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Many/much few/little

10-11 класс

1) how .. Times did you try to do it?
2) I am busy now. I have...time
3) I don't like to sing. I know ..English songs

Kohai007 29 июня 2013 г., 16:10:33 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 июня 2013 г., 19:07:08 (10 лет назад)

1) how many Times did you try to do it?
2) I am busy now. I have little time
3) I don't like to sing. I know few English songs


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите,пожалуйста! open the brackets using the comparative forms of the adjectives: 1.A carpet is (expensive) than a


2.He is (lazy) person i know

3.Is it (bad) to be late or not do go at all

Задание: Образуйте страдательный залог.

The weight of the
planets ... (to calculate) by Newton as a young man.
The concept of
relativity ... (to propose) by Albert Einstein in 1905.
Most Cambridge
colleges ... (to found) as schools of theology but in 1750 under the
influence of Sir Isaak Newton, mathematics became compulsory and the main
subject of study.
The first motor car
... (to make) in 1875 by an Austrian Siegfried Marcus. He used the
internal combustion engine, which ... (to perfect) gradually.
The earliest motor
cars ... (to build) like horse carriages and an early British company ...
(to call) the Greatest Horseless Carriage Company.
The Rolls-Royce
motor car long ... (to know) as the best car in the world.
Water ... (to
discover) under the Sakhara Desert.
Diamonds ... (to
find) in South Africa in the 19th century.
The electric battery
... (to invent) by Luigi Galvan in 1786.
The craters on the
moon ... (to cause) probably by meteors.
Gold, silver and
copper ... (to value) for their luster.

Помогиите нужно сочинение на английском

на тему причины конфликтов между детьми и родителями

Помогите пожалуйста !!!!

преобразовать в отрицательную форму
1.This is my bike; 2. My dog wants its dinner. 3. My brother lives in Moscow; 4. My fatber has a new car; 5 We are fussia 6 We like cold weather 7. l`m good at maths; 8. Her birthday is in July; 9. They are interested in music; 10. I usually go shopping on Sundy.
вставить глагол ( Put in is; are; do; does.)
1. where ........ you from?
2. where ......... July live?
3. ......... you live your new school?
4. where ....... yournotebook ?
5. ........ you play sports ?
6. What time ...... the library cljse?
8. ...... you mother a lawyer?
9. .... the know your phone number?
10. ..... her job boring?

Читайте также

1. Переведите предложения с there be, используя соответствующие местоимения many, much, few,little, a few, a little.

1. На полке много книг.
2. В бутылке много молока.
3. На тарелке немного мяса.
4. В моем кармане мало денег.

1. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму (времена Simple).

1. My wife and I watching TV every day.
2. Yesterday we drink all coffee.
3. Next year he sell his car.
4. As a rule I m not sending letters to customers.
5. Last year Mr. Brown don't wear his jacket.


предложения с there
be, используя
соответствующие местоимения many, much, few,little, a few, a little.

Заполните пропуски

местоимениями many, much, few, little и
переведите предложения на русский язык:

Заполните пропуски нужными словами many, much, few, little( дайте два варианта там, где это возможно )

1. Our teacher gave us ___ homework the day before yesterday. 2. Our teacher will give us ___ home-work tomorrow too. 3. We usually see ___ men and women in the parks on Sundays. 4. Our office received ___ telegrams in the morning. 5. Did your friend do ___ work yesterday ? 6. Will you spend ___ time on time on this translation ? 7. Did you read ___ English books last year? 8. How ___ questions did your teacher ask you at the last lesson? 9. How ___ work did this engineer give those workers? 10. When shall we have ___ new interesting films?

Помогите пожалуйста!!!(

1. Поставьте нужное местоимение: many, much, few, little, a few, a little
They have…new friends at the University
She has very … money. She needs some
I have … time today. I can help you
Peter had … books at home
Give me … salt, please
Do you have … word to do today?

2. Вставить вместо точек нужные модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты
... I do it now?
When will they ... to met us at the station?
Who ... make a birthday cake ni your family?
You...to watch TV after 10 p.m. when you were a child
Peter failed at the exam. You ... help him
Helen ... to play the piano

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