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Помогите решить задание по английскому Test "Find the name of the leading person"

10-11 класс

A TV programme
A shop
A shool
A college
The goverening party
An orchestra
A Republic
A hospital
A football team
A monastery
К ним слова
Prime Minister

Do you know The UK ?
1. What is the offical launge obb

Tatlask 14 янв. 2015 г., 3:22:12 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 янв. 2015 г., 5:53:01 (9 лет назад)

a tv programme producer
a shop manager
a school headmaster
a college principal
the goverening party Prime minister
an orchestra conductor
a republic president
a hospital matron
a football team captain
a monastery abbot


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста решить ((((( Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences. 1) I noticed

white(hair/hairs) on her jacket

2) We had very(little/few)time to finish our project

3) There were (a few/a little)times when Jane wanted to go back home

4) He had (a very/very)eventful life before he became a Geography teacher

5) The maid brought in (paper/a paper)with the latest news

6) This chair is made of (a wood/wood)

7) I need (a room/some room)for my clothes.-You can use my wardrobe if you want to.

8) What(an interesting/interesting)experience!

проверьте на правильность перевода, пожалуйста:

1. Моя бабушка была учителем. – My grandmother was a teacher.
2. После ужина они иногда гуляют. – After supper they sometimes go for a walk.
3. Я уверен, что вы решите эту проблему. – I am sure you will solve this problem.
4. Что ты делал вчера в это время? Я смотрел телевизор. – What were you doing yesterday at this time? I was watching TV.
5. Он никогда не был в Германии. – He has never been to German.

Котятки прошу:3 :*

Помогите пожалуйста нужен перевод текста и 2 упражнения.:(
Спасибушки всем кто сделает :*

2. Из какой газеты были вырезаны слова послания, которое получил сэр Генри Баскервиль?3. Сколько денег получил Картрайд от Холмса, когда тот

отправил его искать изрезанную газету?4. What musical instrument can Sherlock Holms play?5. Name the person: “A dabbler in science, a picker-up of shells on the shores in the greatunknown ocean.”6. Where is the heir of Sir Charles Baskerville from?7. What was the breed of the dog in the story “The Hound of the Baskervilles”?8. Who was Sir Charles waiting for at the night of his death?

помогите пожалуйста!!!!

Читайте также

Помогите выполнить задание по английскому..тут нужно в пассивном залоге составить предложения.

1) The decision (take, Past Simple) to sell BP’s three corporate jets.
2) 33 per cent of new businesses now (start, Present Simple) by women.
3) Mr.Huet recently (transfer, Present Perfect) to New York as head of Societe General in America.
4) Many jobs (take, Present Continuous) in the rapidly growing service sector — banking, computer programming, financial services.
5) To date, 22 government-owned concerns (privatize, Present Perfect), including the national airline and shipping companies, regional water utilities and a commercial TV station.
6) The fate of the sportswear company Adidas (decide, Past Simple) yesterday.
7) Tokay, the world’s oldest wine brand, (acquire, Present Continuous) by a Japanese distiller.
8) Turnover fell by 9 per cent to $1.5 billion mainly because
of divestments. The group said a further 17 non-core businesses
(sell, Past Perfect) during the year.
9) Where portable computers may previously (regard, Perfect infinitive) as a status symbol or even as an executive toy, they now (view, Present Simple) more objectively by the companies that buy them in quantity.

Помогите сделать задание по английскому))

Make the sentences passive.
1)The speaker told the audience about the latest news.
2)Russia was the first country to launch the manned space ship.
3)C. Columbus discovered America 200 years ago.
4)We had done the work by the time they came home.
5)She wrote a letter to her sister in England and read it to us.
6)The farmers had picked up the crops before autumn came.
7)A man followed us from the railway station.
8)The workers built a new factory in the suburds of the city.
9)We didn`t notine the car because it was dark.
10)Our granny had cooked the cake by the time the guests came.

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