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напишите пожалуйста топик по английскому языку с переводом на тему : загрязнение окружающей среды) заранее огроомное спасибо

10-11 класс

Arsen0011 09 июля 2013 г., 22:33:40 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 июля 2013 г., 0:34:35 (10 лет назад)

It's very difficult to describe enviromental situation in the world nowadays.But I'll try.

I think that the main problem is pollution. There are many different kinds of pollution: air pollution, land pollution, water pollution. Actually, because of pollution there are so many problems like the greenhouse effect, the ozone hole, acid rains, etc. Pollution is caused by people who don't care about enviroment, about their children's future and by people who just want toprofit from natural resourses.
Second problem is lack of recycling. The government don't pay attention to this problem. Of course, there are many recycling centers in big cities, but what about little towns?
The third problem is endagered animals. There are a lot of fashion victims (especially the young women), and they want to look succeful and more gorgeous than the other women.


I want to give you some useful tips.

First of all, we shouldn't drop litter, bring cans, bottles, etc. to the local recycling centre. We should use string bags instead of plastig bags. Government must build new recycling centres.

From my point of view, recycling centres must be in every city or town.
Buy only thing you really need and avoid buying packaged goods.

People shoul give up smoking, use bicycles instead of cars.

The young women should try to avoid buying fur coats. Join Greenpeace or Friends of The Earth.


To sum up, there are many enviromental problems and their solutions. Preventing the conflict between the Earth and people is still possible. We just should try to do everything we are able to. If we don't follow that tips, our world and our lifes are in real danger. Such horrible diseases like AIDS or cancer will progress.


Вот, писала сама :з Думаю, перевести можно и с помощью переводчика, извините, у меня действительно нет времени)

Не раскрыла таких тем как озоновая дыра, кислотные дожди боле подробно, но если это не формат ЕГЭ/ГИА, то все должно быть неплохо)


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Scientist from different countries stay here for short periods of time.Usually they live in special stations.
There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica.They are called penguins.They are quite big birs but they can t fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and divers. While the penguins mums spend the winter at sea,their dads take care of the eggse for nine weeks.During this time they don t eat or drink.For extra warmth children out of the cold air and wind.
The blue whale lives in Antarctinca too. It is the largest animal in the world. But I will write you about them in my next story.
Send your letters to our magazine.Ask me as many questions as you can ans I II try to answer

Перевести стихотворение, но чтобы оно осталось с рифмой Valentine Senses

If I were a streetlamp, I'd light up the night
Whenever my sweetheart--that's you--came in sight.
If I were a candle, I'd light up the room,
Inhaling your body's delightful perfume.
If I were a chair where you happened to sit,
All of my senses would just throw a fit,
Because where you'd touch me, you'd set me afire,
You're hot, and you burn me with love and desire.
All of my senses--sight, smell and touch
Are screaming at me: "I love you so much!"
My feelings are potent, and I want you to know
The more that I know you, the stronger they grow.
I'm begging you, please, to tell me you're mine
My luscious, my perfect, my sweet Valentine.

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easily/learnt/the language /hi

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