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Make up sentences with Complex Object with the Infinitive 1. speak , I , have , heard , of his boyhood , never , him

10-11 класс


2. about something I , quite different, me, you, want, to tell.

3. what, this, her, say, made?

4. without, her; let, my sister, go, a word.

Vostrikov1 10 авг. 2013 г., 13:16:03 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 авг. 2013 г., 14:35:31 (10 лет назад)

1.  I  have  never heard him speak of  his  boyhood.

2.  I  want  you   to tell me about something  quite different.

3. what made her say  this

4. my sister  let her  go   without a word.

+ 0 -
10 авг. 2013 г., 16:02:01 (10 лет назад)

1. I  have never heard him speaking of  his  boyhood.

2. I  want you  to tell me about something  quite different.

3. What made her say this?

4. My sister let her go without a word.


Другие вопросы из категории

Упражнение 26. Найдите среди следующих слов:

а) антонимы
slowly, old, at present, small, quickly, in the past, new, large;
б) синонимы
tremendous, epoch, realize, several, work, progress, great, field, era, understand, make it possible, different, achieve, some, advance, enable, area, various, reach, essential, job, important.

найти предложения в которых употребляются причастие 1,перевидите их на русский язык Students graduate in more than 430 specialities.

Tuition rests on a broad scientific basis, lectures and on theory being combined with practical classes. There is a common curriculum for all related faculties in the first and second years. About a million of students taking part in the activities of student scientific groups and industrial design bureaus work under the guidance of their professors.
Studying and working at the same time students get considerable benefits from the state. Training at institutions of higher learning lasts from four to six years. There is the greatest number of graduates. They get jobs in their own fields.

Past Simple объяснение
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. now, playing, she, is, ?
2. doing, is, what, she, ?
3. they, skating, are, ?
4. no, not, now, is, she, playing, ?
5. her, she, homework, doing, is, ?
6. skating, are, they, not, now, ?

Читайте также

1) try to make up as many questions as you can to every sentences:

a) In the near future we shall see new machine - tools.
b) The worker must Regulate the production process.
c) He is a good worker.
d)They control different machines.
e)There are many tools in this plant.
f) the workers of this plant had a high productivity.
g) We are cutting a metal now.
2) Make up questions to every sentence:
а) Общие
б) Специальные
в) разделительные
1) there is a book on the table. 2) Hemust work hard today 3) We are leaving for Moscow next week. 4) We were reading the whole evening. 5) Yhey don't go to work on Sunday 6) it is not cold today. 7) Ann has already begun to read a new book. 8)we learn English at the University 9) they will show you how to get there.
Помогите пожалуйста!

Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: time/ he/ come back/ - It's time for him to come back.
1. hight time/ we/ say goodbye to everubody; 2. time/ the child/ go to bed; 3. time/ she/ put up with his behavior; 4. hight time/ they/ develop a new model; 5. about time/ we/ leave the house; 6. hight time/ he/ speak English fluently; 7. time/ she/ choose a profession; 8. hight time/ we/ buy a new TV set; 9. hight time/ he/ ring me up.

Translate the sentences with the verbs "bring" and "join"1 У нее

Translate the sentences with the verbs "bring" and "join"
1 У нее не было матери, и ее воспитывала тетя, сестра матери. 2. Ветер с юга приносит теплый и влажный (humid) воздух. 3. Я давно не видела твоего сына, приведи его с собой в следующий раз.4.Мейбл волновалась, что она не может заставить себя выйти за него замуж через столько лет. 5. Ворота открылись, и рикши внесли стул, на котором сидела Мейбл. 6. Мы собирались на прогулку, и друзья присоединились к нам. 7. Он вступил в спортивный клуб, чтобы играть в теннис. 8. Официант принес вино и фрукты. 9. Она так волновалась, что не могла заставить себя есть. 10. Ветер принес дождь и шторм. 11. Он не хотел работать в шахте (mine), как его отец, и пошел в армию.

Make the sentences shorter , using participles:1. Because Jacob was

the youngest son, he got all theattention of his hugefamily. 2. When the dog smelled meat, it jumped up with joy.

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