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Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlinded verbs into the passive. Make any other changes necessary. Примеры. 1. They should have given us this

10-11 класс

information ages ago. This information should

Мишка666 09 июня 2013 г., 22:55:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 июня 2013 г., 0:39:01 (10 лет назад)

They should have given us this information ages ago.
This information should have been given us by them ages ago.


Другие вопросы из категории

Deark Kids. Here is the story I promised to write to you.Imagine a lot of snow,ice,sun and cold all in one place.it s called Antarctita!And it is the

coldest part of the coldest part of the world.It is also the heghest and the windest.There are a lot of mountains and icebergs in Antarctita. Do you know what icerbergs are like?They are a lot of mountains and beautiful pieces of ice like mountains made from giass and snow.
Scientist from different countries stay here for short periods of time.Usually they live in special stations.
There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica.They are called penguins.They are quite big birs but they can t fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and divers. While the penguins mums spend the winter at sea,their dads take care of the eggse for nine weeks.During this time they don t eat or drink.For extra warmth children out of the cold air and wind.
The blue whale lives in Antarctinca too. It is the largest animal in the world. But I will write you about them in my next story.
Send your letters to our magazine.Ask me as many questions as you can ans I II try to answer

Перевести стихотворение, но чтобы оно осталось с рифмой Valentine Senses

If I were a streetlamp, I'd light up the night
Whenever my sweetheart--that's you--came in sight.
If I were a candle, I'd light up the room,
Inhaling your body's delightful perfume.
If I were a chair where you happened to sit,
All of my senses would just throw a fit,
Because where you'd touch me, you'd set me afire,
You're hot, and you burn me with love and desire.
All of my senses--sight, smell and touch
Are screaming at me: "I love you so much!"
My feelings are potent, and I want you to know
The more that I know you, the stronger they grow.
I'm begging you, please, to tell me you're mine
My luscious, my perfect, my sweet Valentine.

помогите составить предложения

easily/learnt/the language /hi


срочно нужно ответить на вопросы,помогите пожалуйста.
1)what are the jobs in the pictures?
2)which qualities do you need for each job?

Читайте также

Ex.4 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.1. She was nervous as she fe

Ex.4 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1. She was nervous as she felt someone was looking at her. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. It’s a shame, but he is so stupid that we always laugh at him.



3. People spend a lot of money on food.



4. Are they washing the car?



5. People often refer to his discoveries.



6. They gave him a watch when he retired.



7. They offered to help him.



8. They explained the rule to me.



9. They have offered him a job.



complete the sentences, putting thr verbs into the correct form: 1. If I ( to live ) in Moscow, I ( to visit

) the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

2. If she ( to know ) English, she ( to try ) to enter the university.

3. If mother ( to buy ) a cake, we ( to have ) a very nice tea part.

Помогите пожалуйста, нуу очень надо))))Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentenПомогите пожалуйста, нуу очень надо))))

Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences, making the words in brackets plural.
1. The book recounts the (crisis)of the post-war period.
2. The ships were unloading their (cargo)on the(wharf).
3. Many people think that (parent-in-law)are potentially a nuisance.
4. Poisonous (gas) were being discharged from the exhaust pipes of the (bus).
5. He arranged that his books should contain detailed (index).
6. The eyes are sometimes (index) of character.
7. Shakespearean (hero)are generally the victims of circumstances.
8. (A mouse) can sometimes take the cheese without being caught in the (mousetrap).
9. Highly-coloured (fungus) were growing near the base of the tree.10. He wished to place certain (memorandum) before the committee.
11. He agreed that these were strange (phenomenon).
12. We cannot proceed on such unlikely (hypothesis).
13. (A serviceman) found guilty of desertion of duty are tried by (court martial).
14. The new (syllabus) will be drawn up according to different (criterion).
15. Television and newspapers are the mass (medium) of advertising.
16. The (thief) broke into the shop without attracting the attention of (passer-by).
17. Piano (solo) will be played by John Smith.
18. The police called for (eyewitness) to come forward and give evidence.
19. The accused (man) had carefully prepared what appeared to be good (alibi).
20. University (faculty) expect to receive complete(thesis) by the beginning of June.

Put the sentences into the interrogative and negative forms

1. Animals and plants live under different conditions
2. Life exist in many places in the world
3. Biologists have made a great contribution to scince
4. A knowledge of biology will help you to keep healthy
5. Biologists control many diseases
6. Some animals can exist under the immense pressure of the deep seas
7. Scientific methods of farming have given us much more food

Помогите ребят пожалуйста!!!очень срочно!!! Camplete the sentences. 1)If it does not stop raining... . 2)If you had taken my advice ... . 3)I would find th

is shop Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1)Mother said to Mary:"Don't forget to take umbrella.It is going to rain" 2)Victor said to me :"Did you answer all the questions?" 3)Ted said :"What do you want for dessert,Kate?"

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