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3 a.m. i have been forced to complain about the noise coming from the nurses home. I am sick of listening to nurses and off-duty policemen cavorting

10-11 класс

(jumping excitedly) around the grounds dressed as witches and wizards. I am joining BUPA -(Private health treatment is better than the nhs) as soon as they;ll have me.

Преведите пожалуйста

только со смыслом

Blackwolf666 30 окт. 2014 г., 14:54:50 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 окт. 2014 г., 16:37:27 (9 лет назад)

3 часа ночи я был вынужден пожаловаться на шум, исходящий от медсестер дома. Я устал слушать медсестер и дежурство полицейских, прыгающих (прыжки возбужденно) по основаниям, одетых, как ведьм и колдунов. Я присоединяюсь к BUPA -(Частное медицинское лечение лучше, чем nhs), как только они;придется мне. 

незнаю как получилось






Другие вопросы из категории


III.Выберете притяжательное или
личное местоимение в зависимости от

Определите время глагола-сказуемого. 1. The new teacher was being waited for when the director came into the teachers' room. 2. The school mistress was

leaving the school when a man came up to her. 3. A new school will soon be built for the children of our district. 4. The music school was still being built in our street when I came - 64 -back from the army. 5. Some members of the British Parliament seemed asleep; others were talking to those who were sitting next to them. Members were coming in and out all the time and the bill was still being discussed. 6. The bell rang up but the texts were still being translated. 7. While an electric current is flowing, the wire is being heated. 8. This house was made of wood. 9. The delegation will be met at the station. 10. Peter was told to come near the table and sit down. 11. We have been told that he lives in Moscow. 12. My friend was offered a job at a mine. 13. A new film was being shown when we came to the cinema. 14. The house has been reconstructed this year. 15. The report will be followed by a discussion. 16. The book was looked for everywhere. 17. He was interested in these events. 18. They were solving a problem when I entered the room. 19. We have seen this film this week. 20. We saw this film yesterday. 21. My father has been working at the mine for 25 years. 22. This report has been listened to with great attention. 23. I must go as I am being waited for

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно с утра зачет по Английскому.

"A young lady went to a clothes shop last week."

1. Перевести предложение
2.Подчеркнуть подлежащие и сказуемое
3.Определить в каком времени сказуемое
4.Сделать предложение в отрицательной форме
5.Составить 5 вопросов к предложению

Если можно как можно быстрее, очень буду благодарен!

Нужен перевод на английский:

Закрытие олимпийских игр.

Читайте также

Ребят помогите с английским нужно вставить for или since 1)I have been studying in this school_____ the 1st grade. 2)I have lived in the

city ____10 years

3)_____I passed to the 10th grade i have been trying to study

4)Jim has been my best friend_____ 5 years,______ the art club

When I______(to watch) TV, my brother______(to break) my computer. While she______(to complain) about the noise, he____(to switch) on the


поставить в правильную форму

переведите пожалуйста. 1) Having been counted, the children started to board the plane. 2) Having been sold, the dress was removed from the

window. 3) Having lived in a little village all his life, he found his daughter's city flat too noisy. 4) She closed the door, having left the key in the room. 5) Having been invited to the party, the girls spent all weekend getting ready. 6) Having read the book befor, he decided not to buy it.

я не понимаю почему в предложении many guests have been invited to my birthday party today.Ответ when have many guests been invited to my birthday party ?

а в в этом two new contracts have been signed this week .Ответ when were two new contracts signed ?. почему в первом предложении используем have а во втором were

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения: 1. We have been invited to dinner. 2. When she came, the problem of unemployment was

still being discussed.

3. A new road round Khabarovsk will be built soon.

4. All invitations will have been sent up by 5 o'clock.

5. Five workers were employed by them.

6. This experienced employee can be relied on.

7. The right job is being looked for by graduates now.

8. The better results would be achieved if you worked hard.

9. The resume must be written by him.

10. The invitation should be accepted by you.

11.All management functions cannot be performed properly by one person. 12.Official reports will have been discussed by the end of the next month.

13. All the jobs requiring skills are groupped together.

14. Each applicant will be asked by the manager tomorrow

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