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1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

10-11 класс

1) We hold a sales conference every year.

2) They have already cancelled the order.

3) They didn’t ask him if he wanted the job.

4) They are answering the complaints in writing.

5) Did anyone tell you about the meeting?

6) They will sign the contract in two days.

7) Are they always laughing at his jokes?

8) Someone will drive you to the airport.

9) Why didn’t the speaker dwell longer upon this

10) You must obey the company rules.

иннусечка 21 июня 2014 г., 1:26:08 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 июня 2014 г., 3:03:35 (9 лет назад)

1. A sales of conference are hold by us every year.
2. The order was already cancelled by them.
3. He wasn't ask if he wanted a job.
4. Complains are answerd in writing.
5. Was you told by anyone about the meeting?
6. Contract will be sign in two days.
7. Are his jokes always laught at?
8. You will be driven to the airport.
9. Why the quistion wasn't dwalled longer upon by speaker.
10. The company rules must be obeyed.


Другие вопросы из категории


Образуйте производные слова от приведенных ниже слов и переведите их на русский язык.
Example: toorganize (организовывать, планировать) →orga¬nizer (организатор) → organization (организация) → organizing (организация, планирование) →organizational (организационный)
1) to manage
2) to produce
3) to plan
4) to lead
5) to control
6) to accomplish
7) to succeed
8) to supervise
9) to direct
10)to employ

прочитай словосочетания.расставь их в правильном порядке.расскажи как проходит твой день.

have breakfast
watch TV
clean my teeth
come home
go to school
get up
go to bed
read books
wash my face and hands
do my homework
play with my toys

Раскройте скобки.

open the brackets using direct and indirect speech. Retel the jokes. A. A little boy didn't want to go to bed in the evening, and his mother said, "It is time for you to sleep. Father to come) home from work soon. What he to say) The boy answered, "I know what Father (to say)! He (to ask) when supper (to be) ready?, or what you (to give) me for supper?'


1) В каких случиях употребляется the Present Perfect?
2) В каких случиях употребляется the Present Perfect Progressive?
3) В каких случиях the Present Perfect употребляется вместо the Present Perfect Progressive?
4)В каких случаях употребляется the Past Simple?

Читайте также

Ex.4 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.1. She was nervous as she fe

Ex.4 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1. She was nervous as she felt someone was looking at her. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. It’s a shame, but he is so stupid that we always laugh at him.



3. People spend a lot of money on food.



4. Are they washing the car?



5. People often refer to his discoveries.



6. They gave him a watch when he retired.



7. They offered to help him.



8. They explained the rule to me.



9. They have offered him a job.



1. Put the sentences in Passive Voice

They opened a new health-center last year.

2. Use the Passive Voice
1. To buy the flats
2. To Break the watch
3. To offer the job

3. Transform the sentences from Active Voice to the Passive Voice.
1 In Canada many people speak English
2. Emigrants brought different languages and cultures to the USA
3. She will leave you a message.

4. Write sentences in Passive Voice from the words in brackets
1. Glass (make) from sand
2. The transistor (invent) in 1948

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1. Coca-Cola drinkers
2. that uses the values of
3. the most popular drink of the world
4. will soon be able to buy casual clothing

Which two words refer to the Management Development _______
1. team building
2. assertiveness training
3. duties
4. time management

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
1. agrees to your request,
2. If the person you are calling
3. make a clear arrangement
4. it is important to

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
1. the laboratory
2. producing some more useful ideas soon,
3. If we don’t start
4. they’ll close down

Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.
1. and there is nothing
2. We have ten lorries
3. to put in them
4. waiting outside the main warehouse

Помогите ребят пожалуйста!!!очень срочно!!! Camplete the sentences. 1)If it does not stop raining... . 2)If you had taken my advice ... . 3)I would find th

is shop Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1)Mother said to Mary:"Don't forget to take umbrella.It is going to rain" 2)Victor said to me :"Did you answer all the questions?" 3)Ted said :"What do you want for dessert,Kate?"

2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1 They will build a new hospital next month. 2 They cleaned the room this morning. 3 She didn't invite us to the

wedding. 4 You can't use cameras inside the musuem. 5 The Prime Minister will open the new hospital on Monday. 6 Careless drivers can cause accidents. 7 A loud noise woke them up last night. 8 In the USA, they hold Presidential elections every four years. 9 They will translate his book into Portuguese. 10 They found the minister guilty of fraud.

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