a

headache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a cold or a pain in some part of the body, we call the doctor.He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have a pain and tells us what is the matter with us. He says: “You have a slight temperature”, or “You have the flu”, or “You have heart disease”. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist, who makes the medicine. The doctor says: “Take the medicine twice a day or three times a day, before or aftermeals”. If you follow the doctor’s orders, you get better; if you disobey the doctor you may get worse or even die. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed and take the medicine prescribed. If we cannot get better at home, we must go to hospital. If we are too ill to walk there, we go in the ambulance. When we have a toothache, we go to the dentist. The dentist examines our teeth. He says: “That tooth has a cavity. I must put in a filling”. If the tooth is too bad, the dentist extracts it.

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