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Помогите решить задание по английскому языку

10-11 класс

Qwertys290714 19 дек. 2014 г., 18:44:14 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 дек. 2014 г., 21:08:05 (9 лет назад)

1) be cleaned
2) не видно
3) is seen
4) wasn't injured
5)is found


Другие вопросы из категории

Помоги,пожалуйста!!! Проверьте ошибки.

Dima and Lisa arrived at the camp. There they took mobile phones and shared. Lisa settled in the house of the Cherokee. When Lisa stood near the door, she heard two voices, who did not want her to podselyali new girl.

Помогите пожалуйста!

Вставьте предлоги направления
1. He was sitting with his feet ___ the fire.
2. We walked ___ the corner and saw the lost cat.
3. She was sitting with the back turned ___ the window.
4. Three men pulled the cart ___ the ditch.
5. You can't talk to Mr. Green today. He is ___ town this week.
6. I enjoy looking ___ the window and wath the people in the street.
7. The cat got ___ the house ___ the window.

Restore the questions(составить правильно вопросы)

mike and Jane are talking about Man's friend Maria
j.No, Maria doesn't study at me college.She is an ol friend of mine .
M .12.......
j.She is computer programmer and she is living in the US A at. the moment.
M 13 .....
J.She is working for a big company there .
J.We write letters to each other every week .
J.This Tuesday
там где точки должны быть правильно доставленные вопросы

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста срочно надо решить задания по английскому языку

Read and complete
1) A: I need some postcards. Where.............I buy them?
B: You can buy them at the .......................
2) A: ........................can we buy at Chemist's?
B: .................................................................
3)A: What .................................they sell at greengrocer's?
B: They sell ................................................
4)A: Can I buy any youghurt at the ......................................?
B: Yes, you can

Помогите решить задание по английскому Test "Find the name of the leading person"

A TV programme
A shop
A shool
A college
The goverening party
An orchestra
A Republic
A hospital
A football team
A monastery
К ним слова
Prime Minister

Do you know The UK ?
1. What is the offical launge obb

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