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Is the fashion important for you?

10-11 класс

CodieFL 03 нояб. 2014 г., 2:18:19 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 нояб. 2014 г., 2:59:29 (9 лет назад)

Действительно ли мода важна для Вас?


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3 a.m. i have been forced to complain about the noise coming from the nurses home. I am sick of listening to nurses and off-duty policemen cavorting

(jumping excitedly) around the grounds dressed as witches and wizards. I am joining BUPA -(Private health treatment is better than the nhs) as soon as they;ll have me.

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только со смыслом


III.Выберете притяжательное или
личное местоимение в зависимости от

Определите время глагола-сказуемого. 1. The new teacher was being waited for when the director came into the teachers' room. 2. The school mistress was

leaving the school when a man came up to her. 3. A new school will soon be built for the children of our district. 4. The music school was still being built in our street when I came - 64 -back from the army. 5. Some members of the British Parliament seemed asleep; others were talking to those who were sitting next to them. Members were coming in and out all the time and the bill was still being discussed. 6. The bell rang up but the texts were still being translated. 7. While an electric current is flowing, the wire is being heated. 8. This house was made of wood. 9. The delegation will be met at the station. 10. Peter was told to come near the table and sit down. 11. We have been told that he lives in Moscow. 12. My friend was offered a job at a mine. 13. A new film was being shown when we came to the cinema. 14. The house has been reconstructed this year. 15. The report will be followed by a discussion. 16. The book was looked for everywhere. 17. He was interested in these events. 18. They were solving a problem when I entered the room. 19. We have seen this film this week. 20. We saw this film yesterday. 21. My father has been working at the mine for 25 years. 22. This report has been listened to with great attention. 23. I must go as I am being waited for

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно с утра зачет по Английскому.

"A young lady went to a clothes shop last week."

1. Перевести предложение
2.Подчеркнуть подлежащие и сказуемое
3.Определить в каком времени сказуемое
4.Сделать предложение в отрицательной форме
5.Составить 5 вопросов к предложению

Если можно как можно быстрее, очень буду благодарен!

Читайте также

Здравствуйте, пожалуйста помогите написать сочинение-ответ на следующее письмо: Last summer my parents and i went hiking to the mountains. We spent the

whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why? Last mounth our English class got an interesting project. we wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country... Write a letter to Tom in your letter: answer his questions ask 3 questions about his progect paper

Здравствуйте, пожалуйста помогите написать сочинение-ответ на следующее письмо: Last summer my parents and i went hiking to the mountains. We spe

nt the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why? Last mounth our English class got an interesting project. we wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country...

Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму по образцу:

Образец: The man is waiting for you.
Is the man waiting for you?
The man is not waiting for you.

1)The children are playing in the garden.
2) The people are hurrying to the stadium to see the football match.
3) Mary is doing her lessons now.
4) His parents are leaving next week.
5) The students of group 5 are writing a test.
6) The family are having dinner now.
7) Mr. Black is speaking over the telephone now.
8) The leaves are falling from the trees.
10) It is getting very cold.
11) They are travelling in America now.
12) Helen is doing well in her studies.

Physical activity is very important for a healthy lifestyle, and it's difficult to be fit if you don't do any. However, it's always better to do some

exercise than none at all. Here are some simple tips for you.
Eat smaller portions
You don't have to give up all your favourite food, but you'll have to eat less bread, sugar and fat. Take a smaller plate and put less food on it. But don't skip meals. It won't do you any good. Don't eat less fruit and vegetables. They are always good for you.
Concentrate on your food
Don't read or watch TV when you eat. Put your knife and fork down and chew your food slowly and carefully. You'll feel full sooner and won't eat so much.

Have healthy snacks
Forget about high-fat, high-calorie snacks: cookies, potato chips and soda. Make your own sandwiches with meat and vegetables. Drink water or juice instead of Coke and lemonade. Have an apple instead of a hot dog.
Drink a lot of water
Your body needs a lot of water. Drink at least two litres of water every day. Tea and coffee don't count!
Don't eat after 7 p.m.
Have your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed.
b) There are hundreds of adverts for wonder pills and magic drinks-which promise to make you thin, but do they actually work? The answer is no. Most of them aren't safe either. If you take them, you can sometimes be putting your health in danger. They can cause headaches, high blood pressure and many other problems.
c) There is no magic diet plan to help you become thin. Anybody who promises you that is telling you a lie. You can go on a very strict
diet of fewer than 600 calories a day for a week or two and lose weight, but you won't be happy with the result. A diet like this will leave you feeling weak and give you headaches, bad breath and bad skin. When you finish it, the weight will come back quickly. You could even gain some excess weight. As a result you'll look and feel miserable.
d) It's not necessary to diet if you eat properly and make sure you have a lot
of vegetables and fruit every day. But if you live in a region where it's difficult to get them, you should take multivitamins.
e) Not all of them are. Some juices contain a lot of sugar, which is bad for your teeth. When you buy juice read the information on the box. There must be no added sugar in it. As an alternative just have an apple or a carrot. They are better for you than any juice.
f) Everything you do - smiling, talking, reading - burns calories. But if you want to be fit, you'll have to do more. Do some exercise in the morning or in the afternoon every day: ride a bicycle, go swimming or jogging, wash the floors in your home or walk the dog. Everything counts!
g) A serving is a small portion of food.
one serving of grains = one slice of bread or one spoonful of rice, cereal or pasta
one serving of fruit = one piece of any fruit
one serving of vegetables = one potato, two spoonfuls of corn
one serving of dairy products = one yoghurt, one piece of cheese
one serving of meat / fish = one small piece of meat or fish переведите пожалуйста

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