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нужно небольшое сочинение на английском на тему"наука в моей жизни"

10-11 класс

Shuriksov21 18 сент. 2013 г., 22:58:25 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 сент. 2013 г., 0:07:11 (10 лет назад)

Science is found everywhere you look. Sometimes you can find it where you least expect it to be.  
Science  plays a constant important role in my daily life.
Science for me hasn't always been my strong subject in school and I very easily tend to get intimidated. But when I look at my daily life and realize how much science plays a role in it. Science isn't bad at all, it has allowed me to do many things every day. From the way the microwave heats up the water for my coffee every morning or the way my body digests the food I eat every meal and makes it into energy or even a trip to the doctor’s office with my son, science is a constant companion and without it, my life would have turned out very different indeed.
Science has changed and impacted the way I live in many ways. It has educated me about life, about marvels that exist in this world, and about the relationship between these wonders. Science has taught us all to expand our knowledge and covers everything from a very little thing like molecules to planets and the whole universe. 
Scientists are learning to predict earthquakes, to study many other natural events such as storms. Scientists are also studying various aspects of human biology and the origin and development of the human race. The study of the natural world may help improve life for many people all over the world.
Basic knowledge of science is essential for everyone. It helps people to find their way in the changing world.


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Past Simple or Past Continuous?

1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour
and then (begin) reading a book. 2,
You (see) him this morning? — Yes. He
(stand) in the hall laughing. 3, He
(come) in and (see) Nelly who (draw) a
strange picture. 4. I (not understand)
what Mr Green (do). 5. Nick and Fred
(drive) along the road. 6. She (set) the
table at six yesterday. 7. The business­
man (fly) to England yesterday. 8. I
(not to hear) what he (say). I (type) at
the moment. 9. When it (happen)? It
(happen) when you (talk) to your
secretary. 10. We (walk) in silence for
5 minutes, then he (speak). 11.1 (tell)
him he should not read while he (eat).
12. The mouse (hide) while the cat
(watch). 13. The train (strike) an
obstacle on the line, but it not (stop)
because it (travel) too fast at the time.
14. I (sit) in my garden yesterday,
when the servant (come) and (say)
that a visitor (wait) for me in the hall.
15. He (not like) to play while others

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(to be) real walruses white?
This (to be) a toy walrus.
Real walruses (to be) grey.

Find the extra word in each line. 1 ......................... Oh, let me tell you about our trip. Did you know that Sara is afraid of be

2 ......................... fl ying? We had arranged it with her family to go to France for a few days.

3 ......................... I have always wanted to see Paris and would love to live in there one day.

4 ......................... Well, we got to the airport and Sara appeared being nervous. I asked her if

5 ......................... she was okay and she said she was fi ne, so we continued on to our way.

6 ......................... We went through passport control and I could see so that Sara wasn’t

7 ......................... keen on going any further. Just then, a voice announced: ‘We regret it to

8 ......................... inform passengers that Flight 114 to France is been cancelled.’ That was

9 ......................... our fl ight! Sarah said she was glad because of she was too frightened to

10 ......................... fl y anyway! So, we all went to home. That was the end of that trip!

Choose the correct answer.

1 I’ve always dreamt ............ China. A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit 2 The travel agency is arranging for us ............ at a really nice hotel. A stay B of staying C to stay D staying 3 My dad says he always regrets ............ more. A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling 4 John seems keen ............ how to drive as soon as he can. A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn 5 Now, class, I’d like you all to write ............ a description of your last holiday. A me B to me C it me D about me 6 When you arrive ............ , have your passport ready. A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport 7 The Joneses have invited us ............ to Australia with them this summer. A going B for going C about going D to go 8 The in-fl ight entertainment may differ ............ that advertised. A to B from C in D at

Exercise 1. Open the brackets correctly:

If you

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